Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Steam Users Could Be Making Fun Over “Starfield” for Winning “Most Innovative Gameplay”

In less than a day, the article received over 2,500 upvotes and an astounding amount of criticism on Starfield’s victory in the comments section. “It must be people trolling,” a clearly incredulous individual said. On the other hand, several users said that independent games like Shadows of Doubt, which genuinely had inventive gameplay, were “robbed” of the prize.

Starfield offers “newness never played before” along with a “fresh perspective and brain-breaking surprises,” according to Steam’s description of the prize. However, even players with hundreds of hours spent in-game vehemently disagree with that assertion. Another gamer stated;

I’ve played Starfield for over 100 hours, and the game isn’t that inventive.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Unexpected Triumph

Red Dead Redemption 2’s triumph for the “Labor of Love” award was the other huge winner that everyone was noticing. This is where you should find games like Cyberpunks or No Man’s Sky that have been meticulously updated or fixed over time. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that is notorious for Rockstar all but abandoning it, never making story DLC, and rarely supporting Red Dead Online in the way the community wanted, and certainly not this past year. Cyberpunk 2077, in particular, reached the culmination of its fixes and content additions this year. This one therefore feels like a troll in every way.

As much as we love Starfield, which has earned me a lot of criticism, Starfield should not have won this title for Most Innovative Gameplay. Some of its basic ideas are handled rather effectively, in my opinion for example, the shooting is far better than in previous Bethesda games. But everything else? The game’s most common criticism is that it feels outdated due to its excessive resemblance to earlier Bethesda titles. Furthermore, the exploration of its thousand worlds has always been a clear parallel to No Man’s Sky.

Starfield’s New Game Plus Sparks Controversy Among Fans

The game’s handling of New Game Plus (spoilers) is the only component that has been praised for being unique. In this mode, players assume the role of “Starborn,” going to a nearly identical new world while keeping their powers and receiving a new ship and space suit. However, the game doesn’t alter much after that, save for a few extra conversation passages and easter egg entrances to the idea. Even while users have mostly good opinions about the game, players found the idea of encouraging NG+ to be extremely offensive for a game where the main objectives are to create expensive bases, ships, and arsenals that are all reset.

Beyond the category itself, consumers’ reactions to Starfield since its debut on the site have not been very positive. Reviews have been varied, with an increase in unfavorable ones lately. Even if some may argue that there are still tens of thousands of favorable reviews in that mixed pile, I’m ready to wager that the majority of the most devoted Starfield players have been using Game Pass rather than Steam.

Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding the previously stated Steam awards, a few deserving winners were recognized, including the resounding victory of Baldur’s Gate 3 for Game of the Year. Visit Steam to view the whole list of winners.

The post Steam Users Could Be Making Fun Over “Starfield” for Winning “Most Innovative Gameplay” appeared first on TechStory.


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