Sunday, December 3, 2023

Bill Gates 5 cents on Generative AI: GPT 5 will not be much better than GPT 4

The past year has seen a remarkable surge in excitement regarding Generative AI. It has further been amplified by the substantial investments flowing in. The November 2022 launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT stands out as a seminal moment. OpenAI’s GPT series, short for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, has triggered a cascade of advancements across various industries. However, despite its prominence, billionaire Bill Gates suggests that the trajectory of this technology might be reaching a plateau.

Gates’ Perspective on Generative AI Plateau

During a recent interview with the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, the 67-year-old philanthropist shared his belief that Generative AI, specifically the GPT technology, may have reached a plateau. While acknowledging the inherent uncertainty in such predictions, Gates has departed from the optimism prevailing at OpenAI, particularly regarding the envisioned future iterations like GPT-5. According to Gates, the leap from GPT-2 to GPT-4 was remarkable. Still, he perceives the present state of generative AI as having hit a ceiling.

Predictions on Enhanced AI Accuracy and Cost Reduction

Gates goes on to predict a notable surge in the accuracy of AI software over the next two to five years, along with a reduction in costs. In his view, this will pave the way for developing novel, more reliable applications. Despite anticipating a temporary stagnation in development, particularly with GPT-4 pushing its limits, Gates envisions a promising short-term future for AI.

Short-Term Potential and Global Impact of AI

Within the immediate future, Gates identifies substantial potential in AI. He asserts that ongoing research endeavors will enhance AI’s reliability and comprehensibility. Additionally, Gates underscored the positive impact that AI can have on developing nations. This can already be seen in the provision of health advice through smartphones. Gates envisions AI playing a pivotal role in global healthcare, facilitating the accelerated development of drugs and vaccines. However, this can only be achieved by addressing the prevailing challenges related to reliability.

Addressing the Cost of AI and Its Crucial Role in Healthcare

Responding to concerns about the cost associated with AI, Gates acknowledged the substantial price tag attached to some AI chips from Nvidia, which can cost as much as $30,000 each. Despite their impressive computing power, these chips also come with a significant energy consumption footprint. Gates, however, highlights a positive trend in the decreasing usage costs, plummeting from ten cents per query to approximately three cents. He asserts that, despite the challenges, AI is destined to become an integral component in healthcare and other critical domains.

Unveiling the AI Black Box

Delving into the intricacies of the AI black box, Gates underscores the importance of comprehending how AI encrypts information. While acknowledging the current opacity in AI’s inner workings, Gates expresses confidence in the ongoing efforts of numerous individuals working towards unraveling this mystery. Gates remains optimistic about potential breakthroughs in deciphering the complexities of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), recognizing its profound implications for humanity.

AI’s Potential Role in Combating Climate Change

Shifting his focus to the global challenge of climate change, Gates shared insights into how AI can contribute significantly. He highlighted the recent advancements in climate models and anticipates the emergence of new crops resilient to high temperatures. Moreover, Gates disclosed his investment in nearly 100 companies dedicated to leveraging AI to improve the power grid, underscoring his commitment to addressing environmental concerns.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve, Gates’ perspective paints a nuanced picture amidst the ongoing discourse surrounding Generative AI. While expressing reservations about the potential plateau, Gates remains optimistic about short-term advancements, the role of AI in global healthcare, and its potential contributions to addressing climate change. The maturation of AI technologies calls for ongoing dialogue and collaboration to navigate the future trajectory of this transformative field.

The post Bill Gates 5 cents on Generative AI: GPT 5 will not be much better than GPT 4 appeared first on TechStory.


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