Tuesday, December 5, 2023

BYJU’S Delays November Pay Of 1K Staffers Citing Technical Glitch

In a recent turn of events, BYJU’S, the embattled edtech giant, finds itself grappling with yet another challenge – the delay of November salaries for approximately 1,000 employees. The company attributes this setback to an “unexpected technical glitch.” This article delves into the details of the salary delay, sheds light on BYJU’S current financial predicament, and explores the potential repercussions of these issues.

BYJU’S Delays November Pay Of 1K Staff Citing Technical Glitch

Credits: Inc42

The Salary Delay: A Technical Glitch or Deeper Troubles?

As word spread that a sizable section of its personnel had not received their November salaries yet, BYJU’S, a major player in the edtech sector, came under fire. The organization, which operates under the Think & Learn brand, acknowledged the problem and attributed it to a “unexpected technical glitch”. There is anxiety and discontent within the workforce among the impacted employees, who are at different organizational levels.

A representative at BYJU’S gave impacted workers the assurance that the late salaries would be made up by this coming Monday, December 4. The timing is crucial because it coincides with other major difficulties, even though the corporation insists that the glitch is a minor setback impacting less than 5% of its staff.

Financial Woes: A Valuation Plunge and Fundraising Struggles

At the moment, BYJU’S is negotiating a difficult financial environment. By slashing the value of its investment in BYJU’S, Dutch investor Prosus significantly lowered the company’s valuation to less than $3 billion. This represents a startling 85% drop from its prior valuation, which was $22 billion at the time of its most recent fundraising.

During an earnings call, Ervin Tu, the temporary chief executive of Prosus, outlined the various difficulties that BYJU’S is facing. The investor is actively involved in helping the massive edtech company overcome these obstacles, together with other stakeholders. According to reports, BYJU’S is looking for extra funding to deal with the salary delay and effectively handle fixed costs.

The Broader Picture: Legal Battles and Regulatory Scrutiny

Beyond issues about valuation, BYJU’S is experiencing financial instability. The edtech company is being sued by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) over a disagreement over sponsorship rights for the Indian cricket team’s uniforms. This judicial battle adds another level of complexity to the difficult circumstances facing BYJU.

Furthermore, BYJU’S and its founder, Byju Raveendran, have received show-cause notices from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) charging violations of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) totaling more than INR 9,000 crore. The company’s problems are exacerbated by these regulatory obstacles, which cast doubt on its financial and compliance procedures.

Financial Performance: A Glimpse into FY2021-22

Amidst these challenges, BYJU’S released partial financial statements for FY2021-22 after facing multiple delays. Think and Learn Private Ltd, the parent company, reported an EBITDA loss of INR 2,253 crore in FY22, a slight improvement from the INR 2,406 crore loss in FY21. These financial figures underscore the uphill battle BYJU’S is facing to stabilize its core operations.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead for BYJU’S

As BYJU’S grapples with a myriad of challenges, including a salary delay, valuation plunge, legal battles, and regulatory scrutiny, the road ahead appears to be fraught with uncertainties. The edtech giant, once valued at a staggering $22 billion, now faces the daunting task of rebuilding trust, managing financial obligations, and navigating complex legal landscapes.

The impact of these challenges extends beyond the company itself, affecting employees, investors, and the broader edtech industry. The BYJU’S story serves as a cautionary tale about the fragility of even the most successful ventures in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. As the company seeks to overcome these hurdles, the industry watches closely, eager to see how BYJU’S will weather the storm and emerge on the other side.

The post BYJU’S Delays November Pay Of 1K Staffers Citing Technical Glitch appeared first on TechStory.


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