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Sunday, July 30, 2023

U.S. Set to Curb Tech Investments in China, Prioritizing National Security and Economic Competitiveness



As the geopolitical landscape continues to evolve, the U.S.-China relationship has emerged as a central point of concern for policymakers and business leaders worldwide. Acknowledging the strategic importance of critical U.S. technology, President Joe Biden is reportedly planning to sign an executive order aimed at curbing American tech investments in China. The order’s primary targets include semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing, three key sectors that hold the potential to shape the future of global technology and security. This report delves into the implications, motivations, and potential consequences of this significant policy decision.

Overview of the Executive Order

According to Bloomberg news reports, President Biden intends to sign an executive order by mid-August, limiting critical U.S. technology investments in China. The focus areas of the order are semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. Notably, this order seeks to prevent certain transactions without affecting existing investments. This move comes amid rising concerns over China’s technological advancements and its impact on U.S. national security and competitiveness.

Motivations Behind the Order

1. National Security Concerns: One of the primary motivations behind the executive order is safeguarding national security interests. Semiconductors, AI, and quantum computing are pivotal in modern defense systems, communication networks, and critical infrastructure. Limiting China’s access to these technologies is seen as a measure to mitigate potential security risks and protect sensitive data and technologies.

2. Economic Competitiveness: The order aims to preserve and strengthen the competitive edge of American tech companies. By restricting investments in China, the U.S. seeks to maintain its position as a global leader in these cutting-edge industries. This move could also incentivize further domestic research and development in advanced technologies.

3. Addressing Intellectual Property Concerns: China has been accused of intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer from foreign companies. Restricting technology investments may serve as a deterrent and compel China to address concerns surrounding intellectual property rights.

Potential Implications

1. Impact on U.S. Companies: American tech companies that rely on the Chinese market may face challenges due to restricted investments. They could encounter obstacles in accessing the vast consumer base in China, potentially affecting their revenue streams and market shares.

2. Geopolitical Tensions: The executive order could further escalate tensions between the U.S. and China. As both nations are critical players in the global economy, any measures restricting trade and investment could have far-reaching consequences for the international community.

3. Opportunities for Other Nations: While the order is designed to limit China’s tech ambitions, it could also create opportunities for other countries to fill the void left by U.S. companies. Nations with competitive technology sectors may benefit from increased investment interest and partnerships.

4. Global Technology Ecosystem: The order may have ripple effects on the global technology ecosystem. Collaborative projects involving U.S. and Chinese companies in areas like AI and quantum computing could face disruptions, potentially stalling progress in key areas of research.


President Biden’s planned executive order represents a significant step in the evolving dynamics of the U.S.-China relationship. By focusing on semiconductors, AI, and quantum computing, the U.S. government aims to safeguard national security, bolster economic competitiveness, and address concerns related to intellectual property rights. However, the order’s implementation could have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only American tech companies but also the broader global technology landscape. As the world watches this development, the key challenge lies in striking a balance between national security interests and international cooperation in the realm of technology.

President Biden intends to sign this executive order by mid-August, limiting critical U.S. technology investments in China. The focus areas of the order are semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. Notably, this order seeks to prevent certain transactions without affecting existing investments. This move comes amid rising concerns over China’s technological advancements and its impact on U.S. national security and competitiveness.

The post U.S. Set to Curb Tech Investments in China, Prioritizing National Security and Economic Competitiveness appeared first on TechStory.

How to program chamberlain garage door opener

Chamberlain carport entryway openers are prestigious for their unwavering quality, accommodation, and security highlights. Programming these high level gadgets might appear to be scaring, yet with the right information and approach, it turns into a clear interaction. In this article, we will direct you through the moves toward program your Chamberlain carport entryway opener, guaranteeing bother free admittance to your carport.

How to Program Chamberlain's Universal Remote Control Model KLIK3U to a Garage Door Opener - YouTube
Source: YouTube

Stage 1: Read the Manual

Prior to beginning the programming system, painstakingly read the proprietor’s manual gave your Chamberlain carport entryway opener. Each model might have slight varieties in programming steps and highlights. Understanding the particular directions for your model will ensure a consistent programming experience.

Stage 2: Recognize the Programming Button

Most Chamberlain carport entryway openers have a “Learn” or “Program” button situated on the engine unit close to the radio wire. This button is fundamental for starting the programming mode and associating your controller to the opener.

Stage 3: Clear Existing Codes

To guarantee a fresh start for writing computer programs, cleaning any current codes off of the opener’s memory is prudent. Press and hold the “Learn” or “Program” button until the pointer light close to it switches off. This activity eradicates all recently put away codes.

Stage 4: Pick the Controller

Conclude which controller you need to program. It very well may be the first distant that accompanied the carport entryway opener or another one viable with your particular model. In the event that it’s another remote, ensure it is Chamberlain-endorsed to guarantee similarity.

Stage 5: Enter Programming Mode

To enter programming mode, press and delivery the “Learn” or “Program” button on the engine unit. The marker light will enlighten, showing that the opener is prepared to gain proficiency with the new remote’s code.

Stage 6: Program the Controller

In something like 30 seconds of actuating the programming mode, press and hold the button on the controller you wish to utilize. Continue to hold the button until the carport entryway opener’s lights blaze or you hear a clicking sound. This affirms that the writing computer programs was fruitful.

Stage 7: Test the Controller

In the wake of programming the remote, test it to guarantee it works the carport entryway easily. Stand inside a sensible reach from the opener and press the customized button. on the off chance that it doesn’t, rehash the programming steps cautiously.

Stage 8: Rehash for Numerous Controllers (If Appropriate)

On the off chance that you have extra controllers or keyless passage frameworks to program, rehash stages 5 to 7 for every gadget. Chamberlain carport entryway openers can generally store different remote codes, making it helpful for different relatives or vehicles to get to the carport.

Stage 9: Program Homelink (If Pertinent)

In the event that your vehicle is outfitted with a HomeLink framework, you can likewise program it to work the Chamberlain carport entryway opener. The interaction differs relying upon the vehicle and opener model, so allude to the vehicle’s proprietor’s manual and the carport entryway opener’s manual for explicit guidelines.


All in all, programming your Chamberlain carport entryway opener is a direct cycle that starts with figuring out the particular guidelines in the proprietor’s manual. By distinguishing the programming button, clearing existing codes, and following the bit by bit guide for programming the controller, you can guarantee consistent admittance to your carport. Furthermore, for various controllers or keyless section frameworks, rehash the interaction on a case by case basis. If appropriate, program the HomeLink framework in your vehicle by alluding to the particular manuals for exact guidelines. Following these means will empower you to partake in the accommodation and security presented by your Chamberlain carport entryway opener.

Programming your Chamberlain carport entryway opener is a sensible errand that guarantees secure and effective admittance to your carport. By following the bit by bit guide in your proprietor’s manual and the directions gave in this article, you can undoubtedly set up your controller and other section frameworks. Appropriately customized controllers add accommodation to your everyday existence and upgrade the security of your home. Make sure to counsel the manuals for investigating tips or extra highlights that your particular model could offer. With a customized Chamberlain carport entryway opener, you can appreciate smooth and bother free admittance to your carport with simply a press of a button.

The post How to program chamberlain garage door opener appeared first on TechStory.

How to rename apps on iphone


The iPhone’s sleek design and intuitive interface make it one of the most popular smartphones in the world. While its default app names are often descriptive and straightforward, some users might prefer a personalized touch to enhance their mobile experience. Renaming apps on your iPhone can help you organize your home screen, make it more aesthetically pleasing, and improve accessibility. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to rename apps on your iPhone.

How to Change App Icons on Your iPhone's Home Screen - MacRumors
Source: MacRumors

Step 1: Long-Press on the App Icon

To begin, find the app that you wish to rename on your iPhone’s home screen. Press and hold your finger on the app icon until the icons start jiggling. This indicates that you’ve entered the editing mode.

Step 2: Tap the “Rename” Option

Once the app icons are jiggling, a small “x” will appear on the top left corner of each app. However, instead of tapping the “x” to delete the app, press on the app icon again without releasing your finger. A text box with the current app name will pop up.

Step 3: Enter the New Name

After the text box appears, you can delete the existing name by tapping the “x” icon within the text box. Next, enter the desired name for the app using the virtual keyboard. Remember that the name should be unique and should not clash with any other app names to avoid confusion.

Step 4: Tap “Done” to Confirm

Once you’ve entered the new app name, tap the “Done” button on the virtual keyboard to confirm the change. The app icon will now display the newly assigned name on your home screen.

Step 5: Rearrange Your Apps (Optional)

If you’ve renamed multiple apps and wish to further customize your home screen, you can rearrange the icons to create a more organized layout. Simply press and hold an app icon, then drag it to the desired location. Place related apps together in folders or group them according to your preferences.

Step 6: Exit Editing Mode

To finalize the changes and exit the editing mode, press the home button or swipe up from the bottom (for iPhones without a home button). Your app icons will stop jiggling, and your renamed apps will be ready for use.

Step 7: Restart Your iPhone (Optional)

If you encounter any issues with the newly renamed apps, it might be beneficial to restart your iPhone. This can help refresh the system and ensure that the changes are fully integrated.


Personalizing your iPhone by renaming apps can significantly improve your mobile experience. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily and efficiently rename your apps to suit your style and organizational preferences. Remember, renaming apps is entirely reversible, allowing you to experiment and fine-tune your home screen until it matches your vision perfectly. So, don’t hesitate to give it a try and create a unique and aesthetically pleasing iPhone interface that reflects your personality and enhances your daily interactions with your device.

The post How to rename apps on iphone appeared first on TechStory.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Twitter’s Iconic Blue Bird Bows Out as ‘X’ App Takes Over

The identity of the old Twitter is fading away as Elon Musk’s owned social networking app completes its transition from the blue bird Twitter to the new “X” app. On Friday, the logo change was observed on almost all mobile phones with Twitter installed, replacing the familiar blue or white bird with the “X.”

Earlier this month, Elon Musk announced that Twitter would undergo a rebranding, transforming into “X.” He recently shared a video on his Twitter feed, showcasing a large glowing “X” logo atop a building, further solidifying the transition.

In 2022, Elon Musk acquired Twitter in a monumental $44 billion deal and initiated significant transformations within the social media company. One of his initial moves was dismissing all senior top management to take on the role of CEO himself. Under his leadership, Twitter underwent various changes that altered its fundamental working principles.

The latest development in this series of changes is the rebranding from the iconic blue bird to the new “X,” which aligns with Musk’s vision of building a super app.

While the URL remains unchanged, is also operational, automatically redirecting users to the Twitter website.

Reports suggest that the new logo for the X App was crafted by a devoted fan of Elon Musk. Musk himself had previously shared a video showcasing the design of the “X” on his Twitter feed. The company’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, also confirmed the rebranding of the social network company.

Despite Elon Musk’s enthusiasm about the rebranding, certain officials from the building safety department in the city where Twitter’s headquarters are located are not as pleased. On Friday, the department filed two active complaints, citing “Structure on roof without permit” and “Unsafe sign” at the address of X’s headquarters.

Market analysts have expressed reservations about Elon Musk’s decision to retire the old Twitter blue bird brand in favor of the new “X” brand, fearing it might impact the company’s goodwill. Although there are valid concerns, the actual effect of the rebranding on how other companies perceive the new “X” is yet to be determined.We’ll have to wait and observe how the transition unfolds in the business landscape.

It’s important to highlight that there has been a significant decrease in Twitter’s revenue since Elon Musk took over and turned the company into a private entity. Advertising revenues, which constitute a major part of Twitter’s income, experienced a rapid decline as brands were hesitant to associate with the platform due to uncertainties surrounding its future under Musk’s ownership.

The future holds the answer to whether the rebranding of Elon Musk’s social media app will be beneficial for its success.

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X Surpasses 541 Million Monthly Users Amid Organizational Changes and Revenue Challenges

With more than 541 million monthly users, X, once known as Twitter, has accomplished an incredible feat. This increase in customer involvement occurs just as the business is undergoing significant organizational changes targeted at increasing its advertising revenue, which is a critical time for the business. X is facing difficulties like diminishing advertising revenue and a high debt burden despite impressive user growth and strategic decisions made while under Elon Musk’s control. The recent events at X are examined, along with the effects of the company’s decisions, and any prospective repercussions for the other companies involved.

Elon Musk's Twitter account

Credits: Business Today

X’s Rise to Prominence and Recent Milestone:

Swift corporate and product changes have been a feature of X’s journey from being Twitter to being a dominant social media network under Elon Musk’s control. The recent revelation that X had crossed 541 million monthly users, indicating a significant increase in user engagement, served to highlight this change. The platform’s leadership has made a point of showcasing its market position, particularly in the face of fierce rivalry from Threads by Meta Platforms, a recent direct opponent.

Organizational Changes to Enhance Advertising Revenue:

X has made significant organizational changes in reaction to a drop in advertising revenue in recent months. These steps are being taken to support its ad income streams and guarantee long-term growth and profitability. One of the noteworthy actions was the conversion of the verified blue tick, which was formerly used as a sign of legitimacy, into a user-pays service. This change demonstrates the company’s readiness to experiment with new monetization techniques while offering users more advantages.

Emphasis on Ad Sales and Subscription Model:

The hiring of Linda Yaccarino, a former executive in charge of NBCUniversal’s advertising, as CEO of X in May underscores the company’s emphasis on boosting ad sales. Yaccarino is well-positioned to help the platform’s income grow because to her experience and history in the advertising sector. At the same time, X is investigating subscription models as a way to diversify its revenue streams and potentially increase both its financial stability and user advantages.

Impact of X’s Decisions on Advertising Revenue:

Elon Musk recently revealed that the platform’s financial flow has been badly impacted by a significant reduction of roughly 50% in advertising revenue, despite X’s efforts to overhaul its strategy and increase ad revenue. There is opportunity for speculation because the precise causes of this reduction have not been made public. Changes in ad algorithms, modifications in user behavior, or difficulties in luring advertisers to the platform are all potential causes of the revenue decline.

Challenges of Debt Burden:

In addition to the decline in advertising revenue, X is struggling under a heavy debt load. The specifics of the indebtedness are still unknown, but the company’s capacity to extend its services, hire new staff, or engage in innovation may be hampered by this financial issue. The leadership of X will probably prioritize addressing the debt problem as they work to achieve sustainable growth.

Positive Outlook for Content Creators:

The revenue-sharing arrangement used by X with a restricted group of platform content creators is an advantage of the strategy. This action enables content producers to profit from ad sales, giving them an incentive to create interesting and worthwhile material. X may be able to improve the appeal of its platform and solidify its position as a content-driven social media platform by supporting the creative community.


Under Elon Musk’s leadership, X has evolved from a Twitter competitor to a dominant social media site with over 541 million monthly users. The company has shown a dedication to promoting growth and profitability through its proactive approach to organizational changes, concentration on boosting ad sales, and exploration of subscription models. However, issues like dwindling ad revenue and a huge debt load necessitate attention and creative problem-solving. X can set itself up for long-term success in the cutthroat social media market by thoughtfully addressing these issues and supporting its community of content creators. The choices chosen by X will unquestionably have a significant effect on the business, its rivals, and the larger digital advertising sector.

The post X Surpasses 541 Million Monthly Users Amid Organizational Changes and Revenue Challenges appeared first on TechStory.

How To Get Revives in Pokemon GO A guide on Getting Revives in Pokemon GO

In the captivating realm of Pokemon GO, Revives and Max Revives serve as vital resources for conquering raids, gyms, and the notorious Team GO Rocket members. These precious healing items act as a lifeline for your Pokemon team when they are battered or fainted. This comprehensive guide will explore various methods to procure Revives and Max Revives, ensuring you have a thriving roster of Pokemon for both PvP and PvE encounters.

Credits – CharlieIntel

Understanding How Revives and Max Revives Work

Revives and Max Revives share the common purpose of reviving fainted Pokemon, but they differ significantly in their effects. A Revive will bring your Pokemon back to consciousness but only partially heal them. On the other hand, a Max Revive fully restores a previously injured Pokemon, giving them a fresh start for the next battle.

Following are all the ways to get Reives and Max Revives:

Levelling Up

As you progress through the ranks, leveling up in Pokemon GO rewards you with a plethora of valuable items, including an abundance of Revives and Max Revives. From levels 5 to 29, Revives are bestowed upon trainers, while levels 30 to 40 grant the coveted Max Revives. Gaining experience points (XP) is the key to levelling up, and you can achieve this by completing various tasks such as capturing and evolving Pokemon, hatching eggs, and interacting with PokeStops.

Spinning PokeStops and Gyms

An excellent method to acquire Revives and Max Revives is by spinning the Photo Discs at PokeStops and Gyms. While there is no guarantee of receiving these healing items with every spin, visiting multiple PokeStops and Gyms during your gameplay session will significantly increase your chances of obtaining them. Don’t forget to explore different locations, as each one offers unique rewards.

Daily Free Box

Make it a habit to check the daily free box in Pokemon GO, as it presents an opportunity to receive Revives and other sought-after items as rewards. These free boxes often contain valuable resources that can aid you in your journey to becoming a Pokemon Master.

Raid Rewards

Participating in raids can be a challenging but highly rewarding experience. Not only do raids offer the potential to capture powerful Pokemon, but they also bestow players with various items, including Revives and Max Revives. Make an effort to engage in raids regularly, and with perseverance, you’ll amass a considerable collection of healing items.


Forge strong bonds with fellow trainers by exchanging gifts in Pokemon GO. Sending gifts to friends not only enhances your friendship level but also opens the door to receiving gifts in return. These gifts can contain a variety of items, including Revives and Max Revives. Remember to spin PokeStops and Gyms to acquire gifts to send to your friends.

Research Tasks

The game hosts unique events with Research Tasks that offer a plethora of rewards upon completion. To ensure a steady supply of Revives and Max Revives, review your unfinished Research Tasks and identify those that grant these healing items as rewards. Completing these tasks will guarantee the exact rewards you desire.


In conclusion, Revives and Max Revives play a crucial role in Pokemon GO, especially for players engaging in raids, gym battles, and Team GO Rocket encounters. These essential items are the only means to revive fainted Pokemon after challenging battles. To acquire them, trainers can level up, earning Revives from levels 5 to 29 and Max Revives from levels 30 to 40. Spinning PokeStops and Gyms also grants a chance to obtain these healing items, though not guaranteed. Moreover, participating in raids, opening gifts from friends, and completing specific Research Tasks offer additional opportunities to gather Revives and Max Revives, ensuring a well-stocked inventory for future battles.

The post How To Get Revives in Pokemon GO </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Getting Revives in Pokemon GO</span> appeared first on TechStory.

Friday, July 28, 2023

OpenAI’s Admission on AI-Generated Text Poses Challenges for the Internet and AI Models

As the race to advance generative AI technology gains momentum, one critical question looms large for the technology industry to address: how can we discern between AI-generated text and human-written text? With the emergence of powerful AI language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google Bard, and others, the ability to create convincing and valuable written content has become both a boon and a challenge. On the one hand, it accelerates and simplifies the process of writing software code, leading to increased efficiency. However, it also raises concerns about the proliferation of factual inaccuracies and misinformation, as AI-generated content may inadvertently propagate errors and lies.

Recognizing the significance of this issue, OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT and GPT-4, took a proactive step by introducing a solution in January: a “classifier to distinguish between text written by a human and text written by AIs from a variety of providers.”

This classifier serves as a foundational tool to help identify and differentiate between content created by human authors and that which originates from AI language models. By implementing such measures, the technology industry aims to mitigate potential challenges posed by AI-generated text and ensure that readers can make informed judgments about the authenticity and reliability of the information they encounter.

The Ongoing Battle for AI-generated Content Detection and Provenance Techniques

As AI advances and permeates various aspects of our lives, fostering transparency and accountability in AI-generated content will be crucial to fostering trust and confidence in this rapidly evolving field. Striking the right balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities for positive advancements while guarding against potential risks remains a vital objective for the technology community.

The company warned about the challenges of reliably detecting all AI-written text. However, OpenAI emphasized the importance of good classifiers in addressing various problematic situations. These include countering false claims that AI-generated text was authored by a human, preventing automated misinformation campaigns, and curbing the use of AI tools for academic cheating.

OpenAI's Admission on AI-Generated Text Poses Challenges for the Internet and AI Models
Credits: AI Generated

Unfortunately, less than seven months later, the project was terminated. In a recent blog post on July 20, 2023, OpenAI stated, “The AI classifier is no longer available due to its low accuracy rate. We are actively incorporating feedback and currently researching more effective provenance techniques for text.”

While AI advancements have been remarkable, there are still challenges in detecting AI-generated content. Startups like GPTZero are working on this issue, but OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, is renowned for its expertise in the AI domain.

The online information landscape becomes more problematic as the lines between AI and human writing blur. Some spammy websites are utilizing new AI models to generate automated content, leading to misinformation and even false claims like the one from Bloomberg regarding Biden’s status.

AI Model Collapse: Potential Consequences and Mitigation Strategies

Beyond the journalistic concerns, there’s a more troubling possibility for the AI industry known as “AI Model Collapse.” This scenario arises when tech companies inadvertently use AI-produced data to train new models. Researchers fear that such models may deteriorate as they become reliant on their own automated content, causing a cycle of degradation.

A group of AI researchers from prestigious universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, and Toronto have been studying what happens when GPT-style AI model-generated text, like GPT-4, dominates the training dataset for subsequent models.

“It has to be taken seriously if we are to sustain the benefits of training from large-scale data scraped from the web,” they wrote. “Indeed, the value of data collected about genuine human interactions with systems will be increasingly valuable in the presence of content generated by LLMs in data crawled from the Internet.”

Addressing the challenge of distinguishing between human-generated and machine-generated content on the internet is of utmost importance. OpenAI was approached via email to inquire about their AI text classifier and the implications of Model Collapse. In response, a spokesperson concisely stated: “We have nothing to add outside of the update outlined in our blog post.”

To determine whether the spokesperson was human or not, they received a light-hearted remark in reply: “Hahaha, yes, I am very much a human, appreciate you for checking in though” Thankfully, the friendly response confirmed their humanity.

The post OpenAI’s Admission on AI-Generated Text Poses Challenges for the Internet and AI Models appeared first on TechStory.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to download krowd on iphone

On the off chance that you love remaining associated and informed about your work environment plan, representative advantages, and other critical data, then Krowd is the application for you. Intended for representatives of Darden Cafés, Krowd gives a helpful stage to get to business-related subtleties in a hurry. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the basic course of downloading Krowd on your iPhone so you can remain coordinated and associated easily.

Download KrowD App for Employees - Darden Restaurants - KrowD Darden Login
Source: KrowD Darden

Stage 1: Visit the Application Store

To start the download interaction, tap on the Application Store symbol on your iPhone’s home screen. The Application Store is where you can find and download different applications, including Krowd.


Stage 2: Quest for Krowd

When you’re in the Application Store, find the pursuit bar at the highest point of the screen and type in Krowd.” The query items will show different applications, yet try to pick the authority Krowd application created by Darden Ideas, Inc.


Stage 3: Take a look at Similarities and Read Surveys

Before continuing with the download, take a look at the similarity of the application with your iPhone’s working framework. The application ought to be viable with your iPhone model and run iOS 10.0 or later. Furthermore, pause for a minute to peruse client surveys and evaluations to find out about other clients encounters with the application.


Stage 4: Tap Get and validate.

Whenever you’ve checked the application’s similarity and inspected client input, tap the Get button close to the Krowd application symbol. You might be incited to enter your Apple ID secret word or use Contact ID or Face ID to verify the download. This is to guarantee that main approved clients can introduce applications on the gadget.


Stage 5: Sit tight for Download and Establishment

In the wake of validating, the Krowd application will begin downloading and introducing on your iPhone naturally. The length of this interaction might fluctuate relying upon your web speed and the size of the application.


Stage 6: Open Krowd

When the establishment is finished, you can find the Krowd application symbol on your iPhone’s home screen.


Stage 7: Sign In or Register

To get to your business-related data, you’ll have to sign in to the Krowd application. Assuming that you as of now have a record, basically enter your login qualifications, which regularly incorporate your username and secret word. If you’re another client, adhere to the onscreen guidelines to make a record and register with Krowd.


Stage 8: Investigate Krowd’s Highlights

Congrats! You’ve effectively downloaded and signed in to the Krowd application on your iPhone. Presently, find the opportunity to investigate its different elements, for example, seeing your plan for getting work done, checking representative advantages, getting significant updates, and getting to organization news.



All in all, with Krowd on your iPhone, you currently have a helpful and proficient method for remaining associated and informed about your work environment. By following the basic advances illustrated in this aide, you can without much of a stretch download the authority Krowd application from the Application Store. Whether you’re checking your plan for getting work done, investigating representative advantages, or keeping awake to date with organizational news, Krowd gives an easy-to-understand stage to smooth out your business-related undertakings.


With its similarity with different iPhone models and natural connection points, Krowd guarantees that you can get to fundamental business-related data in a hurry. Embrace the advantages of this convenient application and partake in a consistent encounter remaining associated with your work environment. Keep coordinated and informed with Krowd, your solid ally for everything business related.


With Krowd on your iPhone, remaining associated with your working environment has never been more straightforward. In this blog, we’ve illustrated a clear bit-by-bit manual to help you download and introduce the Krowd application on your iPhone. Presently, you can get to your business-related data helpfully and never overlook anything. Anyway, what are you sitting tight for? Download Krowd today and appreciate consistent admittance to your work environment subtleties in a hurry!

The post How to download krowd on iphone appeared first on TechStory.

How to get new xbox dashboard

We knew it was coming, and now that it’s here, everybody’s getting a new dashboard. Microsoft said they were going to do it, and now they have done it. Microsoft is now rolling out the new Xbox Dashboard 2023 experience. If you’re expecting a massive overhaul, well, you’re not going to get it. Let’s just dive into the details because that is what you’re here for. So the brand new dashboard is brand new in quotations or air quotes that you can’t see because it’s just a refinement of the current experience, and we know that it’s not a new dashboard. Because of one of the things, there is no HDR support here. This is it. You can see the improved top nav or top-level nav at the top, which makes it easy to go from your library to Microsoft Store to Game Pass and search and settings up at the top, and then, of course, the more Dynamic interactivity down below.


New Xbox Dashboard Unleashed in Resurgent Fight Back Against PlayStation's Superior Console - FandomWire
Source: FandomWire

To obtain the latest Xbox Dashboard, the newest interface that enhances your gaming experience, Microsoft is implementing a phased rollout, making it available to all Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles. If you haven’t received the update yet, you can easily check if it’s ready for your console by following these straightforward steps:


  1. Begin by powering on your Xbox and navigating to the “Home” screen, which serves as the central hub for accessing your games and apps.


  1. Look for and click on the “Settings” icon, which is typically represented by a gear or cogwheel symbol. This will open the settings menu, where you can customize various aspects of your console.


  1. In the settings menu, locate and select the “System” option. This section contains essential system-related settings, including updates and downloads.


  1. Once inside the “System” menu, find and choose “Updates & Downloads.” This section provides you with information about available updates for your Xbox.


  1. The system will now check for updates, and if the latest Xbox dashboard is ready for your console, you’ll see an exciting message pop up, stating “New dashboard available.”


  1. When you see the notification, click on “Download and install” to begin the process of acquiring and installing the new dashboard. The download size may vary depending on the updates included in the new dashboard.


  1. After the download and installation are completed, your console will prompt you to restart it. This restart is essential to applying the changes effectively.


  1. Once the restart is complete, your Xbox will unveil a fresh and improved dashboard, showcasing its latest features and improvements.


From there, you’ll be all set to explore the redesigned interface, take advantage of enhanced functionalities, and delve into an even more immersive gaming world. Embrace the exciting changes brought to you by the new Xbox dashboard and enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest!


In conclusion, the long-awaited new Xbox dashboard has finally arrived, and users across the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles are now experiencing it firsthand. Microsoft had announced the upcoming update, and they successfully rolled it out in 2023. However, it’s worth noting that this update may not be the massive overhaul some were anticipating. Instead, it represents a refinement of the current dashboard experience.


Despite not being an entirely “new” dashboard, the update brings some improvements to the user interface. Notably, the top-level navigation has been enhanced, making it easier to navigate between your library, the Microsoft Store, Game Pass, and other key sections. Additionally, there are more dynamic interactive elements that contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable user experience.


To get your hands on the latest Xbox dashboard, you can check for its availability on your console by following the provided steps. The rollout is happening in phases, so if you haven’t received it yet, don’t worry; it should arrive soon.


Embrace the changes and improvements in the new dashboard and make the most of the enhanced gaming experience it offers. Happy gaming!



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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Alphabet Shares Soar on Exceeding Expectations and Robust Cloud Growth


Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, experienced a significant surge in share prices, rising over 6% in pre-market trading on Wednesday. The remarkable increase was a direct result of Alphabet’s impressive second-quarter earnings report, which outperformed expectations across various metrics, and the remarkable growth of its cloud computing unit. The surge in stock value has captivated investors and Wall Street analysts, underscoring Alphabet’s position as a leader in the technology industry.

In its financial report for the second quarter, Alphabet revealed adjusted earnings per share of $1.44, surpassing the Refinitiv survey of analysts, which had anticipated earnings of $1.34. The company’s revenue for the quarter also exceeded expectations, reaching $74.6 billion, surpassing the consensus estimate of $72.82 billion. These figures alone would have been enough to drive enthusiasm among investors, but it was the impressive performance of the cloud computing division that truly stole the spotlight.

The Google Cloud platform witnessed a staggering 28% year-over-year revenue growth, demonstrating the company’s ability to compete fiercely with major players in the cloud services industry, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Google’s Cloud sales for the quarter reached $8.03 billion, outshining the StreetAccount consensus, which had projected $7.87 billion in revenue. Moreover, the cloud unit reported an operating income of $395 million during the second quarter, marking its second consecutive profitable quarter, a significant improvement from the $590 million loss recorded in the same period the previous year.

The stellar performance of Alphabet’s cloud computing division has further solidified its position in the market and reaffirmed its reputation as an AI and technology powerhouse. Wall Street analysts have lauded Alphabet’s strategic investments in artificial intelligence over the past few years, emphasizing its potential to capitalize on this trend in the coming decade. Goldman Sachs analyst Eric Sheridan expressed his optimism, stating that Alphabet’s leadership in AI investment positions the company for long-term success despite potential short-term concerns about the impact on core products and cost structures.

In addition to the impressive financial results, Alphabet made headlines with the announcement that Ruth Porat, the company’s chief financial officer, would be transitioning into a newly created role as president and chief investment officer. This move reflects Alphabet’s commitment to nurturing leadership within the organization and provides an opportunity for Porat to contribute her financial expertise to new strategic initiatives. She will continue in her current position until a successor is identified, ensuring a seamless transition of responsibilities.

Alphabet’s remarkable performance and forward-looking leadership have inspired confidence among investors and analysts alike. The company’s unwavering dedication to innovation, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, sets it apart from its competitors and positions it for continued growth in the dynamic and ever-evolving technology landscape. As Alphabet continues to build on its strengths and explore new opportunities under the guidance of visionary leadership, its trajectory appears promising, promising a bright future for shareholders and stakeholders alike.

In conclusion, Alphabet’s shares experienced a significant jump following the release of a robust second-quarter earnings report. The company exceeded expectations on both earnings per share and revenue fronts, with its cloud computing unit exhibiting remarkable growth and achieving operating profitability for the second consecutive quarter. As the leader in compounded AI investment, Alphabet is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging technology trends in the coming years. The announcement of Ruth Porat’s transition to a new role as president and chief investment officer further signals the company’s commitment to fostering talent and driving innovation. With an impressive financial performance and a promising outlook, Alphabet remains a top contender in the technology sector, drawing the attention and confidence of investors and analysts worldwide.

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How To Watch the Mega Millions Drawing A guide on Watching the Mega Millions Drawing

For avid Mega Millions lottery players who dread missing a chance at becoming a millionaire, fear not! This comprehensive guide is here to ensure you never miss a single Mega Millions drawing again. Prepare yourself to dive headfirst into the excitement of this massively popular multi-state lottery game, known for its jaw-dropping jackpots that can reach astonishing heights even into the billions of dollars! In this guide, we’ll explore a plethora of ways to watch the Mega Millions drawing live, whether it’s on TV, via the internet, or through other ultra-convenient options.

Credits – CNBC

Mega Millions Drawing Schedule

The Mega Millions drawing takes place twice a week, creating ripples of anticipation across the nation every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 PM Eastern Time. The chance to transform one’s life beckons lottery enthusiasts far and wide, all eager for the opportunity to ascend to millionaire status.

Watch Mega Millions Live on TV

Among the most favored methods to catch the Mega Millions drawing live is by tuning in to your local TV station. Major networks like ABC, CBS, and NBC regularly broadcast the drawing for your viewing pleasure. For those fortunate enough to be in Atlanta, Georgia, a special treat awaits! Witness the electrifying drawing in person at the Mega Millions WSB-TV studio, under the watchful eye of the Georgia Lottery. Brace yourself for the infectious excitement heightened by Mega Millions announcer John Crow’s signature intro, “Let’s see if I can make you a millionaire tonight!”

Watch Live on the Internet

Prefer to stream content from the comfort of your own home? The official Mega Millions website has got you covered! Catch the live drawing every Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 PM ET, immersing yourself in the electrifying atmosphere as the numbers are revealed.

Watch on YouTube

Missed the live broadcast? No worries! The Mega Millions YouTube channel comes to the rescue. They promptly upload the recorded broadcast after it airs on TV, ensuring you never miss a moment of the thrilling action. Furthermore, their channel is a treasure trove of past drawings from days and weeks gone by, making sure you never skip a beat.

Get the Mega Millions Results

Whether you catch the drawing live on TV or through the internet, obtaining the winning numbers promptly is of the utmost importance. Always keep yourself updated by checking the Mega Millions results on the official Mega Millions website or through the Jackpocket app. The app offers not only the latest Mega Millions results but also the winning numbers from various other lottery games across the country, guaranteeing you are always in the know.

Other Options to Watch Mega Millions Drawings

Mega Millions lottery drawings are broadcast live on various TV channels in different states across the USA. Here are some notable ones:

  • KTVK 3 (Independent) in Phoenix, Arizona
  • KTLA 5 (The CW) in Los Angeles, California
  • FOX 5 DC in Washington, D.C.
  • WFLA-TV 8 (NBC) in Tampa, Florida
  • WSB-TV 2 (ABC) in Atlanta, Georgia
  • WGN-TV 9 (Independent) in Chicago, Illinois
  • WXYZ-TV 7 (ABC) in Detroit, Michigan
  • KY3-TV 3 (NBC) in Springfield, Missouri
  • KOB 4 (NBC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • CBS 2 (WCBS-TV) in New York City, New York

Besides watching the Mega Millions drawings on TV, there are alternative ways to view them live:

  1. Social media: Mega Millions broadcasts the drawings live on its official Facebook page and YouTube channel. Tune in to these platforms to witness the excitement as it unfolds.
  2. Lottery app: Some state lotteries provide official mobile apps that offer live drawing broadcasts, including Mega Millions. Inquire with your state lottery to see if they have such an app available for you.
  3. Lottery retailer: Prefer the in-person experience? Visit a licensed lottery retailer in your state. Many retailers display the drawings on monitors or TV screens within their stores, allowing you to watch the results live.


With the Mega Millions drawing taking place twice a week and offering astonishing jackpots, it’s no wonder that it captivates millions of lottery players nationwide. Thanks to the various options available, such as watching on TV, streaming online, or using mobile apps, you can conveniently stay up-to-date with the latest winning numbers and immerse yourself in the excitement of the Mega Millions drawing. May luck be on your side, and may all your Mega Millions dreams come true!

The post How To Watch the Mega Millions Drawing </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Watching the Mega Millions Drawing</span> appeared first on TechStory.

How to see who viewed your facebook profile

Today we’re going to be talking about how to check who viewed your Facebook profile. So what we’re going to go through today is just seeing who viewed your Facebook profile recently. It does involve some basic coding, but I promise it’s really, really easy stuff, so we’re just going to take it slow and tell you how to do that.

6 Ways to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile - wikiHow
Source: wikiHow

We’re going to start with opening our browser, so go down to your browser (I’m using Google Chrome) and open that up all right.


Enter URL

Now after that, we’re going to kind of go over to where we type our URL and type in Before we enter that, though, we’re going to actually go all the way back to the very beginning of that address and type in view dash source colon, then we’re going to type in www dot

 Enter Code 

So your whole thing should look like this. All right, then you’re going to hit enter, and now we’re going to give that a second to


Find Data

load and then you see all of this code, so this can be a little overwhelming at first, but don’t worry, we’re not going to get into this too much. So what we’re going to do is go over to our three dots on the right of Google Chrome, or you can go to settings or whatever you need to in your browser and scroll down to find it, and you can also, if you’re on Mac, press command f, so it’s going to bring up a box, and what you’re going to do is type some words into this box, which says available, then type in list initial data, and make sure there are no spaces between all those words.

And like it says here, one option is going to come up out of 2000 things, so we’re going to

Press Next, and it should just load and take us a second to kind of find and process the fact that we’re there.


Copy Data


Coming through all of this data okay there we go all right so next to our highlight available list initial data is going to be a bunch of numbers so we’re going to scroll over and if you look just to the right of this it says active list and colon it has all these different numbers and

Basically, all these are different accounts, so specifically, each of these is going to be different and represent different people’s accounts, so starting from left to right, these are the accounts that have actually checked your profile recently. Okay, that’s great, but what do we do with that information? So what we’re going to do is actually now click on the first number and select it, then you’re going to copy that, so command c or you can right click and hit copy, and then you’re going to go all the way up to the top of your browser, click new tab, and then type in, and then you’re going to right click and paste all right here we are right here. And as you can already see, this is going to be taking us to someone’s page, so once we kind of click on that, you will be able to enter that, and that will take you straight to whoever’s page has viewed your profile recently, and if you want to keep doing that, you can keep going through and selecting these numbers and just kind of go down the list command right-click copy and paste it, so on and so forth, just to see what all of these kinds of initial number accounts were that we’re looking at your profile.

The post How to see who viewed your facebook profile appeared first on TechStory.

How to cancel zelle payment on chase

Hi everybody, welcome back to the blog! Today, we’ll examine Chase and Zelle, zeroing in on whether it’s feasible to drop a Zelle installment sent through your Chase account. Before we take the plunge, let me momentarily present Chase as one of the biggest banks in the U.S. and Zelle as a shared installment framework used by Chase, permitting pain-free income transfers to loved ones. Generally, these exchanges are momentous, yet dropping an installment can be a bit precarious.

How to cancel Zelle payment on Chase subscription
Source: Howly

Zelle fills in as a shared cash move application, working with consistent asset moves between ledgers. This application is essential for the extension of versatile installment applications that empower clients to easily send cash to other people, regardless of whether they hold accounts at various banks.

As opposed to its rivals like Venmo, PayPal, and Money Application, Zelle forces no extra charges for momentary moves.

This is the way Zelle works: In the wake of signing up for assistance through the Zelle application or your banking application, assuming it offers Zelle, you can continue to send cash quickly to family or companions utilizing your cell phone. To do as such, essentially give the beneficiary’s email address or telephone number, select the ideal sum, and they will get guidelines on the most proficient method to get the installment expeditiously.


Zelle is under the responsibility of Advance Notice Administrations, a monetary innovation (fintech) organization upheld by seven significant banks, in particular Bank of America, Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, PNC Bank, Truist, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo. Sent off in 2017, Zelle was made as a contender to installment stages like PayPal and Venmo, the two of which are auxiliaries of PayPal Property Inc. (PYPL), and Money Application, a result of Block Inc. (SQ).

To check in the event that you can drop a Zelle installment through Chase, follow these means:

  1. Open the Chase application and sign in with your qualifications or utilize your touch ID.
  2. Once signed in, you’ll see the home screen showing your different Chase accounts.
  3. Click on the three lines at the top to uncover a drop-down menu.
  4. Select “Fast Compensation” and afterward “Speedy Compensation with Zelle” from the resulting choices.
  5. In the new drop-down menu, search for “View Movement” and snap on it.
  6. Here, you’ll find a rundown of your Zelle fast compensation exchanges through the Chase application.

To check whether you can drop a particular Zelle installment:

  1. Click on the exchange you need to drop.
  2. Search for the “Status” area and snap on it.
  3. On the off chance that the status is “Forthcoming,” you can in any case drop the installment. In any case, in the event that it shows “Conveyed,” dropping is at this point not a choice.

The status will change from “coming” to “Conveyed” when the beneficiary acknowledges the installment. On the off chance that the beneficiary isn’t enlisted with Zelle or the partaking Zelle organization, the status will stay “Forthcoming” until they register their telephone number or email with their record. In such cases, you can, in any case, drop the installment.

All in all, as a rule, you can’t drop a Zelle installment through Chase, particularly when the beneficiary is enrolled with the Zelle organization. When an installment is “Conveyed,” the choice to drop vanishes. The possible time you can drop is assuming the status stays “Forthcoming” and the beneficiary has not acknowledged the Zelle installment.


I truly want to believe that you find this data helpful! In this blog entry, we examined Chase and Zelle, zeroing in on whether it’s feasible to drop a Zelle installment sent through a Chase account. Zelle is a shared installment framework utilized by Chase for pain-free income transfers to loved ones. The blog gives bit-by-bit guidelines on checking in the event that a Zelle installment can be dropped through the Chase application. Assuming the installment status is “Forthcoming,” it tends to be dropped; however, when it changes to “Conveyed” after the beneficiary acknowledges it, abrogation is at this point not a choice. We discovered that most Zelle installments can’t be dropped, except in unambiguous circumstances where the installment remains “Pending.” If you are aware of some other strategies to get to this data or drop a Zelle installment through the Chase application, kindly go ahead and share.


The post How to cancel zelle payment on chase appeared first on TechStory.

How To Cancel A Credit Card


Today we’re talking about credit card cancellation. Canceling a credit card is easy, but there are some tips to know about before doing so which we’ll go over too. 

How to Cancel a Credit Card: A Step by Step Guide
Source: CNBC

How to cancel 

To permanently cancel a card, go to the card on your mobile or tablet, swipe to the one that’s missing, and click on Cancel and Replace My Card. Next, make sure the address where we’ll send the new card is correct; if it’s not, please write with the old and new addresses to p.o. box 708 Sandiford, Dublin 18, or go into your local branch with a photo ID. Do you want to keep your old pin? If you do, we’ll send your new card on the next working day. If you want to change it, we will send your new pin in two working days. 


When to Cancel

Let’s say you have two cards right now. I would not cancel any cards until you build up to about five cards as a strong base. There are a lot of cards out there that have either no annual fee or a good sign-up bonus, and you can downgrade to cards with no annual fee after the first year, but to chase the chase, we have the freedom to have freedom unlimited. Chase Sapphire Preferred and even Chase Sapphire Reserve: can we downgrade them? The United Card can be downgraded to a no-annual-fee card; there are quite a few different options, and then if you look over to American

Express you have to every day card and every day prefer the blue Cash every day all of the Hilton cards can be downgraded to no annual fee version as well as all of the Delta cards and this is just two issuers we have a lot of other issuers not gonna list all the cards but you get the idea that there are a ton of cards that you can either downgrade to or that you can apply for that will not have an annual fee once you put up to that base maybe it’s not five cards maybe it’s just four cards or three cards whatever a number makes sense for you and then at that point I would recommend cancelling cards only if they have annual fees that can’t be downgraded the rationale there would be never someone who got a capital one card because you needed it to build up your credit history because maybe you had a default or something else happen in your life so you needed that card it did what it needed to do but right now you don’t need it anymore because you have better cards at that point once you have that foundation that would recommend cancelling that annual fee card on a flipside if it’s just a card that you don’t you I would still probably keep it because it’s not really hurting you

Consider downgrading 

The next thing that you should always do before canceling a credit card which is to explore. Explore whether there’s actually a way to downgrade the card to a cheaper or no-fee option instead. there are quite a few benefits to downgrading the card instead of cancelling because you’re still preserving that credit account on your credit file. you’re still able to have it contribute to the overall strength of your credit history and you’re still preserving that relationship with the credit card issuer instead of severing it entirely by canceling the card. if your reason for canceling the card was because you didn’t want to pay a high annual fee again then by downgrading the card to a cheaper or no-fee card you can also sidestep that problem. the possibilities for downgrading your cards vary from issuer to issuer. now most of the big five banks in Canada do have a no-fee version of some of their premium travel credit cards so if you no longer see value in keeping the premium travel credit card and paying that premium annual fee then you can downgrade it.


The post How To Cancel A Credit Card appeared first on TechStory.