Saturday, October 7, 2023

How To Evolve Magmar in Pokemon GO A guide on Evolving Magmar in Pokemon GO

Magmar, the fiery Pokemon, has been making quite a splash in the world of Pokemon GO. Its increased appearance in the wild has given trainers more opportunities to add this formidable Fire-type creature to their collections. But what’s even more exciting is the prospect of evolving Magmar into its powerful final form, Magmortar. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to evolve Magmar into Magmortar in Pokemon GO, without the need for any complicated jargon. So, let’s get started on this thrilling journey!

Credits – PokemonGO

Step 1: Catch a Magmar

To kickstart the evolution process, you’ll need to catch a Magmar first. Fortunately, Magmar has become more common in the wild lately, giving you ample opportunities to encounter and capture this fiery creature. Keep your eyes peeled while exploring, and you might just stumble upon one.

Magmar has also made appearances in Tier 2 Raids and can be obtained through Special and Field Research missions. So, whether you catch it in the wild or earn it through these missions, the choice is yours.

Step 2: Gather Magmar Candy

Once you have your Magmar in tow, it’s time to start gathering the essential Magmar Candy. You’ll need a total of 100 Magmar Candies to proceed with the evolution. But here’s a little shortcut: if you’re lucky enough to catch a Magmar, you’ll already have 25 candies in hand, reducing the count to 75.

To boost your Magmar Candy collection, make sure to use Pinap Berries or Silver Pinap Berries when capturing Magmar. These special berries increase the amount of Candy you earn for each successful capture, making it easier to reach your goal.

Step 3: Get a Sinnoh Stone

Now, here comes the tricky part – obtaining a Sinnoh Stone. You’ll need one of these special stones to trigger the evolution from Magmar to Magmortar. Don’t worry; we’ll guide you through the options.

Some trainers might have a Sinnoh Stone or two lying around in their inventory, but if you don’t, fret not. There are several ways to acquire a Sinnoh Stone:

  1. Field Research Stamps: Completing Field Research tasks and collecting stamps can lead to a valuable Sinnoh Stone as a reward. Keep an eye out for these tasks and make steady progress to earn your stone.
  2. Team GO Rocket Leaders: Take on the challenge of defeating a Team GO Rocket Leader, and your bravery might be rewarded with a Sinnoh Stone.
  3. GO Battle League: If you’re into battling other trainers in the GO Battle League, you could receive a Sinnoh Stone as one of the item rewards, depending on your choice of battle pass.

Step 4: Evolve into Magmortar

Once you’ve successfully gathered 100 Magmar Candies and secured a Sinnoh Stone, you’re all set for the final step – evolving Magmar into the fiery powerhouse, Magmortar.

It’s as simple as navigating to your Magmar in the Pokemon menu and clicking the “Evolve” button. The Sinnoh Stone will be consumed during this process, resulting in the evolution of your Magmar into the awe-inspiring Magmortar.

There you have it, a straightforward guide on how to evolve Magmar into Magmortar in Pokemon GO. Catching Magmar, collecting Magmar Candies, and obtaining a Sinnoh Stone may take a bit of time and patience, but the end result is well worth it. Magmortar is a formidable addition to your Pokemon collection and a powerful asset in battles.

So, get out there, explore, complete research tasks, challenge Team GO Rocket Leaders, and battle in the GO Battle League to gather the necessary items. Once you’ve accumulated 100 Magmar Candies and acquired a Sinnoh Stone, you’re ready to evolve your Magmar and unleash the fiery might of Magmortar. Happy hunting, trainers!

The post How To Evolve Magmar in Pokemon GO </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Evolving Magmar in Pokemon GO</span> appeared first on TechStory.


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