Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Elon Musk is Getting Sued By Man He Accused Of Being A ‘Fed’ Posing As A Neo-Nazi

When it comes to individuals like Elon Musk and other prominent figures on the political Right, they often attribute any negative actions by fellow Right-wing supporters as part of a “psyop,” a term referring to psychological operations orchestrated by undercover government agents to tarnish their image. Whether they genuinely believe in these claims or use them strategically to bolster their own narratives is uncertain, but the consequences are undeniable. These campaigns frequently result in the unwarranted destruction of lives for those falsely accused of being part of these alleged government schemes.

Nevertheless, there have been instances where such tactics did not yield the desired outcomes. One notable case involves Alex Jones, who found himself facing a legal battle and owing over 1 billion dollars in damages to the Sandy Hook families he had falsely labeled as “crisis actors.”

Presently, the attorney who represented two of those affected Sandy Hook families is also representing a 22-year-old individual. This young man’s life was dramatically disrupted earlier this year due to Elon Musk’s repeated false accusations, alleging that he was a federal agent posing as a neo-Nazi with the intent of making the Right-wing appear in a negative light.

Curiosity and Social Media Speculation of Elon Musk

In late June, a violent altercation transpired in Oregon City, Oregon, involving members of the Proud Boys and the Rose City Nationalists, another far-right faction led by an individual previously expelled from the Proud Boys due to extremist beliefs. The incident resulted in the unmasking of two members of the Rose City Nationalists.

The clash gained widespread attention after a video of the altercation went viral. A far-right Twitter account known for provocative posts, Dr. Frenser, claimed to have identified one of the unmasked Rose City Nationalists as 22-year-old Ben Brody, a Jewish college student based in California, who bore a passing resemblance to the unmasked neo-Nazi individual. The Twitter user used a screenshot from Brody’s Jewish fraternity page, where he expressed interest in a government career, as “evidence” suggesting Brody’s involvement in a supposed government-led operation.

Elon Musk is Getting Sued By Man He Accused Of Being A 'Fed' Posing As A Neo-Nazi
Credits: Daily Mail

However, this identification turned out to be erroneous.

Upon viewing the video, entrepreneur Elon Musk inquired, “Who were the unmasked individuals?” In response, someone shared the Dr. Frenser post. Musk commented, “Very odd.”

Escalating Harassment and Musk’s Involvement

Due to Musk’s immense following, Brody and his family became the focus of intense scrutiny from numerous right-wing individuals, which understandably left them in a state of distress. In a moment of desperation, Brody took to his Instagram account and posted a video in which he openly displayed his bank statements as evidence of his location in California, having dinner at the time of the altercation.

Regrettably, this effort did little to alleviate the situation. Not only did the harassment persist, but Musk exacerbated the issue by repeating the allegations on at least two separate occasions, despite having been informed by numerous people in his social media replies that Brody was not the individual in the photograph.

Elon Musk is Getting Sued By Man He Accused Of Being A 'Fed' Posing As A Neo-Nazi
Credits: Wonkette

In response to a post from Matt Wallace, a controversial figure in the cryptocurrency community, that read, “Remember when they called us conspiracy theorists for saying the feds were planting fake Nazis at rallies?” Musk reacted with a combination of laugh-cry emojis, expressing internal frustration, and shared Dr. Frenser’s photo montage with the caption, “Always remove their masks.”

Elon Musk’s Misleading Tweet and the Subsequent Defamation Lawsuit

Following repeated clarifications that Ben Brody was not the individual depicted in a certain image, conspiracy-focused site Zero Hedge released an article under the title “Patriot Front ‘White Supremacist’ Unmasked As Suspected Fed.” Curiously, the article failed to cite Dr. Frenser’s information or acknowledge Brody’s status as a college student. Responding to this article via a tweet, Elon Musk remarked, “Looks like one is a college student (who wants to join the govt) and another is maybe an Antifa member, but nonetheless a probable false flag situation.”

Contrary to Musk’s implication, subsequent investigations have confirmed that the situation was not a false flag event. Regrettably, Musk has not taken steps to rectify the accusation, and the tweets in question remain publicly accessible. It appears that promoting a particular narrative holds greater significance for Musk than ensuring the well-being of an apprehensive college student. Brody has been met with legal threats from Musk’s team, warning him of potential financial penalties should he pursue a defamation lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, Brody is experiencing significant mental and emotional distress due to the false accusations. He’s concerned about the impact on his future job prospects and potential long-term harassment. As a Jewish person, he finds the implication of being a fake Nazi offensive. The lawsuit seeks over a million dollars in damages, highlighting Musk’s history of falling for misinformation and defaming individuals. The irony is that Musk and others don’t need a “psyop” to damage their reputation, as their actions already speak for themselves.


The post Elon Musk is Getting Sued By Man He Accused Of Being A ‘Fed’ Posing As A Neo-Nazi appeared first on TechStory.


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