Sunday, October 22, 2023

How To Defeat Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 2 A guide on Defeating Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 2

Kraven the Hunter, a fearsome adversary in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, poses a significant challenge for players. In this guide, we’ll help you defeat Kraven, the menacing villain who has turned New York City into his hunting ground. We’ll provide you with tips and strategies to take down this formidable foe during the “Anything Can Be Broken” main mission.

Credits – IGN

Kraven the Hunter is a formidable opponent, and he won’t make it easy for you to defeat him. He’s quick, agile, and has an array of tricks up his sleeve, making him one of the toughest boss fights in Spider-Man 2.

Phase One

As the boss fight begins, Kraven will immediately come at you with a powerful ground-punch move that can’t be dodged. The key is to parry this attack by watching for when Kraven is in the air, and a yellow circle turns red. After successfully parrying, seize the opportunity to land some punches on him.

Kraven also uses a move called “Kraven’s Crush.” This move requires you to dodge, as countering it is not an option. Keep an eye on Kraven when he raises his fist to perform this move.

In the arena, you’ll find weapons that Kraven can use against you. You can either throw these weapons back at him using L1 + R1, dodge them, or throw them before Kraven gets a chance to use them. Kraven has also placed mines in the arena, which are signaled by pulsing red rings. Avoid these areas until they detonate to minimize damage.

Kraven may combo moves, like a slow punch followed by a swift kick. You can either dodge or parry these moves. After the third successful parry, Kraven will be momentarily stunned, allowing you to land more attacks and whittle down his health. Remember to save your Focus meter for health recovery.

One of Kraven’s tricky moves is when he throws smoke pellets, blurring your vision. Use the Circle Button to dodge when your Spider-Sense prompts you that danger is imminent. Additionally, the Web-Grabber Gadget can stun Kraven, preventing him from executing moves and giving you an opening to attack.

Phase Two

After depleting Kraven’s health, a new arena with a bell at its center awaits you. When the bell rings, both Peter Parker and the Symbiote are stunned and vulnerable. Your primary goal is to prevent the bell from ringing by using Web-Shooters to keep it stuck. Be vigilant, as Kraven will attempt to hit the bell whenever possible, especially when he throws a spear at it.

Kraven employs stealth tactics during this phase, using smoke bombs to go invisible and perch in a tree. Follow the green laser sight from his sniper rifle to locate him and use a Web Strike to close the gap quickly. Remember to watch your Spider-Sense to dodge his attacks.

Kraven has some cloaking tech during this phase, making it challenging to spot him. Use your Spider-Sense to dodge his flanking attempts or spear throws. When he rushes toward you with a two-handed axe, dodge or parry his swings. Ensure you parry his overhead slam to create an opening for your attacks.

When Kraven is in trouble, he might summon two mechanical beasts. Focus your abilities on defeating these creatures as they can pose a significant threat with their attacks and ability suppression powers. Take them out to ensure Kraven doesn’t get any assistance.

Fighting with Spider-Man in the Black Suit allows you to use the Symbiote Surge (L3 + R3), granting you access to devastating attacks without worrying about taking damage. Utilize this power to your advantage.

The post How To Defeat Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 2 </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Defeating Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 2</span> appeared first on TechStory.


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