Friday, September 1, 2023

Byju’s delays Rs 45-50 cr payments to Salesforce and other data management tools

Byju’s, the most valuable edtech firm in India, has recently experienced operating difficulties as a result of unpaid vendor dues. Concerns have been made concerning the company’s capacity to retain crucial data management tools necessary for day-to-day operations in addition to its financial health as a result of this issue. This article digs into the specifics of the situation, looks into the companies involved, and considers how this move might affect Byju’s.

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Credits: Money Control

The Unsettling Situation

To streamline its operations, Byju’s, a significant participant in the edtech sector, mainly relies on data management solutions. These include the customer relationship management and data visualization applications Salesforce, Leadsquared, Tableau, and Tooljet. But according to recent reports, Byju’s may have neglected to pay some of these service providers, which had serious repercussions.

The Companies Involved

Byju’s: Founded by Raveendran, Byju’s is an edtech giant that offers a wide range of educational products and services. It has achieved remarkable success over the years, with a valuation exceeding $22 billion. However, it has been facing a series of challenges, including this recent issue of unpaid vendor dues.

Salesforce: Salesforce is a global leader in customer relationship management (CRM) software. It provides businesses with the tools to manage customer data, automate tasks, and streamline sales processes. Byju’s relies on Salesforce for its CRM needs.

Tableau: Tableau is a renowned data visualization software company. It empowers organizations to visualize and understand their data, making it an invaluable tool for data analysis and decision-making. Byju’s uses Tableau to enhance its data visualization capabilities.

Tooljet: Tooljet is another software provider that likely plays a role in Byju’s data management infrastructure. While it’s not as well-known as Salesforce or Tableau, its services are essential to Byju’s operations.

Leadsquared and Orderhive: Leadsquared and Orderhive are additional CRM systems used by Byju’s. These systems help in centralizing customer data, automating tasks, and managing leads.

Impact of Unpaid Dues

The non-payment of dues to these critical service providers has had far-reaching consequences for Byju’s, its employees, and potentially its customers:

Operational Disruptions: The abrupt loss of access to Salesforce, Tableau, and Tooljet on August 31 disrupted Byju’s daily operations. These tools are pivotal for managing customer data, analyzing performance, and making informed decisions.

Employee Productivity: With access to essential data management tools suspended, employees have been forced to find alternative ways to carry out their tasks. This has undoubtedly impacted their productivity and efficiency.

Vendor Relations: Byju’s relationship with these software vendors has been strained due to unpaid dues. While access to Salesforce has been restored as of September 1, other vendors like Orderhive have suspended services. This could lead to further complications if not resolved promptly.

Customer Experience: Any disruption in operations could potentially affect the quality of service provided to Byju’s customers. If employees struggle to manage customer data or analyze performance without these tools, it may result in a less satisfactory customer experience.

Financial Implications: The outstanding dues to Salesforce, Tableau, and Tooljet reportedly amount to between Rs 45 and Rs 50 crore. Failure to clear these dues may have financial repercussions for Byju’s, including possible legal actions from the vendors.

Byju’s Strategic Move

It’s interesting to note that Byju’s has been taking deliberate steps to lessen its dependency on software tools and platforms from third parties. The business wants to internalize a strong and economical tech infrastructure. This action fits with Byju’s desire to save money, which has become more crucial as it navigates a difficult financial environment.

A representative for Byju stated that the company has gradually moved away from some of the third-party software solutions highlighted in the report, indicating a deliberate effort to simplify their processes and save expenses.


The recent situation regarding unpaid vendor dues and the ensuing disruptions to Byju’s data management tools serve as a reminder of the difficulties even the most successful businesses encounter in the fast-paced world of technology and startups. Even though Byju’s has improved its technological infrastructure, this episode highlights how crucial it is to manage vendor relationships and financial commitments.

The post Byju’s delays Rs 45-50 cr payments to Salesforce and other data management tools appeared first on TechStory.


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