Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Delhi High Court rejects Pepsi’s bid to restrain Parle’s use of ‘For the Bold’ tagline

The Delhi High Court’s recent decision over Parle’s use of the slogan “For the bold” on the beverage label for its “B Fizz” has established a major precedent in the realm of trademark disputes and advertising campaigns. The legal dispute between PepsiCo and Parle has illuminated the complexities of brand association and trademark protection, with potentially significant repercussions for both businesses.

Parle Vs Pepsi

Credits: Money Control

The Companies Involved:


Parle, a prominent player in the Indian food and beverage industry, introduced “B Fizz” with the tagline ‘For the bold.’ The company has a long-standing history of producing popular consumer products, including biscuits and confectioneries. In this case, Parle has found itself in a legal battle defending its use of the ‘For the bold’ tagline on its beverage product.


PepsiCo, a global giant in the snack and beverage industry, is known for its iconic brands, including Pepsi, Doritos, and Lay’s. The company claimed a valid trademark for the ‘For the bold’ tagline, specifically for its Doritos range of tortilla chips. PepsiCo argued that it had used this tagline internationally since 2013 and in India since 2015, associating it strongly with the Doritos brand.

The Legal Battle:

The usage of the phrase “For the bold” is at the center of the legal dispute between Parle and PepsiCo. PepsiCo argued that Parle’s application of this tagline to “B Fizz” may potentially mislead customers and lessen the distinctiveness of the phrase, which had grown closely identified with Doritos. Parle, on the other hand, countered that the distinctive qualities of its product would prevent any mistake and noted that certain Doritos packaging had variations of the tagline but not ‘For the bold.’

Delhi High Court’s Ruling:

In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court refused to issue an interim order restraining Parle from using the ‘For the bold’ tagline on “B Fizz.” However, the court did impose certain restrictions on Parle’s use of the tagline. These restrictions include:

Label Alterations: Parle cannot alter the label on its “B Fizz” beverage bottle or can without prior approval. This ensures that any changes made to the product label will be scrutinized for potential trademark infringement.

Advertising Campaigns: Parle is not allowed to use the tagline ‘For The Bold’ as the predominant part of any advertising campaign for “B Fizz.” This restriction aims to prevent the tagline’s extensive use in a manner that could confuse consumers.

Facebook Advertisements: Parle has been prohibited from airing or continuing Facebook advertisements using the ‘For the bold’ tagline. This measure extends the restriction to the digital advertising realm.

Earnings Set-Aside: In a move that could have a financial impact on Parle, the court directed the company to set aside its entire earnings from the sales of “B Fizz” since the time it started using the label.

Implications of the Decision:

The Delhi High Court’s decision has several noteworthy implications:

Trademark Protection: The ruling reinforces the importance of trademark protection and the rights of companies to safeguard their branding elements. It highlights that even seemingly generic phrases like ‘For the bold’ can be protected if they become strongly associated with a particular product or brand.

Brand Association: The case underscores the significance of brand association in trademark disputes. PepsiCo’s argument that ‘For The Bold’ had become closely linked to Doritos played a crucial role in their claim.

Advertising Strategies: Companies will need to be cautious in their advertising campaigns and use of taglines. The restriction on using the tagline as the predominant part of an advertising campaign emphasizes the need for companies to avoid practices that could potentially mislead consumers.

Financial Impact: The court’s directive for Parle to set aside its earnings from “B Fizz” sales could have a significant financial impact. It serves as a reminder that legal battles can have tangible consequences on a company’s bottom line.


The Delhi High Court’s ruling in the Parle vs. PepsiCo case is a landmark decision that underscores the importance of protecting trademarks and maintaining the distinctiveness of branding elements. While Parle was not restrained from using the ‘For the bold’ tagline, the restrictions imposed on its use in advertising and labeling serve as a reminder for companies to exercise caution in their marketing strategies.

The post Delhi High Court rejects Pepsi’s bid to restrain Parle’s use of ‘For the Bold’ tagline appeared first on TechStory.


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