Friday, August 27, 2021

Apple Watch Series 7 clones give us a glimpse of a stunning new look

What you need to know

  • New clones of the upcoming Apple Watch Series 7 have already begun to appear in China.
  • The clones show the same flat sides and flatter display that previous leaks have told us to expect.

This is it, folks. Say hello to Apple Watch Series 7.

New clones of the upcoming Apple Watch Series 7 have appeared in photos posted to Twitter. Originating in China, the clones show us much of what we've been told to expect from this year's Apple Watch refresh.

Shared to Twitter by leaker Majin Bu, multiple images show clones that show us exactly what we expect to see when the official Apple Watch Series 7 announcement takes place — flatter screens, flat sides, and a generally cleaner look than the Apple Watches we've become accustomed to.

The flat sides are clearly the most striking aspect of these clones and they completely change the way the Apple Watch looks. This is the first time we've seen real images of something that looks like this, too — previous images we've shared have been renders. While these aren't actual Apple Watches, this is the closest we've come to seeing one so far.

Apple is expected to announce the Apple Watch Series 7 at some point next month, potentially alongside the iPhone 13. There are more announcements in the works as well, with new iPads, AirPods, and Macs thought to be coming before the end of the year.

As for Apple Watch Series 7, it's clear it will be the best Apple Watch Apple has made to date. If rumors of a green colorway turn out to be true, this year's Apple Watch refresh could be a very popular one indeed. One might even suggest that Apple Watch is the more interesting refresh this year.


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