Thursday, January 18, 2024

Bull vs. Bear: Tesla Investor Accuses Musk of ‘Blackmail’ over New Project Threat

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has recently stirred controversy in the corporate world with his demands for an increased stake in his own electric vehicle company. His call for a larger ownership share in return for the continuation of developing new projects at Tesla has been labeled as “blackmail” by long-time Tesla investor Ross Gerber. This situation brings to light Musk’s unique approach to business and control over his ventures, which has been evident in his dealings with other companies he’s associated with.

Musk, known for his unconventional tactics, has stated he is “uncomfortable” continuing to develop projects in robotics and artificial intelligence at Tesla unless his ownership stake is raised to at least 25%. This demand comes after he already owns a significant 13% of Tesla, a stake worth around $150 billion. Despite this substantial ownership, Musk’s insistence on an even larger share raises questions about his motives and his method of exerting influence over the companies he runs.

The situation is not entirely unprecedented for Musk. In the past, he has demonstrated a similar pattern of behavior, seeking substantial control over his ventures. His influence is further bolstered by the composition of Tesla’s board, which includes close associates and family members like his brother Kimbal Musk, James Murdoch, and former Tesla CTO JB Straubel. This setup effectively gives Musk near-total control over Tesla’s operations and decisions.

Comparatively, Musk’s stake in his other ventures also reflects a pattern of seeking significant control. For instance, at SpaceX, Musk holds a controlling interest and plays a pivotal role in both strategic and operational decisions. His approach has been crucial in driving the company’s innovative projects and rapid growth, yet it also centralizes decision-making power significantly.

Musk’s recent venture, an artificial intelligence firm named xAI, further demonstrates his preference for substantial control in his companies. He has been actively seeking to raise $1 billion in equity for xAI, having already secured $135 million from investors. This move to establish and control a separate AI firm suggests a pattern of Musk not only spearheading ambitious projects but also ensuring he has a dominant say in how they are run.

Critics, like Ross Gerber, argue that Musk’s demand for more control over Tesla in exchange for continuing development projects equates to a form of corporate blackmail. This tactic, according to Gerber, is unreasonable, especially considering Musk’s already substantial stake and influence in the company. It also raises concerns about the power dynamics within major corporations and the extent to which individual stakeholders can dictate terms that significantly impact the company’s direction and shareholder value.

In conclusion, Elon Musk’s recent actions at Tesla are part of a broader pattern of seeking and maintaining significant control over his ventures. While this approach has undoubtedly contributed to his success, it also highlights the challenges and controversies that can arise when a single individual wields substantial influence over a company’s future. As the situation at Tesla unfolds, it will be interesting to see how Musk’s strategy of leveraging his ownership stake for greater control will impact the company’s trajectory and the broader tech industry.

The post Bull vs. Bear: Tesla Investor Accuses Musk of ‘Blackmail’ over New Project Threat appeared first on TechStory.


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