Sunday, January 21, 2024

Ram Mandir Inauguration: Here’s what’s closed and what’s open

In the quiet anticipation leading up to January 22, 2024, a seismic wave of excitement grips India as it braces for the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony at the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. This event, akin to Diwali, has prompted several states to declare public holidays, casting a festive aura nationwide. Let’s delve into the regional nuances of this holiday declaration and the response from corporate giants, with Reliance Industries taking a distinctive stand.

ayodhya ram mandir inauguration holiday

Credits: Financial Express

A Second Diwali in Uttar Pradesh:

Uttar Pradesh, the epicenter of the grand celebration, is not merely observing a holiday but inviting its residents to embrace January 22 as a second Diwali. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s call for a full public holiday echoes the sentiment of unity and joy, as all educational and government institutions shutter their doors for the day.

Goa Joins the Melody:

In a harmonious alignment with the national spirit, Goa has harmonized its rhythm with Uttar Pradesh, announcing a full public holiday on January 22. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant recognizes the collective enthusiasm for the Ram Lalla pran pratishtha, prompting the closure of schools and government offices in the coastal state.

Chhattisgarh and Haryana Join the Festivities:

Chhattisgarh, dancing to the political tune of the BJP, dons the celebratory attire with a full public holiday. Both government and private schools are in sync with this festive rhythm. Meanwhile, Haryana has decided to make it not just a holiday but a day free from the spirits of another kind, announcing a ban on alcohol consumption during the pran pratishtha ceremony.

Partial Closures and the Symphony of States:

In a nuanced approach, some states have opted for a partial pause in their daily rhythm. Odisha orchestrates a half-day closure for government offices and courts, offering citizens an opportunity to partake in the festivities until 2:30 pm. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Assam, and Rajasthan join this melodic arrangement, allowing a momentary pause in government operations and educational institutions.

Banking Sector’s Rhythmic Uncertainty:

The banking sector, however, finds itself caught in an uncertain rhythm. While public sector banks have confirmed a half-day closure, the melody from private banks is yet to reach a clear crescendo. Customers are left to inquire at their local branches, adding a touch of suspense to their financial symphony on January 22.

Reliance Industries’ Melodic Gesture:

On a unique note, Reliance Industries has decided to sync its corporate melody with the historic Ayodhya Ram Mandir ceremony. All Reliance offices will fall silent on January 22, 2024, in a harmonious pause with the nation. This move not only showcases cultural sensitivity but also adds a distinctive chord to the corporate image, resonating positively with employees and the public alike.

Impact on Sectors: The Harmonic Balance:

Education Sector’s Pause:

The closure of schools and colleges invites students and educators to be part of the historic ceremony. States opting for a partial pause strike a harmonious balance, allowing both celebration and essential services to coexist.

Government Offices’ Collective Pause:

The widespread closure of government offices symbolizes a collective acknowledgment of the ceremony’s cultural significance. It’s a momentary pause, fostering a sense of shared joy among citizens.

Banking’s Temporal Dissonance:

Public sector banks embracing a half-day closure may introduce a temporary dissonance in banking services. Yet, this is anticipated to be a fleeting note, with customers advised to orchestrate their financial activities accordingly.

Corporate Harmony: Reliance’s Unique Note:

Reliance Industries’ decision to fall in step with the Ayodhya ceremony resonates as a harmonious note in the corporate world. While the impact on daily operations is minimal, this gesture contributes positively to the company’s cultural image, creating a melodious chord in the corporate sphere.


As India readies itself for the grand ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony, the declaration of public holidays serves as the backdrop to a collective celebration. It’s not just about a day off; it’s an invitation to participate in a shared moment of cultural significance. The symphony of closures across states, the rhythm of banking uncertainties, and the distinctive note from Reliance Industries collectively form a melody that adds another chapter to India’s tapestry of celebrations. Come January 22, and the nation will dance to a shared rhythm, etching this historic event into the collective memory.

The post Ram Mandir Inauguration: Here’s what’s closed and what’s open appeared first on TechStory.


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