Monday, September 5, 2022

Hate cancer? Consider donating.

I suspect that almost everyone reading this has experienced first-hand the horror that cancer brings to a family.  I watched my mother die of cancer a few years ago, and it was devastating.  And before that, both of my grandfathers died from cancer.  But if there is anything worse than watching a loved one with cancer, I have to imagine that it must be a watching a loved one who is a child with cancer.  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has been researching cures and means of prevention for pediatric cancer since before I was born.  St. Jude has more cancer clinical trials than any other children’s hospital.  And when children are treated at St. Jude's, there is no cost to the family, which is amazing because goodness knows that the family has had to endure countless other economic and emotional costs as a result of a child with cancer. For many years, I've donated to St. Jude during September as a part of a fundraising campaign run by the Relay FM podcast network, home of many of my favorite podcasts such as Automators, Clockwise, Connected, Downstream, Liftoff, Mac Power Users, Rocket, and Upgrade.  Many of those podcasts address technology topics, and the information that I learn from those podcasts frequently becomes a part of what I do here on iPhone J.D. This year, Relay FM has asked folks in the Relay FM community to help with the fundraising effort, so I have created a fundraising page.  Simply go to the page, click the big green DONATE button, and donate any amount.  It just takes a few seconds and could not be easier.   You will be helping families who are directly affected by childhood cancer now, and you will be helping to find a cure for cancer in the future. Cancer is horrible.  But by contributing to this fundraising campaign, you can do something about it.  I just made a donation, and I hope that you will do so too.


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