Sunday, October 15, 2023

Over 4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones Worldwide

In exciting news for our connected world, the GSM Association (GSMA) has recently unveiled its Mobile Internet Connectivity Report for 2023. This insightful report sheds light on how mobile internet and smartphones are becoming increasingly accessible to people all over the globe.

More Smartphones in Hands:

The report reveals that more people now own smartphones, reaching a remarkable 55% of the world’s population, up from 52% in 2022. This surge is fueled by lower smartphone prices and wider availability of mobile internet services, making these essential devices more attainable for many.

Global Rise in Smartphones and Mobile Internet Use:

Mobile internet usage is on the rise, too, with 4.6 billion people now using it globally, up from 4.3 billion in the previous year. This means that 57% of the world’s population now has access to the wonders of mobile internet. However, there’s a noticeable gap between regions in terms of accessibility.

The Dominance of 4G:

4G technology is at the forefront, especially in regions like North America and East Asia, where 69% of smartphone owners enjoy the benefits of 4G-enabled devices. On the other hand, 3G remains the most common mobile internet technology in places like Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Challenges Faced:

Despite this progress, approximately 3.4 billion people worldwide still lack access to mobile internet. Several challenges contribute to this, including:

  1. Affordability: The cost of mobile devices and data services remains a challenge, particularly in developing countries.
  2. Infrastructure Accessibility: In many areas, especially rural and developing regions, mobile internet infrastructure is not yet readily available.
  3. Digital Skills: Many people lack the necessary digital skills to use mobile internet devices and services effectively.
  4. Safety Concerns: Some individuals are hesitant to use mobile internet due to privacy, security, and online abuse concerns.
  5. Content Relevance: In numerous parts of the world, there’s a shortage of relevant content in local languages and cultures, hindering widespread adoption.

These barriers disproportionately affect individuals who are economically disadvantaged, less educated, living in rural areas, and female. The report underlines the critical importance of addressing these challenges to ensure universal connectivity for everyone.

Over 4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones Worldwide
Credits: Advances Television

With the mobile internet landscape evolving rapidly, efforts must be intensified to make it more inclusive and accessible, leveling the playing field for all and bringing the benefits of connectivity to every corner of the globe. The journey towards a fully connected world continues, and together, we can bridge the digital divide and empower communities through mobile technology.

Challenges and Opportunities in Smartphones and Mobile Internet Adoption

The GSMA report shows important things for government people, businesses, and community groups.

For government people, the report says it’s important to make the Internet work well on phones and to make phones and the Internet cheaper. They should also help people learn how to use the internet and keep them safe online.

For businesses, the report shows that it’s a good idea to make products and services that work well on phones. These things should be easy for everyone to use, even if they don’t have a lot of money or education. It’s also good to make things in the languages and ways that people in different places understand.

For community groups, the report says they should teach people about how useful the internet can be on phones. They should help people with problems that stop them from using the internet on their phones.

One big surprise is that 600 million people, which is a lot of people, still use simple phones to get on the internet. Some people have trouble using smartphones for the internet because they don’t know how or are worried about safety. They also might not find things they need in a way they can understand.

Mats Granryd, who leads GSMA, is worried about many people not being able to use the internet. This is a big problem, especially for those who are poor, live in rural areas, and don’t have much education, especially women. He thinks it’s urgent to help these people get internet access and remove any obstacles that stop them from getting it. This is even more important now, with the high cost of living and more problems happening because of the climate.

GSMA made a report in 2023 about how many people are using the internet on their phones. The report says we’ve made some progress, but there are still big problems to solve.

The post Over 4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones Worldwide appeared first on TechStory.


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