Friday, September 22, 2023

How To Beat the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P A guide on Beating the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P

Facing off against formidable bosses is a thrilling part of playing games like Lies of P. These epic showdowns test your skills and knowledge of game mechanics. Among the challenging adversaries in Lies of P, the optional final boss known as the Nameless Puppet stands out as a true test of your abilities. To emerge victorious in this climactic battle, you’ll need to draw upon everything you’ve learned so far. This guide will provide you with the essential information you need to conquer the Nameless Puppet.

Credits – Playstation

Understanding the Nameless Puppet

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s get to know the Nameless Puppet a bit better. This boss shares similarities with other swift and formidable foes in the game, such as the Stalkers and Laxasia the Complete. It’s known for its agility and punishing attacks, making it a formidable adversary.

The Nameless Puppet primarily wields a sword for its attacks, occasionally transforming it into a greatsword for increased damage. It employs a series of rapid slashes as its base combo, so you’ll need to perfect your blocking or maintain a well-timed guard to minimize the damage you take. When it switches to the greatsword, it’ll charge towards you. This presents an opportunity for a well-timed dodge or block, allowing you to retaliate during its brief vulnerable moments. Additionally, its sweeping greatsword attacks are relatively easy to avoid, granting you opportunities to counterattack.

During the battle, it’s advisable to adopt a somewhat defensive approach. Try to circle around the Nameless Puppet as much as possible, only launching your own attacks when it’s vulnerable or staggered due to consistent blocking. Be cautious not to stray too far, as it can use a Pulse Cell to regenerate its health.

Phase 2: An Even Greater Challenge

As the battle progresses into its second phase, the stakes become even higher. With Geppetto no longer in control of the Nameless Puppet, you’ll face an even more relentless opponent.

  1. Increased Speed: In this phase, the Nameless Puppet’s attacks become faster and more relentless. Its slash combos blend rapid strikes with constant movement, making timing crucial for avoiding damage.
  2. Airborne Threats: Be watchful when the boss leaps into the air, as it can perform a swift dive that you should dodge to evade.
  3. Energy Wave: When the Nameless Puppet jumps into the air, it may unleash a wave of energy toward its front. Attempt to block this attack, as there might not be sufficient time to escape its reach.
  4. Extended Combo: When the boss merges its swords together, it unleashes a protracted series of back-and-forth slashes. You’ll need to endure this onslaught or utilize the Aegis for added protection.
  5. Ranged Attacks: At a distance, the Nameless Puppet can employ two attacks. First, it may attempt to grab you, so prepare to dodge at the last possible moment if you see it rear up. Secondly, when it switches to a lance-like weapon, it will fire a beam followed by a thrust.

Once again, the key to success is to choose your moments for offense wisely. Blocking all of the Nameless Puppet’s swift attacks can be challenging, so anticipate taking some damage and heal when necessary. Utilizing the Aegis and the Perfect Guard Grindstone, which triggers a Perfect Guard every few seconds, can prove invaluable. Hopefully, these defensive tactics will stagger the Nameless Puppet, allowing you to execute a Fatal Attack.


With determination and strategic play, you’ll eventually bring down the Nameless Puppet. Your reward for this hard-fought battle will be the Nameless Puppet’s Ergo, which is pivotal in determining the outcome of Lies of P. Your choices and actions in the game will lead to either the good or bad ending.


Conquering the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P is a monumental achievement, and with the right tactics, it’s well within your grasp. Remember to focus on perfecting your defensive skills, choosing your moments for offense carefully, and using your equipment wisely. By following these straightforward strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to face the Nameless Puppet and achieve victory in this challenging boss battle. So, gear up, stay vigilant, and show this formidable foe just who’s in control in Lies of P!

The post How To Beat the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Beating the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P</span> appeared first on TechStory.


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