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Thursday, August 31, 2023

U.S. Expands Export Restrictions on Nvidia AI Chips to Include Middle East


In a significant development, the United States has extended its export restrictions on cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) chips, impacting tech giants Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Originally implemented with a focus on China, these measures have now been broadened to encompass certain Middle Eastern countries. The expansion of these controls underscores the U.S. government’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive technology, even as the specifics behind this extension remain undisclosed.

**Export Control Rationale**

Export controls have long been employed as a means to address national security concerns. While the initial restrictions were placed on China due to apprehensions about potential military applications, the motivation behind extending these measures to the Middle East is currently shrouded in secrecy. Nvidia and AMD, both affected by the curbs, have acknowledged the impact on their A100, H100, and MI250 chips – components designed to bolster machine learning tasks and AI capabilities.

**Tech Export Control Expansion**

The recent move builds upon prior export restrictions and tensions tied to chip manufacturing in Taiwan, a vital global hub for chip production. The Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to exert control over technology exports, especially in the realm of semiconductor technology, align with its broader strategy to counterbalance China’s rapid technological progress.

**Implications and Consequences**

The implications of these AI chip export limitations are sweeping and multifaceted. Beyond influencing consumer applications like image recognition on smartphones, the restrictions can potentially reverberate in the realm of military applications, spanning satellite image analysis and intelligence-gathering from digital communications.

As these export restrictions are now extended to the Middle East, they serve as a clear indicator of the United States’ resolve to meticulously manage the dissemination of advanced AI technology. The full scope of their impact on the regional tech landscape remains to be seen, but this move emphatically underscores the pivotal role AI plays while emphasizing the necessity of striking a balance between its diffusion and security considerations.

**Balancing Innovation and Security**

The expansion of export controls to the Middle East raises pertinent questions about striking the right equilibrium between technological advancement and national security. While restricting the flow of advanced AI chips can aid in preventing potential misuse, it’s equally vital to ensure that innovation and collaboration are not stifled in the process.

These measures necessitate transparency and clear communication from all parties involved. Nvidia’s regulatory filing, acknowledging the need for new licenses and its collaboration with U.S. authorities, exemplifies an approach of responsibility and engagement. The absence of specific information about the Middle Eastern countries impacted by these restrictions, however, creates an information gap that could potentially lead to uncertainty and speculation.

**Unfolding Tech Landscape**

The repercussions of these export controls on the Middle East’s tech landscape are still unfolding. The region has demonstrated a growing interest in harnessing AI’s transformative potential across various sectors. From healthcare and finance to energy and security, AI’s applications are diverse and hold the promise of driving innovation and efficiency. Consequently, the extension of export restrictions could potentially impede progress in these domains.

Moreover, this move could also spur investment and research within the Middle East to develop indigenous AI capabilities. Countries affected by the restrictions might seek to reduce their reliance on external sources and strive towards self-sufficiency in AI technology.


In the realm of technology, the delicate dance between innovation and security continues to evolve. The United States’ decision to broaden its export restrictions on Nvidia AI chips from China to the Middle East reflects the nation’s commitment to ensuring the responsible dissemination of cutting-edge technology. As the ramifications of this expansion gradually come to light, the global tech industry will closely observe the developments, hoping for a harmonious balance between progress and protection.

The post U.S. Expands Export Restrictions on Nvidia AI Chips to Include Middle East appeared first on TechStory.

Dunzo further delays salary payments to October

Due to serious financial difficulties, the once-promising Indian firm Dunzo has been unable to pay its former employees’ salaries on time. Employees and stakeholders are worried as a result of the company’s struggles to obtain the anticipated funding from investors. Let’s examine Dunzo’s predicament in more detail, the companies involved, and any potential repercussions of these recent events.
Dunzo co-founder and CEO Kabeer Biswas

Credits: Money Control

The Salary Delay Saga:

When Dunzo delayed wages and set a cap on pay packages at Rs 75,000 per month per employee, affecting more than 500 employees, the company’s crisis started on July 3. The business had promised its staff that all unpaid dues would be paid by July 20. But since this deadline was missed, employee uncertainty has increased.

Missed Deadlines and Employee Assurances:

Dunzo’s top management, including co-founder and CTO Mukund Jha, told staff members on a call that the business will pay off all debts by September 4 despite the initial setback. The business also agreed to pay a 12-percent-per-year interest rate on the part of salary that was withheld. The goal of this pledge was to lessen the financial burden on the impacted employees, whose salaries had previously been limited.

Failed Capital Infusion and Lingering Uncertainty:

The main cause of Dunzo’s problems has been its inability to obtain the anticipated money infusion from investors. The company informed ex-staff via email on August 30 that pay would be further postponed until the first week of October due to the ongoing failure to raise the anticipated finances. The fact that the payment deadline was extended a second time following this notice highlights the seriousness of the company’s financial situation.

The Companies Involved:

Major industry heavyweights had taken a keen interest in Dunzo, with Reliance and Google among its notable sponsors. Reliance, which owns 25.8% of Dunzo, has the highest share, and Google, which owns around 19%, are closely behind. In addition to Lightrock, Lightbox, and Blume Ventures, other investors have contributed to the startup. The presence of such eminent figures raises interest in Dunzo’s current situation.

Potential Impact of the Move:

  1. Employee Morale and Loyalty: The repeated salary delays could dent employee morale and loyalty. This could lead to talented individuals seeking more stable job opportunities elsewhere, potentially resulting in a brain drain for the company.
  2. Stakeholder Confidence: The delays and financial struggles might erode the confidence of stakeholders, including investors and partners. This could impact future funding prospects and partnerships, hampering Dunzo’s growth and expansion plans.
  3. Reputation Damage: Dunzo’s reputation, once associated with innovation and convenience, could take a hit due to these ongoing financial issues. Consumers might question the stability of the platform and opt for alternatives, further impacting the company’s revenue.
  4. Legal Challenges: The legal notices from multiple companies and vendors amounting to over Rs 11 crore indicate that Dunzo’s financial difficulties have extended beyond just salary delays. These legal challenges could complicate the company’s financial recovery and its ability to operate smoothly.
  5. Operational Changes: In an effort to reduce expenses, Dunzo switched from its previous model to a marketplace strategy that involved partnerships with retailers. Such tactical adjustments, however, can be difficult and may take some time before they start to pay off.


The present financial struggles and salary delays at Dunzo create a bleak picture for the once-promising firm. Missed deadlines, investor apprehension, and legal issues all suggest that the company is at a crucial turning point. Dunzo’s future success will be greatly influenced by its capacity to obtain the critical financial injection, regain stakeholder confidence, and stabilize its business. Future events are yet unknown, but one thing is certain: Dunzo’s road to recovery will be difficult and demand wise choices and quick action.

The post Dunzo further delays salary payments to October appeared first on TechStory.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

How To Beat Small Stakes Cash Games A guide on Beating Small Stakes Cash Games

If you’re looking to maximize your success in live cash games, it’s crucial to become skilled at recognizing and exploiting the common mistakes made by fellow players. While understanding game theory is beneficial, practical tactics often outshine balanced plays, especially in these smaller stake games.

Credits – blackrain

The foundation of any successful strategy in small stakes poker is to play conservatively. This unchanging principle is vital for excelling at these levels.

The reason behind this is straightforward: small stakes games are filled with inexperienced players who engage in numerous poor hands. By setting higher standards for yourself, you position yourself advantageously in most scenarios. Since poker is a game measured over the long term, the mathematics ultimately triumph over these unskilled players, leading to their substantial losses due to their excessive play of weak hands.

In 6max small stakes games, it’s advisable to play around the top 20% of dealt hands. In contrast, in full ring 9-player games, consider playing approximately the top 15% of dealt hands. It’s important to note that these charts serve as rough guidelines and should never be taken as rigid rules.

Adapting your starting hand selection based on your position at the table is crucial for success in small stakes poker. Depending on your seat, you might need to play significantly fewer hands than indicated on the charts (early position and blinds). Conversely, you may need to play more hands than suggested (late position, such as the button and cutoff).

Position understanding is often lacking among players in small stakes games, making it an area where you can gain an advantage.

Prioritize Exploitation Over Balance Uri Peleg, a coach at Upswing, emphasizes not according your opponents undue respect unless they’ve proven their skill. This means focusing on exploiting weaknesses in your opponent’s strategy and using balanced plays only when necessary.

Many players who’ve studied fundamental strategies make the mistake of attempting to play balanced games against easily exploitable opponents. This is a pitfall to avoid in low-stakes live cash games. Against players like Doug Polk or Nick Petrangelo, balancing may be wise. However, against recreational players unfamiliar with preflop charts, concentrating on balance is unnecessary.

Exploitative strategies, executed effectively against suitable opponents, generate greater profits. This rings especially true in low-stakes games where opponents’ tendencies are clear. Moreover, in most live games, players deviate significantly from optimal game theory, rendering strict adherence to GTO potentially costly.

Making Simple Exploitative Adjustments Consider these straightforward adjustments for low-stakes live games:

  1. Modify Your Opening Range: Adjust your range based on the looseness or tightness of players behind you. Against loose players, fold speculative hands lacking high cards, while against tight players, play more speculative hands.
  2. Adapt Opening Size: Raise more against loose players in the blinds, charging them for their loose play.
  3. Smart Bet Sizing Postflop: When your opponent tends not to fold, bet larger with strong hands to maximize value.
  4. Adjust Continuation Betting: C-bet more against opponents who rarely check-raise, and less against aggressive check-raisers.
  5. Fold to Limited Bluffs: Against opponents who rarely bluff, consider folding more often when faced with significant bets.

These adjustments are instrumental in elevating your success rate in low-stakes live poker.

The Art of Deception Playing exploitatively becomes problematic only if opponents catch on. However, many players lack the understanding to do so effectively. It’s your responsibility to ensure your adjustments remain undetected.

At higher levels, exploitatively skilled players engage in a captivating cat-and-mouse game. While this metagame is important against formidable opponents, it rarely applies in low-stakes games. Here, the emphasis on deception and table image is minimal. This aspect makes low-stakes games an ideal ground for practicing and experimenting with non-balanced strategies.

In conclusion, grasping the fundamentals of small stakes cash games is within reach for any enthusiastic player. By exploiting common errors, prioritizing practicality over balance, and applying simple adjustments, you’ll undoubtedly boost your success rate in these games. Remember, while high-level poker might demand intricate tactics, low-stakes games thrive on simplicity and strategy.

The post How To Beat Small Stakes Cash Games </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Beating Small Stakes Cash Games</span> appeared first on TechStory.

How To Get S Rank in Armored Core 6 A guide on Getting S Rank in Armored Core 6

FromSoftware, renowned for crafting epic titles like Dark Souls and Elden Ring, had its early roots in the mech combat realm with Armored Core. This mech-focused franchise allowed players to not only engage in colossal mechanized battles but also to intricately customize every component, including arms and legs. Amid the triumph of Dark Souls and the emergence of the Soulsborne subgenre, Armored Core appeared to fade into obscurity. However, much to the delight of fans, a new iteration was unveiled at The Game Awards last year. In contrast to the Souls games, Armored Core 6 offers specific missions, each culminating in a ranked assessment of your performance. For those yearning to attain that illustrious S rank, let’s delve into the prerequisites within the realm of Armored Core 6.

Credits – bandainamco

Cracking the Code to an S Rank in Armored Core 6 Missions

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon presents a multitude of missions, each harboring the potential to secure an S rank for players who execute them with utmost efficiency. The game embodies the distinct FromSoftware essence, featuring fully customizable armored mechs that players commandeer to vanquish adversaries and fulfill diverse missions. Players confront an array of decisions, wielding the power to shape the game’s trajectory and their character’s evolution.

Within the realm of Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, clinching S ranks for missions hinges upon swift and efficient mission completion. Multiple factors contribute to this feat, with the primary metric being the credits accrued, serving as an indicator of performance. Here are seven strategies to optimize your mission efficiency, many of which center around augmenting the maximum credit yield:

  1. Navigating Sans Checkpoints: The primary stipulation to secure an S rank mandates completing missions sans the crutch of checkpoints. In simpler terms, you must surmount the mission without succumbing to defeat. Should you meet an untimely demise and find yourself resurrected at a checkpoint, the S rank prospect fades, necessitating a mission restart.
  2. Meeting Special Requirements: Certain missions in Armored Core 6 demand fulfillment of distinct side missions or the collection of Combat Logs, garnered by subduing specific foes. Upon revisiting a mission, the description will elucidate the bonus attributed to accomplishing a side mission or attaining Combat Logs. Such tasks must be completed to amass a score substantial enough for the coveted S rank.
  3. Ammunition Management: Following mission completion, a summary of expenses will encompass various facets, including Ammunition Costs. The extent of these costs directly influences penalties. Ergo, prudent management of your ammunition bears significance in your pursuit of an S rank, albeit trailing behind a more influential factor.
  4. Time Management : Beyond the exclusion of checkpoints, expeditious mission culmination constitutes a paramount factor in clinching an S rank in Armored Core 6. Select missions offer the opportunity to bypass combat scenarios in specific zones. Therefore, your success hinges on minimizing combat entanglements whenever plausible.
  5. Damage Implications: The final critical facet to heed during mission completion for an S rank involves monitoring your damage quotient. Analogous to ammunition, Repair Costs come into play, which diminish your point tally proportionately to the incurred damage. Minimizing damage becomes pivotal, as reduced damage translates to diminished penalties, consequently augmenting your mission-end score.

Mastering the Path to an S Rank

Securing the esteemed S rank entails repeated gameplay and practice, ultimately metamorphosing you into a virtuoso of the specific mission. Armed with insights into the pivotal determinants of higher scores, introspection into your gameplay assumes paramount importance. Identifying and enhancing facets that impair your scores emerges as the crux of your journey.


while FromSoftware’s spotlight often shines on titles like Dark Souls and Elden Ring, the resplendent legacy of Armored Core endures. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon ushers players into an expansive universe of missions, each brimming with S rank potential contingent on swift, efficient execution. This game beckons players with its emblematic FromSoftware appeal, embracing fully customizable mechanized behemoths navigated through battlefields of challenge and triumph. As players grapple with decisions that shape both the game’s narrative and their character’s evolution, the quest for the elusive S rank stands as a testament to their prowess. Undoubtedly, this endeavor mandates a firm grasp of fundamentals, from steering clear of checkpoints to astute ammunition management, and from time-conscious maneuvers to deftly avoiding damage. While the path to mastery demands diligence and practice, armed with a newfound understanding, players embark on a journey toward S rank glory in the captivating realm of Armored Core 6.

The post How To Get S Rank in Armored Core 6 </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Getting S Rank in Armored Core 6</span> appeared first on TechStory.

How Long to Beat: Armored Core 6 How Long Does it takes to Beat Armored Core 6

Before FromSoftware rose to fame with its beloved Soulsborne games, it was the Armored Core series that showcased their prowess. With the emergence of Armored Core 6, the franchise’s first installment since Verdict Day in 2013, fans are in for a treat. These mechanized war beasts in Armored Core 6 are as destructive as ever. However, before diving into this new adventure of mech battles, you might be curious about the game’s overall length.

Credits – EarlyGame

As many players still revel in the grandeur of Elden Ring by FromSoftware, the developer is already delving into its next project: Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. Sporting an entirely fresh backdrop, concept, and gameplay, newcomers to the Armored Core universe might be uncertain about what lies ahead, particularly regarding the time investment needed to conquer the game. While each player will traverse the game at their unique pace, those seeking an approximation of the game’s content can rely on insights from Game Director Yu Yamamura.

For those unacquainted, Armored Core actually predates the now-famous Dark Souls series, standing as FromSoftware’s initial major accomplishment. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon represents the latest entry in a lineage tracing back to 1997.

Estimating the Game Length

In an enlightening conversation with Gamebase, Director Yu Yamamura disclosed that finishing Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon’s campaign should consume roughly 20 hours. It’s crucial to note that this span encompasses a solitary playthrough of the game’s narrative. Anticipate significant replay potential with this title. A substantial portion of time will likely be invested in mech customization, replaying missions, and reengaging with the campaign to unlock the various endings Armored Core 6 offers. This approach is guaranteed to extend the playtime past the initial 20 hours.

Naturally, players determined to achieve 100% completion in Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, collecting every trophy and achievement, will find themselves immersed in the game for an even more extended duration. The general consensus among reviewers gravitates toward an approximately 50-hour commitment for obtaining all trophies. This duration owes itself largely to the “The Perfect Mercenary” trophy, demanding players to achieve S-Rank status in every mission. Given the existence of 50 missions of differing complexities, the time requirement is hardly surprising. Proficient Armored Core enthusiasts might accomplish this feat in less than 50 hours, whereas newcomers could take a tad longer.

As more gamers acquaint themselves with Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, it will become easier to accurately gauge the game’s length. Nevertheless, players should brace themselves for a considerable time engagement if they genuinely intend to explore every facet of FromSoftware’s latest creation. For those aiming for a more laid-back gaming experience, the 20-hour main campaign duration is quite substantial.

According to insights from How Long To Beat, the primary campaigns of previous Armored Core editions range from 8 to 15 hours. The lengthiest endeavor to complete 100% of all content in a mainline game materialized in 41 hours, demonstrated by Armored Core 5. For reference, the preceding game, Verdict Day, demanded 30 hours from completionists. Hence, conquering Armored Core 6 demands a substantial commitment, and prospective players should brace themselves for an extensive in-game journey.

In Conclusion

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon ushers in a thrilling addition to the celebrated franchise. Akin to a skilled pilot navigating a complex battlefield, players will determine the pace and depth of their experience. With the game’s director indicating a 20-hour campaign duration, enthusiasts can anticipate ample replay opportunities that will extend this time. For those pursuing complete mastery, a more comprehensive engagement of around 50 hours will be required. As players flock to experience the game, a clearer picture of its actual length will emerge. Whether one is a seasoned veteran or a budding recruit to the Armored Core realm, investing time in this game is certain to yield exciting mechanized escapades.

The post How Long to Beat: Armored Core 6 </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>How Long Does it takes to Beat Armored Core 6</span> appeared first on TechStory.

How to use Google’s new flight savings feature

Google Flights is stepping up to the plate with an inventive solution in a world where trip preparation may be a minefield of options and uncertainty. Google’s online flight search tool has unveiled a revolutionary function called “insights.” With the help of this tool, air travelers will be better equipped to choose the best time to buy tickets while also taking into account affordable costs. The addition of this tool is good news for passengers who want to get the most out of their flight booking experience.

google flights, google flights news, google new app, google updates, tech news, indiatv tech

Credits: India TV

Unveiling the “Insights” Feature

A common tool for looking up trip possibilities, Google Flights, has always offered a window into the world of airfare costs. By comparing current flight costs to historical averages for the same route, it categorizes them as low, usual, or high. Travelers are still unsure on whether to take advantage of the current offer or wait for future price reductions, though. Google Flights is introducing its improved “insights” function to address this query.

Historical Data: A Powerful Decision-Making Tool

Utilizing trustworthy trend data is the cornerstone of the “insights” feature. Users will now have access to historical data on when airline costs were at their lowest for reservations made for specific trip dates and locations. In order to give users more assurance in their decision-making process, this novel solution makes advantage of previous pricing trends. Google Flights is turning the art of flight booking into a science of data-driven decisions by showing historical price trends.

Price Tracking for Flexibility

Price monitoring is a useful function that Google Flights gives in addition to the “insights” option. Travelers can choose to activate this feature, which will notify them if flight prices noticeably drop. This capability can be tailored to particular dates to accommodate events like going to a friend’s wedding in February. As an alternative, people with flexible schedules can use the “Any dates” option to get notifications about offers for the upcoming three to six months. This flexibility enables travelers to take advantage of possibilities as they present themselves.

The Price Guarantee Advantage

The addition of the price guarantee logo is one of Google Flights’ most exciting features. This emblem, which denotes Google’s high level of confidence that the fare listed will remain constant until departure, will appear on some flight results. This insignia, which is colorful and eye-catching, promises price stability.

Google has increased customer satisfaction for passengers who book flights with the price promise badge. Prior to departure, the firm promises to actively track flight prices every day. Google promises to reimburse the difference using Google Pay if the price does fall during this time. This brave step gives customers who choose Google Flights as their booking platform confidence as well as real additional value.

Companies Involved: Google’s Innovation

Google, a digital behemoth famed for its pioneering attitude, is at the center of this fundamental shift in trip planning. As a component of a wider ecosystem, Google Flights serves as an example of the effectiveness of data analytics and user-centered design. The incorporation of tailored warnings and historical pricing information demonstrates Google’s dedication to enhance user experiences through cutting-edge technologies.

Potential Impact: Transforming the Travel Landscape

The addition of the “insights” tool has the potential to alter the travel planning landscape. Google Flights gives travelers the tools they need to make their own booking decisions by providing them with reliable historical pricing data. The airline industry’s demand patterns may change as a result of this additional knowledge encouraging more strategic booking practices. Airlines may be compelled to modify pricing strategies and present competing offers at advantageous times as consumers become more discerning in their purchasing decisions.


For travelers looking for the greatest airline deals in a world of possibilities, Google Flights’ “insights” function is a beacon of clarity. Users are given knowledge and assurance through the combination of individualized warnings, historical pricing data, and the cutting-edge price guarantee badge.

The post How to use Google’s new flight savings feature appeared first on TechStory.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Apple is Sending Invites for iPhone 15 Launch Event – Confirms Launch Date

We finally know the launch date for the new Apple iPhone 15 series, and guess what? We have now discovered all of the leaks and rumors circulating about the launch date, and we can report with certainty that the most recent leaks were entirely accurate.

The new launch event for 2023 by Apple to introduce its new iPhone series for this year is out and has been confirmed for the 12th of September this year.

Mark the launch date on the 12th of September where you will be able to enjoy the flagship experience with boosted performance with the new flagship for this year, as you must have already read the headlines.

Check out to find out more about the new launch event’s aims and what else we can anticipate from it.

New iPhone 15 Series Set to Launch on September 12th This Year

New iPhone 15 Series Set to Launch on September 12th This Year
New iPhone 15 Series Set to Launch on September 12th This Year
Image Credits: Mark Gurman

Apple, the tech behemoth from Cupertino, has officially revealed the date for the release of its brand-new, much-anticipated iPhone 15 series.

Even if nothing is finalized, Apple has already begun sending out special invitations, thus in the majority of cases we can assume that this is an “official confirmation” from Apple. The launch event has been scheduled for September 12 at roughly 10:00 A.M. PT as you read this.

We can anticipate Apple will introduce four varieties and divide them into pairs as pro and non-pro variants this year, just as in the previous few years.

However, for this year, we also have some fantastic features with outstanding specs that we will be able to view. Here is everything you need to know.

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What to expect from the Apple iPhone 15 Series?

Apple iPhone 15 Series
Apple iPhone 15 Series
Image Credits: Forbes

Speaking more specifically about this new Apple flagship, the new iPhone 15 series, which is anticipated to debut on September 12th, will feature two non-pro variants, a regular iPhone 15 and an iPhone 15 Plus. If you have additional funds, you can choose to move with a Pro model, where you can select between the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models.

In terms of what to anticipate, rumors indicate that the upcoming Apple iPhone 15 series will finally say goodbye to its lightning connections and introduce the USB Type-C port, possibly making it one of the first iPhones to do so.

There are claims that Apple has also replaced its mute switch with a customizable Action Button in addition to implementing the USB Type-C connector.

For a few years, the mute Switch feature was only available on iPhone models. With the iPhone 15 series, however, we might see more Action buttons than Mute buttons.

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Along with the Action button and USB Type-C port, there are rumors that Apple will finally switch from its current aluminum case to the newest titanium casing, giving it a more upscale appearance.

Speaking more specifically about the Apple iPhone 15 series, the new iPhone 15 will ship with the most recent version of iOS 17, and for the foreseeable future, every iPhone 15 model—from the entry-level versions to the professional ones—will include an outstanding Dynamic Island display right out of the box.

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Will Apple Only Launch Their New iPhone 15 Series?

Apple Watch Series 9
Apple Watch Series 9 expected to launch alongside with iPhone 15
Image Credits: Tom’s Guide

Speaking of the Apple event, reports are indicating that the company won’t just unveil its new iPhone 15 series but will also unveil its two smartwatches for the year, the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2.

We might see Apple presenting its new Watch chipset along with some fantastic added health features in the new Watches that it is reported to implement a big improvement over its preceding model.

The post Apple is Sending Invites for iPhone 15 Launch Event – Confirms Launch Date appeared first on TechStory.

BookmarkED Empowering Literary Choices: A Conversation with Steve Wandler, CEO and Co-Founder of BookmarkED

In an enlightening conversation, Steve Wandler, the CEO and Co-Founder of BookmarkED, shares the inspiring journey behind the creation of this innovative platform and how it is revolutionizing the way parents, school districts, and librarians approach children’s literature in the wake of recent legislative changes.

As the landscape of challenged and banned books becomes more complex, BookmarkED strikes a delicate balance between empowering parental decisions and respecting diverse opinions on literature. Wandler sheds light on the platform’s mission to enhance literacy, ensure compliance, and foster community engagement.

Learn how BookmarkED navigates challenges, its holistic solutions for school districts, and Wandler’s personal strategies to stay motivated in the ever-evolving world of education technology. This interview unveils not just a platform, but a vision for a future where books become a source of unity, curiosity, and growth in the young minds of tomorrow.

1 – Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind BookmarkED and how it addresses the challenges parents, school districts, and librarians face in selecting appropriate literary options for children in light of recent legislation like the Texas House Bill (HB) 900?

BookmarkED was founded to address the conflict that school districts are currently facing from challenged books. With the passing of Texas House Bill (HB) 900, school districts must meet changing requirements for parental engagement and library book access.

We enable parents to make individual decisions on literary options for their children. At the same time, we protect school districts from liability by ensuring compliance with legislation and equip schools with real-time data at the state and national level for challenged books, which no other solution in the market is capable of.

Finally, our ultimate vision is to create a world where passion for books unites communities and elevates literacy.

2 – The landscape of challenged and banned books is complex and often controversial. How does BookmarkED navigate the fine line between empowering parents’ decisions and respecting the diverse range of opinions on literature?

As book challenges are increasing, we’ve naturally seen a surge in conversations from parents, school administrators, educators, librarians, and policymakers, across the United States. The American Library Association (ALA) documented 2,571 unique library books and resources challenged in 2022, nearly double the number of challenges reported in 2021 and the highest since the ALA began compiling data more than 20 years ago. 

Balancing the concerns of parents with the need to promote critical thinking and expose students to diverse perspectives is an undoubtedly broad challenge that requires ongoing dialogue and consideration within the educational systems. Our mission is to ensure each child has access to the material approved by their parents in a simple and transparent way.

As a non-partisan platform, BookmarkED addresses the current state of challenged books by fostering parental choice to decide which books their children have access to, based on their family’s values and interests, while protecting school districts from liability and compliance issues. Our mission is to elevate literacy by ensuring children have access to material approved by their parents without removing access for all.

3 – What holistic solution does BookmarkED offer to school districts, beyond facilitating the book review process? How does it enhance overall parental engagement and collaboration within the educational community?

BookmarkED is designed to create joy in reading, encourage curiosity, and spark a lifelong passion for books by bringing transparency and collaboration between all the pillars responsible for a child’s development. 

Additionally, BookmarkED’s innovative platform does the following:

  • Providing parents with transparent choice and approval of their children’s reading materials.
  • Ensures compliance with state legislation related to parental choice.
  • Accesses state and nation-wide, real-time, factual data on challenged books in district libraries.
  • Reduces costs around the challenged book review process.

4 – BookmarkED is positioned as a platform to streamline the book review process for challenged books in schools. Could you share some insights into how the platform will function and how it will contribute to a more efficient and informed decision-making process?

Libraries currently rely on challenged book data from the previous year, which is immediately out of date as more books become challenged and rulings change. This is a rising expense as challenged book reviews and duplicate requests must be checked and updated manually. 

BookmarkED keeps schools and districts informed and protected from potential liability with real-time updates on challenges at the state and national levels. Libraries receive the latest information on when and why a book is challenged, if a book has been removed, and more. Without a central source for this critical information, librarians and administrators are too often left in the dark until challenged books or new legislation becomes an issue. BookmarkED safeguards the literary well-being of our children while providing valuable insights and recommendations for a rich and fulfilling reading experience.

5 – Founding and leading a startup like BookmarkED must have come with its own set of challenges. Could you share some lessons you’ve learned along the way as an entrepreneur, particularly in the education technology sector?

Growing up, my neurodivergent brain—marked by ADHD and Dyslexia—presented unique challenges in the traditional school setting. These challenges led me to drop out of high school. However, it was through these struggles that I eventually discovered my passion as a tech entrepreneur.

As an adult, I noticed my son with similar learning challenges and being in the traditional learning environment, facing similar challenges early in his education. This discovery ignited my focus on the education space, propelling me to look at new ways to help educators reshape the educational experience for future generations.

6 – Entrepreneurship often requires staying creative and motivated, especially during challenging times. What strategies do you personally rely on to maintain your creativity and motivation in the fast-paced world of business?

For me, it’s crucial to step back and remember the mission. Lifelong literacy lifts all boats and improving the reading journey is the motivation behind everything we do.

Being a technology entrepreneur means staying creative and energized about solving problems. I’m always looking at things thinking, ‘How can we do this even cooler or improved on?’ It’s like my brain is on a mission to find new ideas. Which is a blessing and a curse. To stay focused, I’ve learned that I need to take time for myself – to allow my creativity and its natural ability to problem solve to be energized.

7 – As BookmarkED moves forward, what are your aspirations for the platform in terms of its impact on education, accessibility to diverse literature, and fostering open dialogues within school communities?

While our journey kicks off in Texas, our sights are set on a nationwide expansion next year. We’re all about envisioning a future where young minds are fired up to dive into books, explore their passions, and spark lively discussions around the content they adore. As we dive into this exciting mission, I’m truly thankful for the unwavering support from those who share our belief in the magic of literature and the freedom to choose what we read.

BookmarkED isn’t just about Texas – it’s about igniting curiosity coast to coast. Our platform makes discovering new books a breeze, with personalized suggestions waiting in libraries. We’re all about staying in the know and analyzing insights to craft reading experiences that match each individual’s taste. Together, let’s create a world where reading is a community celebration, young minds feel empowered in a secure space, and the thrill of uncovering fresh ideas through books has no limits.

The post BookmarkED Empowering Literary Choices: A Conversation with Steve Wandler, CEO and Co-Founder of BookmarkED appeared first on TechStory.

Google Flights will now tell travelers the best time to buy the lowest airfares

Finding the greatest airline deals has always been a top concern for consumers who place a high value on saving money in the constantly changing travel industry. Understanding this need, Google Flights has introduced ground-breaking capabilities that promise to completely transform the way we book flights, elevating the experience of buying flights. This week, Google Flights will introduce a number of innovations that, according to the company, will turn the value proposition of booking a flight into an exact science by providing customers with unmatched information and assurances that they will get the greatest deals.

Top Google Tips & Tricks 2022: Google Maps, Chrome And More

Credits: Business Today

Unveiling Google Flights’ New Features

Price changes are not uncommon in the world of online flight reservations. Travelers have long struggled with the age-old dilemma of whether to make a reservation now or wait for rates to go down. With its improved insights, Google tickets wants to remove this uncertainty by showing consumers when to book their tickets based on accurate trend data. Travelers will now have access to information on when costs have, historically, been the lowest for a specific route, date, and destination.

Whether a user is a seasoned traveler who makes reservations months in advance or an impulsive individual looking for last-minute savings, this innovative feature enables them to make educated judgments. Travelers have the freedom they want because the ideal booking window can be as short as two days before departure or as far in advance as a generous two months.

Price Tracking for Smart Decisions

That’s not all, though. With the addition of price tracking, Google Flights goes one step further in its pursuit of value. Users can now set up alerts to track the change of flight rates and get notifications when costs for their chosen travel dates dramatically drop. Travelers may take advantage of the finest deals as soon as they become available thanks to this real-time information, enabling them to strike while the iron is hot.

Price Guarantee: A Game-Changer

The addition of a price guarantee label is the standout feature of Google Flights’ new toolkit. This logo serves as proof that Google believes the current rate to be the best deal currently offered, guaranteeing customers that prices are unlikely to decrease further before departure. Google promises to use Google Pay to repay the difference if the unexpected occurs and the price actually drops after the sale. This ground-breaking decision offers a level of monetary security and peace of mind that the airline sector has badly lacked.

Companies Behind the Innovation

The Google Flights teams are at the center of this innovation, working relentlessly to improve user experience and add transparency to the flight booking process. These tools were made possible by Google’s potent algorithms and data analysis tools, which give the otherwise artisanal process of flight booking a more methodical, scientific bent. This industry-redefining technological force continues to do so, and the tourism industry is no exception.

Possible Impact on the Travel Industry

The latest additions to Google Flights have broad repercussions. Travelers may finally make their way confidently through the complicated world of flight booking thanks to its unmatched insights and real-time tracking. Consumers no longer have to rely on intuition to decide whether to make a reservation now or later because historical data offers a reliable basis for judgment. This might therefore result in more early reservations, which would help airlines better predict demand and improve their pricing tactics.

The price guarantee badge’s implementation is also likely to deviate from the accepted practice in the sector. A new benchmark for customer-centricity is set by the guarantee that travelers will get the best deal or will get reimbursed for the price difference. Airlines might see more pressure to keep ticket prices low, which might result in more value-driven pricing approaches.

The addition of Google Pay as a method of compensating for pricing discrepancies further emphasizes the growing significance of online payment methods. This action may inspire other industry participants to improve their payment platforms in response to changing consumer expectations as more travelers choose quick and safe payment options.


The new features of Google Flights are intended to revolutionize the flight booking process in a world where value-driven consumers want the greatest offers and guarantee of financial security. Travelers now have access to strong tools, including real-time tracking, insights into past price trends, and a ground-breaking price guarantee. As these capabilities become an essential component of the contemporary travel scene, the travel industry will probably observe changes in booking behaviors and pricing tactics. One thing is certain as Google Flights continues to innovate: finding the greatest airline deals has simply gotten a whole lot smarter and more rewarding.

The post Google Flights will now tell travelers the best time to buy the lowest airfares appeared first on TechStory.

Byju’s Chief Business Officer, Two Other Top Executives Quit Amid Restructuring

Byju’s, one of the top names in the edtech business, recently announced a strategic restructure of its organizational structure, which has caused a stir throughout the education technology sector. This decision is significant for the organization at this time as it struggles to overcome a number of obstacles and continue on its current growth trajectory. Three senior executives are leaving the company, and verticals are being consolidated, which is a brave move toward reorganizing the business’ operations for long-term success and profitability.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>The Bengaluru-based startup has also laid off at least 3,600 employees over the past year. (Source: Screengrab of a Byju's commercial)</p></div>

Credits: BQ Prime

Reshaping Leadership: Key Executives Step Down

Pratyusha Agarwal, the chief business officer of the edtech behemoth, together with Mukut Deepak and Himanshu Bajaj, two more top executives, have all left the company. Byju’s leadership structure has undergone a considerable change as a result of these resignations, which indicate an effort to realign the company’s strategic direction.

Pratyusha Agarwal’s departure raises concerns about the reasons behind this choice because she served in a crucial capacity as the chief business officer. Agarwal’s vast expertise and contribution to Byju’s development make her leaving a contentious issue in professional circles.

Consolidating for Future Growth: A Strategic Restructuring

At Byju’s, the reorganization effort goes beyond staff adjustments. By combining four important verticals into two targeted domains—K–10 education and test preparation—the organization has started a path to streamline its operations. This change shows a subtle strategy to meet various educational demands while effectively using the company’s resources.

The responsibility for overseeing the K–10 and test preparation verticals has been given to Ramesh Karra and Jitesh Shah, respectively. As they guide these crucial divisions toward sustained growth and profitability in an ever-changing edtech world, their duties become more important.

Navigating Challenges for Sustainability

Byju’s decision to carry out this big restructure comes at a time when the business has been dealing with a number of difficulties. Uncertainty surrounds Byju’s as a result of delayed financial statements, major board member resignations, and the departure of the company’s auditor. Furthermore, the company’s valuation has been revised downward by notable investors, increasing the pressure to show a clear route to profitability.

It is impossible to understate how much these difficulties have affected how Byju is viewed by the general public and by investors. The company’s future course and position in the intensely competitive edtech business will likely be shaped by how it responds to these challenges.

COVID-19 Tailwinds Dissipate: Workforce Reduction Amidst Slowdown

Byju’s recent journey’s response to the pandemic’s altered dynamics has been one of its outstanding features. Although the COVID-19 epidemic first served as an impetus, bringing digital education to the fore, the subsequent normalization of educational activities has presented difficulties. The decision by Byju to fire over 3,600 employees over the past year highlights the necessity of making strategic changes to keep up with the changing educational landscape.

Industry-Wide Implications and Competitive Landscape

The changes at Byju’s have effects that go beyond the business itself. The edtech sector, which in recent years has undergone remarkable development and change, is now at a turning point where sustainability and profitability are taking center stage. Byju’s daring decision to restructure its business operations shows how difficult it is to strike a balance between growth and financial security.

Additionally, Byju’s is not the only business that strives for profitability. Since the early pandemic-driven surge has given way to a more balanced educational climate, several other edtech players have encountered comparable difficulties. To stay relevant and draw in both learners and investors, this circumstance necessitates creative business strategies and strategic differentiation.

Conclusion: Paving the Way Forward

A pioneer in the edtech industry, Byju’s is unmistakably on a transforming journey. The company’s dedication to charting a sustainable growth trajectory is highlighted by the reorganization of key leadership roles, the consolidation of verticals, and the challenges that go along with it. The results of Byju’s strategic restructuring will not only determine the company’s future but also help to define the contours of the larger edtech environment, which the industry will be keenly watching.

Byju’s navigates the hurdles with a commitment to adapt, innovate, and evolve in a time when digital education has become a cornerstone of learning. Even if the road ahead may be difficult, the business’s strategic choices today are likely to pave the way for a vibrant and cutthroat future in the field of educational technology.

The post Byju’s Chief Business Officer, Two Other Top Executives Quit Amid Restructuring appeared first on TechStory.

‘Bring back Twitter’: Elon Musk booed at Valorant Champions event

Elon Musk, a visionary businessman and CEO of several firms, recently drew vociferous criticism from the gaming community at the Valorant Champions event in Los Angeles. Those present voiced their displeasure with the rebranding of Twitter, which is now known as “X,” with boos and shouts calling for the reinstatement of the platform’s previous name. This incident highlights the difficulties in rebranding well-known platforms and the effects it may have on consumer perception.

Credits: Hindustan Times

The Controversial Rebranding

Recent social media ventures by Elon Musk took an unexpected turn when he bought Twitter and renamed it “X.” The action followed a $44 billion buyout that confused users of the platform and the entire public. The formerly well-known Twitter Bluebird logo was changed to a large, white “X” against a dark background to indicate a break with tradition. The platform was intended to be transformed into a multifaceted “super app” similar to China’s WeChat, incorporating audio, video, messaging, and perhaps financial services. Musk, known for his creative thinking, had this goal.

Boos and Sloganeering at Valorant Event

Gamers and the media were interested in Elon Musk’s attendance at the Valorous Champions event. But he was met with a reaction that was anything but friendly. The crowd erupted in boos as he momentarily appeared on the event’s video feed, and they started chanting “Bring back Twitter.” Event announcers were taken aback by the unexpected response, which highlighted how strongly users feel a connection to the platform’s initial character.

User Sentiment and Public Backlash

The incident at the Valorant event serves as a good example of the difficulties involved with rebranding a popular platform. Any significant modifications to Twitter’s identity would be controversial because the company had grown to be well-known and an essential component of modern communication. The public outcry and vociferous criticism to the rebranding serve as an example of the emotional bonds individuals develop with online spaces that have had a big impact on their lives.

Impact on Musk’s Vision

Elon Musk’s plan to turn Twitter into an adaptable and interactive “X” platform demonstrates his desire to foster innovation and open up new channels for interconnectedness on a global scale. The response from the gaming industry, however, indicates that the rebranding may encounter opposition from current customers who have gotten accustomed to the former moniker. This occurrence makes us wonder how to strike the right balance between user loyalty and innovation.

The Companies Involved

It is well known that Elon Musk has been involved in a number of ground-breaking projects. Musk’s influence spans a variety of sectors, from electric vehicles with Tesla to space exploration with SpaceX. Despite the fact that the article states his ownership of “X Corp,” it’s crucial to remember that, as of my most recent update in September 2021, there was no information accessible on his ownership of a social media platform with the same name.

Possible Impact of the Move

The choice to rebrand Twitter as “X” underscores Musk’s lofty goals of building a comprehensive digital platform that goes beyond the limitations of traditional social media. This goal must, however, traverse the realities of user sentiment. Musk may have a hard time persuading current users to accept the new identity if the opposition from the gaming community at the Valorant event is any clue.


The world’s attention is still drawn to Elon Musk’s journey of innovation and transformation. The episode at the Valorous Champions event, where he was greeted with jeers and screams, serves as a reminder that even bold visionaries like Musk must balance user devotion with innovation. While the hypothetical situation you’ve presented highlights the difficulties associated with rebranding well-known platforms, it’s critical to keep up with current affairs in the business and technology worlds to comprehend how figures like Musk influence our digital environment.

The post ‘Bring back Twitter’: Elon Musk booed at Valorant Champions event appeared first on TechStory.

5 Key Features to Look for When Selecting a VDR Provider

Virtual data rooms are advanced, cloud-based data management solutions used by many nonprofits, public institutions, clubs, businesses, and professionals from different industries. The demand for online data room software is growing rapidly, and it is already a billion-dollar market.

However, not all virtual data room providers are worth hiring. That’s because the quality and type of services vary from vendor to vendor.

What to consider when hiring data room services for your business? How to choose a suitable virtual data room provider for your business? Find out in the article.

What to consider when choosing a VDR provider

Here are the top five features to look for when you compare virtual data rooms to choose the right one.

1. Security

Security for virtual data rooms is like oxygen for life; there is absolutely no concept of data room technology without digital protection. If you intend to use one, make sure it is safe as houses,” says Angleo Dean – CEO

Data security is the biggest selling point of VDR providers. However, the type of security you need depends on your usage. Data room security must be highly advanced in case you need it for external data sharing.

It is highly possible that all data room vendors may not be able to provide you with every security feature you need. Still, here are some highly important security features you must consider; these are commonly found in the best data rooms like iDeals, Caplinked, Datasite, etc.

  • Two-step verification. As the name suggests, it is a two-step identity verification process that every data room user has to go through to access the VDR. It’s a basic feature but necessary to minimize threats of unauthorized entrants.
  • Data access permissions. An electronic data room is different from other tools because it ensures a hundred percent control of data flow in the VDR. You must have the authority to decide who should or shouldn’t be given access to any folder, file, or even a page in the document.
  • Screen-only viewing. The screen-only feature prevents virtual data room users from editing, copying, removing, downloading, or printing a document.
  • Data encryption. Data encryption is a feature that allows sharing or storing data in a random/encrypted form, and only the intended recipient can decode that data. Ideally, look for 256-bit encryption.
  • Fence-view. It should be a compulsory part of your data room if the data is expected to be shared with outsiders during strategic partnerships, M&As, or fundraising. It hides the desired data from any file and prevents screenshots.

2. Compliance

Compliance is another key feature to look for when choosing data room services. The United States and other countries require companies to follow certain practices for data handling and cyber protection.

Furthermore, different industries are regulated by autonomous bodies within a country. Here are some examples.

  • Investment bankers, brokerage firms, or similar financial institutions operating in the US territories must comply with FISMA, FINRA, SSAE 16, and FedRAMP.
  • Components of the healthcare industry, such as doctors, surgeons, hospitals, pharma companies, and public healthcare units, must comply with HIPAA.
  • Companies in European Union often follow data management practices set by GDPR.

It is highly advised to choose a vendor that is certified by your governing authority.

3. Customer support

Although virtual data rooms are generally easy to install and even easier to use, they still need you to have some basic training. Additionally, your business teams and other employees in the organization have different capabilities related to using new technologies.

However, you can easily overcome these hurdles with the help of a vendor’s customer care unit. Customer support services not only assist you in setting up the data room, but they are super useful in training your employees and troubleshooting.

A customer care unit must be responsive, knowledgeable, and patient, and most importantly, they must treat every customer individually.

4. Ease of use

In addition to data protection, data room software intends to simplify multiple administrative processes in day-to-day activities or complexities attached to dealmaking. Here’s what to pay attention to:

  • The data room you choose must be easily installable on your corporate operating system, such as Windows, Linux, etc.
  • The vendor should allow mobile access through a dedicated application.
  • It must have time-saving features like full-text search, drag-and-drop, bulk uploads, built-in file viewer and editor, etc.

5. Pricing

Virtual data room pricing is a slightly complex and important aspect. Apart from hidden charges and unclear pricing, data room vendors use different pricing techniques to charge for their services. These methods have their own perks and drawbacks.

Globally used pricing models include per-page pricing, per-user pricing, storage-based pricing, and flat monthly charges. The last option is the most commonly used method, and it is suitable for long-term or large-scale usage.

Final words

Selecting the right virtual data room provider can be a challenging phase for many, especially first-time users. Some of the most critical factors that you must consider when hiring data room services include data room security, compliance, pricing, ease of use, and customer support service.

For an informed decision, users can leverage data room comparison sites like G2, SoftwareAdvide, and Capterra.

The post 5 Key Features to Look for When Selecting a VDR Provider appeared first on TechStory.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Apple iPad Pro 2022 Lineups Selling for Amazing Discounts

Tablets are a good option if you’re looking to upgrade your current products and have only planned to purchase a new product, particularly a new tablet, to improve your productivity or if you simply want something for binge-watching that isn’t as heavy as a laptop but doesn’t have a smaller screen like a smartphone.

Apple’s iPad has consistently ranked among the best-selling tablets overall and is actually our top pick for today’s market.

Apple always has you covered with everything you need, whether it’s an excellent tablet with all the features you need or one that has an amazing display and the best new hardware.

However, you will pay a premium price for all of this. However, we have you covered with a fantastic new flagship, the 11-inch iPad Pro, that you can now get your hands on.

Apple’s best flagship – The 11-inch iPad Pro Selling for a Great Discount

It’s time to act if you’ve had your eye on one of the newest and best iPad Pro models. The 2022 iPad Pro 11-inch and 12.9-inch variants are now available with incredible discounts, making these powerhouses even more enticing. Get ready for some exciting news.

Discounts on Apple iPad Pro 11-inch

With the powerful M2 CPU beneath its hood, the 11-inch iPad Pro is a real beast. The jaw-dropping Liquid Retina display with ProMotion is like a visual symphony, and don’t even get me started on that! What’s actually cool, though? Face ID technology. Yes, it appears as though your iPad recognizes you as a VIP user. Combined ease and security in one tidy package.

Now this one is for you if you’re a creative wizard or just someone who enjoys excellent performance. And what’s this? This amazing deal now saves you a whopping $100! Even if it may not be the best bargain in town, it’s still a great price for a high-end piece of tech bliss.

Discounts on Apple iPad Pro 12.9-inch

However, there’s still more! Prepare yourself for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro, the ultimate tablet for the most elite tech lovers. With the amazing Mini LED display, the turbocharged M2 chip, and did I mention that it works well with the second-generation Apple Pencil, this tablet is a true powerhouse. If you’re an artist, this is the fulfillment of your dream!

So here’s the scoop: you can currently get a $50 discount on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro. Okay, so you won’t suddenly become a millionaire, but those savings do add up. And considering the power and display quality this tablet offers, it’s like obtaining a VIP pass to the technological revolution.

These iPad Pro variants are your ticket if you’re into svelte design, potent performance, or crystal-clear displays that make your eyes dance. Apple is essentially laying down the red carpet for you to experience the technology of the future without breaking the bank with these deals.

Now is the moment to act, my tech-savvy pals. Grab one of these iPad Pro miracles at a bargain and discover a world of limitless opportunities for creativity and flawless performance. Your digital adventure is about to get a huge update!”

Conclusion – Should You Consider Buying it Now?

Apple iPad Pro 11-inch and 12.9 inch
Apple iPad Pro 11-inch and 12.9 inch
Image Credits: Apple

These iPad bargains are like a buffet of options, each appealing to varied tastes and wants in a world teeming with technological possibilities.

These savings are like a siren song to tech fans everywhere, whether you’re looking for an all-around performer that won’t break the bank, a sleek and portable companion, or a powerhouse ready to take on your most difficult chores. The iPad’s appeal has recently increased significantly.

But hold on to your exhilaration, there’s a tiny pearl of knowledge to ponder. The biggest sales events, like Black Friday and Amazon Prime Deals Days, are just around the corner and ready to reveal their own treasure mine of discounts.

And can you predict what else is coming up? The eagerly awaited 2023 iPad lineup from Apple will be on display in October. Therefore, patience may actually be a precious quality if your heart beats for additional amazing deals or you’re eagerly anticipating the most recent iPad improvements.

In essence, these iPad discounts serve as stepping stones toward your technological aspirations. They provide a wide range of options to satisfy every online explorer.

Souce: Pocket Lint

The post Apple iPad Pro 2022 Lineups Selling for Amazing Discounts appeared first on TechStory.

How To Install Gorilla Tag Mods on Oculus Quest 2 A guide on Installing Gorilla Tag Mods On Your Quest 2

Gorilla Tag mods bring a new level of excitement to this captivating VR game. If you’re curious about how to dive into the world of Gorilla Tag mods and enhance your gameplay, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.

Gorilla Tag Mods
Credits – Meta

A New Way to Enhance Oculus Quest 2 Gaming

For all the Oculus Quest 2 fans out there looking to spice up their gaming experience, there’s a significant update you should know about. Unfortunately, the direct installation of Gorilla Tag mods on Quest 2 is no longer supported. Right now, there are no plans to bring back gorilla tag modding. If you’re eager to try out Gorilla Tag mods Quest 2, the path to explore is PCVR. You can gain insight into this shift by checking out the Gorilla Tag modding discord.

Avoiding Mod Installation Traps 

Before you jump into installing mods, it’s crucial to be cautious of misleading instructions. Some guides suggest using the QuestPatcher tool for mod installation, but they often miss a key point which is that it can make your Meta Quest 2 incompatible with Gorilla Tag gameplay. Your game will keep telling you that your version is old and needs fixing.

For Gorilla Tag Mod Quest 2 users who want to play Gorilla Tag via PCVR, Oculus Airlink is an option. Keep in mind that Airlink’s performance can suffer if your internet connection isn’t strong, leading to frame drops and a less enjoyable visual experience. If you choose Oculus Airlink, make sure your PC is connected to your router or modem using an ethernet cable.

If Airlink doesn’t work well, you can directly link your headset to your PC. To do this with an Oculus Quest 2, you’ll need an Oculus Link Cable or a compatible USB 3 cable. If you’re looking for one, you can find affordable options online, though they might not perform as well as the official Link Cable.

Installing Gorilla Tag Mods with the Monke Mod Manager 

To get started with PCVR Gorilla Tag mods, use the Monke Mod Manager. This handy program simplifies mod installation on your PC. Visit the Monke Mod Manager’s GitHub page through this link. Click on “MonkeModManager.exe” under “Assets” to start downloading the installer.

Whether the Monke Mod Manager detects the path automatically or you find it yourself, the app will open, showing a menu with checkboxes. Browse through the available mods and mark the ones you want to install. Click “Install/Update” in the bottom-right corner, and the Gorilla Tag mods will be installed quickly.


This guide has shown you the straightforward steps to install Gorilla Tag mods on your Oculus Quest 2. While mods can’t be directly installed on Quest 2, you can enjoy them on PCVR. Avoid the QuestPatcher tool, as it can disrupt your game. Monke Mod Manager is your tool for PCVR mod installation, and adding Monke Map Loader enhances gameplay. Remember to disable gameplay-affecting mods in public lobbies to avoid bans. For more mods, visit the Gorilla Tag modding discord and GitHub repositories.

The post How To Install Gorilla Tag Mods on Oculus Quest 2 </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Installing Gorilla Tag Mods On Your Quest 2</span> appeared first on TechStory.

How To Download Pornhub Videos A guide on Downloading Pornhub Videos for Free

Having the ability to download Pornhub videos for free has become a desirable convenience. If you’ve ever been curious about downloading videos from the website pornhub , you’re not alone. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide that will enable you to download pornhub videos free, ensuring you can savour your preferred content offline. Regardless of whether you’re using a desktop computer or a mobile device, we’ve got you covered.

Download Pornhub Videos
Credits – Codepen

Download Pornhub Videos on Your Desktop

  1. Locate and Copy the URL: The first step entails visiting the Pornhub website and finding the specific video you wish to download. Once you’ve successfully located the video, copy the URL from the browser’s address bar situated at the top. 
  2. Select a Suitable Downloader Tool: In a fresh browser tab, initiate a search for a free online video downloader tool. Various options are available, including renowned choices like SaveFrom, KeepVid, and ClipConverter. Opt for the downloader tool that aligns with your preferences. 
  3. Paste and Initiate Download: Paste the previously copied video URL into the designated box provided on the chosen downloader tool’s website. Subsequently, opt for your preferred video quality and activate the “Download” command by clicking on the download button provided. 
  4. Await Completion: The completion duration of the download process hinges on your internet speed as well as the video’s size. This means that the time taken to download pornhub videos will depend on your ISP and your internet speed. 
  5. Locate the Downloaded Video: Once the download concludes, navigate to your browser’s default download folder or the pre-assigned folder of your choice to locate the downloaded video. 

Download Pornhub Videos on Your Mobile Device

  1. Locate and Copy: Begin by visiting the Pornhub website and finding the video that catches your interest. Once you’ve spotted the video, copy its URL from the web browser’s address bar at the top. 
  2. Select a Downloading Tool: Open a new browser tab and search for a free online video downloader tool. You’ll come across options like, KeepVid, and ClipConverter. Feel free to choose the one that suits your needs. 
  3. Paste and Initiate Download: On the downloader tool’s website, paste the copied video URL into the designated box. Then, choose your preferred video quality and hit the “Download” button. 
  4. Wait for Download: The duration of the download process hinges on your internet speed as well as the video’s size. This means that the time taken to download pornhub videos will depend on your ISP and your internet speed. 
  5. Access the Downloaded Video: Once the download is finished, you can locate the video in your browser’s default download folder or in a specific folder you’ve chosen. 


By adhering to our steps on downloading pornhub videos, you can effortlessly download pornhub videos free, whether you’re using a desktop or a mobile device. However, it is important to remain aware of the legal aspects surrounding video downloads from the internet. Always take the time to familiarise yourself with Pornhub’s terms of service and the applicable laws in your locality before going off to download Pornhub videos.

The post How To Download Pornhub Videos </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Downloading Pornhub Videos for Free</span> appeared first on TechStory.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Apple M3 MacBook Air and Pro Delayed, Expected After October

As of now, we have some amazing news circulating about the launches of the upcoming flagships for the year, the iPhone 15 series.

But, it appears Apple has other plans regarding the launch of its flagship premium laptops, the M3 MacBook Pro and the M3 MacBook Air for this year as these two laptops, which are usually updated to a new version, may not now be seen making their way to launch with upgraded specifications in 2023.

Apple M3 MacBook Air and M3 MacBook Pro to launch after October

Apple M3 MacBook Air and M3 MacBook Pro to launch after October
Apple M3 MacBook Air and M3 MacBook Pro to launch after October
Image Credits: Bloomberg

It’s not the first time that the top MacBook Air and MacBook Pro have been delayed; in fact, in one of our earlier stories, we discussed how Apple has maintained intentions to even delay the release of its top-end iPhone 15 Pro Max models.

Users and writers alike discover some wonderful and recent changes regarding Apple devices in the months of September and October. These two months are entirely devoted to Apple. Similar to how it is now, it appears that this year we might not see the same trend because there have been significant leaks concerning potential delays.

The information was leaked in a Sunday newsletter written by well-known Apple tipper Mark Gurman, who discussed the leaks and what to expect in September and potentially October.

“The structure of the event, I’m told, will match the iPhone 14 launch: A prerecorded video will be shown online, as well as at an event at the company’s headquarters,” Gurman writes. “There’s also another launch occurring in October — likely for the first M3 Macs — but it’s unclear if that will be positioned as a formal event.”

It is clear from his comments that Gurman has been asserting that the October launch event is less likely to feature the M3 Mac nor did he clarify that the event may include the debuts of the MacBook models. As of right now, it is difficult to predict what will happen in October.

In addition to what he said, if we look at what has happened in the past, the M2 MacBook Pro and M2 Mac Mini weren’t introduced at a special event, and typically Apple releases new models with a significant spec jump along with a press release.

Whole Lineup of Apple's M3 Chipset
Whole Lineup of Apple’s M3 Chipset
Image Credits: IT Voice

Additionally, there are certain particular years that Apple didn’t hold a launch event in October, including 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022.

We think Apple may be heavily emphasizing its newest chipset, the M3 models SoC including the M3, M3 Pro, M3 Max, and M3 Launch, ahead of the release of the new products.

As a result, we may first see the introduction of these chipsets before the introduction of Apple computers powered by them. Just take this leak with a grain of salt since, as we already stated, what will happen is quite unprecedented.

Apple 13-inch MacBook Pro and MacBook Air Leaks

Apple MacBook With M3 Chipset
Apple MacBook With M3 Chipset
Image Credits: MC Solution

Regarding the capabilities of the 13-inch MacBook Pro and 13-inch MacBook Air, rumors suggest that Apple has been working on some fantastic additions for its customers.

Additionally, it has been reported that it would have a larger, higher-resolution screen, which could mean an improvement in both visual quality and resolution.

We will see a significant gain in both performance and battery life with the new M3 chipset, so we can anticipate that the new flagship laptops will launch with a wealth of fascinating features.

On the other hand, the price of the current MacBook range, which includes the M2 and M1 chipset MacBooks, will be drastically reduced in order to make room for the newly released M3 MacBooks.

We therefore advise you to hold off till the release of the new M3-powered Macbooks, at least to get discounted M2-powered laptops.

The post Apple M3 MacBook Air and Pro Delayed, Expected After October appeared first on TechStory.