Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Apple announces an online WWDC 2022 for June 6 through June 10

What you need to know

  • Apple has announced WWDC 2022 will take place between June 6 and June 10.
  • It will take place online for the third year in a row thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The company is likely to unveil its next iterations of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and could even share some new products.

Apple has announced that it will be holding its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) as an online-only event from June 6 through June 10, 2022.

The company is expected to unveil the next versions of its iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS software for devices like its best iPhone, the iPhone 13. There is also the prospect of new hardware that could be announced at the event's keynote, which takes place on the first day — although these things are never a given.

Apple confirmed that the event will be an online-only affair in a Newsroom post today, noting that it invites developers "from around the world" to get involved.

"At its heart, WWDC has always been a forum to create connection and build community," said Susan Prescott, Apple's vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations and Enterprise and Education Marketing. "In that spirit, WWDC22 invites developers from around the world to come together to explore how to bring their best ideas to life and push the envelope of what's possible. We love connecting with our developers, and we hope all of our participants come away feeling energized by their experience."

Apple says that "now more than ever" its products are "part of users' daily lives" and that the company has a growing community of more than 30 million developers. With that in mind, an online event perhaps makes more sense than an in-person one — despite the fact some developers enjoy the face-to-face meetings of WWDC events past.

Access to the online WWDC will be free for all developers, Apple says, while access to the company will host a "special day for developers and students at Apple Park" on June 6. That event will give people a chance to watch the opening keynote and State of the Union videos. Space will be limited and Apple says more details will be available soon.


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