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Friday, September 29, 2023

Amazon Reverses Anonymized Data Policy, Tracking Employee Office Attendance

In a notable departure from its prior policies, Amazon has instituted a substantial shift in its approach to monitoring and disseminating office attendance records. This strategic move signifies a departure from their earlier practice of handling attendance data in an anonymized and aggregated manner. It appears to be part of Amazon’s broader effort to motivate its employees to return to office spaces, a move that aligns with the ongoing discussions and debates concerning the flexibility of remote work.

Within the United States, Amazon employees can access a newly implemented feature known as the “Badge Report” through their internal HR dashboard. This report offers comprehensive insights into an employee’s attendance, presenting detailed statistics on the number of days an employee “badged” into the office per week. Moreover, it specifies the particular days they physically attended the office over the preceding 8 weeks. However, it’s important to underscore that this report does not encompass data from non-corporate Amazon facilities, including warehouses, data centers, and third-party offices like WeWork.

Amazon’s Enhanced Transparency with Badge Report: Shifting Approach and Objectives

The introduction of the Badge Report represents a significant shift in Amazon’s approach, moving away from the previous practice of collecting only anonymized and aggregated office attendance data. This new feature affords employees a more granular breakdown of their office badge activity, providing insights into their entry into corporate buildings on specific days.

Additionally, the report takes into account exceptional circumstances such as paid time off, sick days, or last-minute schedule changes when evaluating an employee’s office attendance. Amazon’s spokesperson, Rob Munoz, has underscored that the badge data analysis deliberately excludes reported paid time off, personal time, or work conducted from non-corporate facilities.

Munoz stated, “This tool gives employees and managers visibility into the days they badged into a corporate building. The information will help guide conversations as needed between employees and managers about coming into the office with their colleagues.” Moreover, managers have the capability to view badge reports for individual employees as well as their respective teams.

Amazon Reverses Anonymized Data Policy, Tracking Employee Office Attendance
Credits: Reworked

In a separate internal memo, Amazon notified employees of this recent update regarding badge data. The company clarified that the objective behind providing this data is to help employees understand their office attendance patterns and enable constructive discussions between employees and managers regarding the return to the office. Interestingly, this badge data access is not available to employees in specific countries, including Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Korea, or Taiwan.

Return to Office Policy of Amazon and Employee Resistance

In light of this fresh approach, Amazon finds itself facing resistance from its employees regarding the Return to Office (RTO) policy, which advocates for employees to be present in the office three times a week. Overcoming this challenge has proven to be an ongoing struggle for the company. To reinforce compliance with this policy, Amazon has recently implemented a directive that requires employees to relocate near designated office “hubs.” Failure to do so could result in what essentially amounts to a “voluntary resignation.”

Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, has reaffirmed the company’s unwavering commitment to the RTO policy, emphasizing the potential repercussions for those who are unwilling to comply. This steadfast stance by the company’s leadership underscores the significance they place on returning to the office.

This shift in policy and the subsequent developments shed light on the continuous battle between companies and their workforce regarding remote work policies. As mammoth organizations like Amazon grapple with finding the right equilibrium between in-office and remote work, the landscape of work dynamics is experiencing a notable transformation. The ramifications of this evolution on employee morale, productivity, and corporate culture are a subject of extensive discussion and keen observation. The delicate balance that needs to be struck between traditional office norms and the emerging trends in remote work is becoming increasingly crucial in shaping the future of work.


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Nissan Commits to Full Electric Transition by 2030 Despite Delay in Petrol Ban

Nissan is ramping up its efforts towards electrification, pledging that all cars sold in Europe will be electric by 2030. This decision comes in the face of the UK’s decision to push back its ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles to 2035.

The CEO of Nissan emphasized that this move is motivated by a commitment to the environment and sustainability. However, the UK’s delay in implementing the ban has raised concerns within the automotive industry, particularly regarding potential delays in consumer adoption of electric vehicles, as voiced by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

Nissan’s Ambitious Plans for Electric Vehicle Advancements

Nissan is set to unveil innovative battery technology by the close of this decade, aiming to significantly slash both the charging duration and expenses associated with electric vehicles (EVs). “Nissan will make the switch to full electric by 2030 in Europe. We believe it is the right thing to do for our business, our customers, and for the planet,” stated Makoto Uchida, Nissan’s CEO.”

In an interview with the BBC, Mr. Uchida expressed the company’s commitment to reducing the cost of electric vehicles, aiming for them to be as affordable as petrol and diesel cars within the next few years. He emphasized their approach, considering technology advancement, collaboration with suppliers, and government involvement to achieve cost competitiveness for consumers.

“We are looking at it from the point of view of the technology, from the point of view of cooperating with suppliers, and of course working with the government on how we can deliver that kind of cost competitiveness to the consumer ” Mr. Uchida stated. When asked if this price parity would be achieved by 2030, he affirmed, “That’s our goal.”

Nissan Commits to Full Electric Transition by 2030 Despite Delay in Petrol Ban
Credits: The Guardian

Additionally, Mr. Uchida revealed the company’s expedited efforts in developing all-solid-state battery technology (ASSB), which offers lighter weight, cost-effectiveness, and faster charging. He mentioned plans for a pilot plant for ASSB in Japan starting next year and their ambition to achieve mass production by 2028. Despite acknowledging challenges, he expressed confidence in their progress towards meeting this target.

 Strategic Investment of Nissan in UK Battery Manufacturing

Nissan stands as a unique player in the automotive industry within the United Kingdom, possessing its own battery manufacturing capabilities. In a strategic move last year, the company unveiled an ambitious plan to infuse £1 billion into the expansion of its battery facility, strategically located adjacent to its Sunderland car production plant. This venture received a boost from the government, which pledged a substantial contribution of £100 million towards the initiative.

This substantial investment places Nissan in a favorable position compared to its counterparts, who heavily rely on importing batteries primarily sourced from China. The move aligns with the looming post-Brexit trading regulations set to come into effect in the upcoming year. According to these rules, vehicles manufactured in the UK or the EU must source 45% of their components by value from within the UK or EU to evade a 10% tariff when exporting between these regions.

Of notable concern is the cost associated with batteries, recognized as the priciest component in an electric vehicle. This concern has triggered a collective response from manufacturers based in both the UK and the EU. They have advocated for a deferral of the 45% sourcing requirement until manufacturing plants are adequately prepared and capable of meeting the criteria for battery supply.

In light of these challenges, Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch conveyed the government’s optimism during a recent interview with the BBC. The government is actively working towards securing a deferral that would accommodate manufacturers and synchronize with the readiness and capacity of production facilities to meet the specified battery sourcing thresholds.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

FTC Fires ‘The Big One’: Accuses Amazon of Illegally Maintaining Monopoly

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 17 state attorneys general have filed a lawsuit against Amazon, alleging that the online retail giant is illegally maintaining a monopoly. According to FTC Chair Lina Khan, the complaint outlines how Amazon has employed punitive and coercive tactics to unlawfully preserve its monopolistic position.

The complaint goes into detail, citing allegations of how Amazon is currently leveraging its monopoly power to benefit itself while simultaneously increasing prices and reducing service quality for the millions of American families who use its platform and the hundreds of thousands of businesses that depend on Amazon to reach their customers. This lawsuit aims to hold Amazon accountable for these alleged monopolistic practices and restore free and fair competition principles.

The FTC has initiated legal action by filing a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington. According to the FTC’s official statement, they aim to secure a permanent injunction in federal court, prohibiting Amazon from participating in illegal activities and loosening the grip of Amazon’s monopoly to restore a competitive market.

Alleged Anticompetitive Practices by Amazon

The lawsuit seeks declarations that Amazon’s behavior violates federal and state laws. It requests an injunction to halt the mentioned conduct, accompanied by unspecified “structural relief” deemed essential to address and prevent Amazon’s breaches of the law. This structural relief could potentially involve actions such as breaking up the company.

FTC Fires 'The Big One': Accuses Amazon of Illegally Maintaining Monopoly
Credits: ABC News

In addition to the FTC, several states have joined the lawsuit, including Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

The legal action had been anticipated for many months and was often dubbed “the big one,” representing a significant lawsuit subsequent to numerous prior FTC grievances directed at Amazon. The FTC claimed that Amazon’s anticompetitive actions were prevalent in two sectors—the online superstore market catering to consumers and the market for online marketplace services utilized by vendors. The FTC outlined Amazon’s purported monopolistic strategies in the following manner:

  • Anti-discounting measures that punish sellers and deter other online retailers from offering prices lower than Amazon, keeping prices higher for products across the Internet. For example, if Amazon discovers that a seller is offering lower-priced goods elsewhere, Amazon can bury discounting sellers so far down in Amazon’s search results that they become effectively invisible.
  • Conditioning sellers’ ability to obtain “Prime” eligibility for their products—a virtual necessity for doing business on Amazon—on sellers using Amazon’s costly fulfillment service, which has made it substantially more expensive for sellers on Amazon to also offer their products on other platforms. This unlawful coercion has in turn limited competitors’ ability to effectively compete against Amazon.

Amazon’s FTC Controversies: Allegations and Response

The FTC has contended that Amazon engages in unlawful, exclusionary behavior that hinders competitors from establishing a presence. The commission asserts that Amazon levies substantial monopoly fees, sometimes approaching 50% of sellers’ total revenues, adversely affecting both sellers and consumers who experience inflated prices for a multitude of products sold on or off the platform.

Furthermore, the FTC accuses Amazon of harming consumers by manipulating search results, replacing genuine, organic outcomes with paid advertisements, and prioritizing Amazon’s own products in search listings, even if they are of inferior quality.

In response to these allegations, Amazon’s Global Public Policy & General Counsel, David Zapolsky, argues that the challenged practices have actually encouraged competition and innovation within the retail sector. He asserts that these practices have led to an enhanced variety of products, reduced prices, and faster delivery for Amazon customers, as well as increased opportunities for businesses operating within Amazon’s marketplace. Zapolsky suggests that the FTC’s desired course of action could result in fewer product options, elevated prices, delayed deliveries, and limited choices for small businesses—contrary to the intended objectives of antitrust law.

In a prior lawsuit filed in June, the FTC accused Amazon of breaching US law by misleading consumers into subscribing to the $14.99-per-month Amazon Prime service and making subscription cancellations unnecessarily challenging.

The FTC had also initiated legal action relating to privacy concerns, one involving Alexa voice recordings from children and another concerning Amazon’s Ring division’s invasion of user privacy, allowing numerous employees and contractors to view video recordings of customers’ private spaces. Amazon agreed to settle both cases, agreeing to pay fines and implement changes to privacy protocols.

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Indonesia’s Ban on Social Media Purchases: Impact on E-Commerce, TikTok, and Local Businesses


In a significant move, Indonesia has announced a ban on purchases conducted through social media platforms, dealing a blow to TikTok’s e-commerce aspirations and ushering in a new era of regulation in the country’s online retail landscape. This report delves into the details of Indonesia’s decision, its implications for various stakeholders, and the broader context of e-commerce regulation in the nation.

**Understanding Indonesia’s Regulatory Shift**

Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade recently declared its intention to tighten regulations surrounding e-commerce activities, explicitly stating that transactions on social media platforms will no longer be permitted. This decision represents a notable shift in the country’s stance on online commerce, which has been marked by rapid growth and innovation.

The ministry’s assertion that e-commerce transactions on social media are no longer allowed aims to streamline the e-commerce sector and foster more controlled and accountable trade practices. It seeks to address the challenges posed by the proliferation of sales on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, which have become popular channels for both businesses and individual sellers to promote and sell their products.

**Competitive Dynamics and Local Impact**

Indonesia’s decision to ban social media purchases carries significant implications for various stakeholders in the e-commerce landscape. One immediate impact is on TikTok’s ambitious foray into e-commerce. The Chinese-owned social media giant has been actively expanding its e-commerce offerings, and Indonesia has been a key battleground for competition with established players like Shopee.

This regulatory development is viewed favorably by traditional e-commerce companies, particularly Sea Ltd., the parent company of Shopee. The competitive landscape between TikTok and Shopee has intensified in recent times, with both platforms vying for market share in Indonesia’s burgeoning online retail market. The ban on social media transactions is seen as an advantage for Shopee and other e-commerce platforms as they seek to maintain their market dominance.

**President Joko Widodo’s Perspective**

President Joko Widodo’s statement underscores the motivations behind Indonesia’s decision to curtail social media-based e-commerce transactions. He expressed concern that the influx of foreign goods facilitated by social media platforms has led to a decline in sales for micro, small, and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs) in the country.

Widodo’s remarks highlight the challenges faced by local businesses in a rapidly globalizing digital economy. The availability of foreign products through social media channels has disrupted the traditional marketplace and posed a threat to the sustainability of local enterprises. The government’s move to protect MSMEs aligns with broader efforts to safeguard Indonesia’s economic interests.

**The Broader Context of E-commerce Regulation**

Indonesia’s decision to ban social media purchases also aligns with global trends in e-commerce regulation. As online commerce continues to evolve and expand, governments worldwide are grappling with how to strike a balance between fostering innovation and protecting local businesses and consumers.

Regulation in the e-commerce sector encompasses a wide range of issues, from consumer protection and taxation to competition policy and intellectual property rights. Indonesia’s action reflects the growing recognition that online transactions should be subject to appropriate oversight and safeguards to ensure fair competition and protect the interests of domestic businesses.

**Challenges and Opportunities Ahead**

While Indonesia’s ban on social media purchases is seen as a positive development by some, it also raises challenges and opportunities for the country’s e-commerce ecosystem. One challenge lies in the enforcement of this ban, given the vast and diverse landscape of social media platforms and sellers. Authorities will need to devise effective mechanisms to monitor and enforce compliance.

On the other hand, this regulatory shift opens up opportunities for traditional e-commerce platforms to strengthen their market positions. Companies like Shopee and Sea Ltd. now have an opportunity to collaborate with local businesses and MSMEs to provide them with a platform to reach a wider audience and expand their online presence. Additionally, the government can explore partnerships with e-commerce companies to facilitate the growth of local businesses in the digital space.


Indonesia’s ban on social media purchases marks a pivotal moment in the country’s e-commerce evolution. It reflects the government’s commitment to protecting local businesses, especially MSMEs, in the face of evolving global trade dynamics. The decision also shapes the competitive landscape in the e-commerce sector, with traditional players poised to benefit from the regulatory change.

As Indonesia navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by this regulatory shift, it sets an example for other nations grappling with similar issues in the ever-expanding realm of e-commerce. The balance between innovation and regulation will remain a critical consideration as countries seek to harness the full potential of digital commerce while safeguarding their economic interests and local businesses.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

India’s Byju’s to merge businesses, slash around 5,500 jobs

In a strategic move that is sending ripples through India’s education technology sector, Byju’s, the prominent EdTech firm, has declared its intent to slash around 5,500 jobs as part of an extensive restructuring effort. This decision comes as Byju’s seeks to rein in costs and revamp its operational landscape. Arjun Mohan, who recently took the helm as the company’s CEO, is leading the charge to merge several business verticals, a transformation expected to be implemented in the near future.

People walk past an advertising hoarding of Byju's, an Education Technology company and one of India's biggest startup, outside one of its branch in New Delhi Credits: Reuters

Unpacking the Restructuring Plan

Byju’s, once valued at a staggering $22 billion, has experienced a tumultuous period marked by a series of setbacks, including the resignation of its auditors and board members, and ongoing negotiations to repay a substantial $1.2 billion loan. In response, Arjun Mohan has charted a comprehensive restructuring blueprint aimed at steering the company back onto a path of sustainable growth.

5,500 Job Cuts: The most striking facet of Byju’s restructuring plan is the decision to eliminate approximately 5,500 positions, with the brunt of these job losses expected to occur within Byju’s parent company, Think & Learn (THIK.NS). Notably, these layoffs are confined to the parent company and do not impact its subsidiaries. It is noteworthy that many of the roles being axed are high-level positions within the organization.

Vertical Integration: As part of this restructuring, Arjun Mohan has articulated a vision of merging multiple business verticals. While specific details of the consolidation remain undisclosed, the overarching aim is to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and facilitate a more cohesive organizational structure.

Byju’s and Think & Learn: An Overview

Before we delve into the potential ramifications of this restructuring, let’s acquaint ourselves with the key actors in this narrative:

Byju’s: Founded by Byju Raveendran in 2011, Byju’s has emerged as a dominant player in India’s EdTech sector. It offers a diverse array of online learning solutions, spanning video lectures, interactive content, and a wide spectrum of subjects and age groups. Over the years, it has garnered an extensive user base and attracted substantial investor attention.

Think & Learn (THIK.NS): Think & Learn is the parent company overseeing Byju’s operations. Listed on the stock exchange under the ticker symbol THIK.NS, Think & Learn primarily manages the broader corporate strategy and financial facets, while Byju’s represents the public face of the brand.

Assessing the Potential Impact

Byju’s restructuring announcement carries far-reaching implications, both for the company itself and the broader EdTech arena.

Cost Rationalization: The driving force behind the job cuts and restructuring is unequivocally cost reduction. Byju’s has grappled with financial predicaments of late, including negotiations pertaining to a substantial loan repayment. Trimming the workforce, especially at senior levels, is envisioned to yield significant reductions in operational expenses, bestowing a much-needed financial lifeline to the company.

Operational Efficiency and Streamlining: The consolidation of various business verticals aligns with the broader objective of enhancing operational efficiency. A more streamlined organizational structure can facilitate quicker adaptation to market shifts and elevate the quality of educational content and services offered.


Byju’s, a symbol of India’s expertise in education technology, is on a transformational journey. Its willingness to adjust to shifting market realities, relieve financial stress, and regain its footing is underscored by the news of 5,500 job cutbacks and the consolidation of business verticals.

Beyond just Byju, this rearrangement has effects on other people. The company is a powerful player in the EdTech space, so its decisions and results are likely to have an impact on the sector as a whole. Additionally, the success of this restructuring plan has the potential to restore investor confidence and solidify Byju’s position in the rapidly changing online and offline education scene.

As Byju’s progresses with its restructuring initiative in the coming weeks, it will be under close scrutiny from stakeholders, competitors, and the broader market. The EdTech sector is undergoing a transformation, and Byju’s move may well shape the industry’s future trajectory.

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Cainiao ‘s $1 Billion IPO: Hong Kong’s Second-Biggest Listing in 2023


Cainiao ‘s IPO announcement comes at a time when the global logistics industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. E-commerce, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has boomed, creating enormous demand for efficient and reliable logistics solutions. As a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, Cainiao has been at the forefront of this industry evolution. Let’s explore the key aspects of this IPO.

The Pinnacle of IPOs:

In move that has sent shockwaves through the financial world, Alibaba’s logistics arm, Cainiao, has filed for a US$1 billion initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong. This landmark event not only solidifies Hong Kong’s position as a global financial hub but also marks one of the most significant IPOs of the year. In this report, we will delve into the details of Cainiao ‘s IPO, its implications for Hong Kong’s financial market, and the broader logistics landscape.

In a groundbreaking move for the financial world, Cainiao, an affiliate of Alibaba Group, has filed for a colossal US$1 billion initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong. This strategic decision not only showcases the growing significance of the city’s stock exchange but also reaffirms Alibaba’s commitment to expanding its logistics and supply chain services.

Cainiao: The Logistics Powerhouse:

Founded in 2013, Cainiao has rapidly transformed into a logistics powerhouse, offering end-to-end supply chain solutions. Its ability to seamlessly integrate various logistics providers and harness cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and big data has been instrumental in its success. With a presence in over 200 countries and regions, Cainiao has played a crucial role in Alibaba’s global expansion strategy.

The Implications of the IPO:

Cainiao’s decision to go public in Hong Kong is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it reinforces Hong Kong’s status as a leading global financial center. The city has been working diligently to attract tech giants and startups alike, and Cainiao’s IPO is a testament to its success in this endeavor.

Secondly, this IPO reflects a broader trend of Chinese tech companies choosing Hong Kong over other stock exchanges like New York or Shanghai. The regulatory environment, investor base, and proximity to mainland China have all contributed to this trend. As a result, Hong Kong has become a preferred listing destination for many Chinese firms.

The Road Ahead:

Cainiao’s IPO is expected to fuel its expansion plans further. The funds raised will likely be channeled into enhancing its technological capabilities, expanding its global footprint, and fortifying its position in the fiercely competitive logistics industry.

Moreover, this IPO could also pave the way for other Alibaba Group subsidiaries to consider listing in Hong Kong, signaling continued growth and diversification for the conglomerate.

Challenges and Risks:

However, with great opportunities come great challenges and risks. The logistics industry is highly competitive, and global economic uncertainties can impact the demand for logistics services. Additionally, regulatory scrutiny, especially in the context of data privacy and security, could pose a significant challenge to Cainiao’s operations.

Furthermore, the evolving geopolitical landscape, particularly the tensions between China and the United States, may influence investor sentiment and impact the stock’s performance.


Cainiao’s US$1 billion IPO in Hong Kong is undoubtedly a game-changer for both the company and the financial market. It underlines the city’s appeal as a listing destination for tech giants and reinforces Cainiao’s position as a logistics leader. However, the road ahead will not be without its share of challenges, and investors will be closely watching how the company navigates these hurdles.

As we move forward, the success of Cainiao’s IPO and its subsequent performance on the stock market will be closely monitored, offering valuable insights into the future of the logistics industry and Hong Kong’s continued evolution as a global financial hub.

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Euro 7 Emission Standards: EU Ministers Forge Ahead Amid EV Investment Concerns

In a significant development, European Union ministers came to an agreement on Monday to amend a proposal from the European Commission regarding new vehicle regulations. This decision was prompted by concerns raised by eight member states, including France and Italy, who believed that the proposed changes could lead to a redirection of investments away from the growing electric vehicle (EV) industry.

For over three decades, the European Union has been consistently tightening regulations on emissions from road vehicles, starting in 1992. The latest proposal from the Commission, known as “Euro 7,” was designed to introduce new standards specifically addressing particle emissions from vehicle brakes and tires.

What are the Euro 7 standards?

Euro 7 represents the next-generation of vehicle emission standards in the European Union, set to be implemented in two phases. The first phase is scheduled for initiation in 2025 and is tailored for light-duty vehicles, spanning the category of cars and vans. Subsequently, the second phase is set to debut in 2027 and is aimed at heavier vehicles, encompassing trucks and buses.

It is more stringent than the current Euro 6 standards, with stricter limits on tailpipe emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and other pollutants. It has  introduced new limits on non-exhaust emissions, such as brake dust and tire wear.

While the specific details of Euro 7 are still under development, the European Commission has proposed the following key elements:

  • Tailpipe emissions: It aims at reduction of  NOx emissions from light-duty vehicles by 35% and PM emissions by 13%, compared to Euro 6. For heavy-duty vehicles, NOx emissions will be reduced by 56% and PM emissions by 39%.
  • Non-exhaust emissions: Euro 7 will introduce new limits on brake dust and tire wear emissions from light-duty vehicles. Brake dust emissions will be reduced by 27%, and tire wear emissions will be reduced by 10%.
  • Real-world driving emissions: It includes new tests to ensure that vehicles meet emission limits in real-world driving conditions.
  • Durability: New standards require vehicles to meet emission limits for a longer period of time and mileage than Euro 6.


Response of the member countries

France, Italy, and the Czech Republic have advocated for less stringent regulations, arguing that the proposed limits on pollutants, particularly nitrous oxides from combustion engines, could divert resources away from the electric vehicle (EV) sector. These countries are home to a number of iconic automakers, such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Maserati, which produce high-performance vehicles with combustion engines.

Whereas Germany and the Netherlands have expressed support for the stricter rules, arguing that they are necessary to protect public health and improve air quality. Notably, these countries already have a number of environmental policies in place and are committed to reducing air pollution.

Spain, currently holding the rotating presidency of the European Union, has presented a compromise proposal that was approved by the Council of the European Union. The proposal keeps the existing Euro 6 testing conditions and emissions limits for passenger cars and vans, but imposes lower limits for buses and heavy vehicles. It also introduces new particle emissions standards for brakes and tires.

Latest Developments

Héctor Gómez Hernández, Spain’s acting minister for industry, trade, and tourism, stated that they believe their proposal strikes a balance between broad support, cost considerations for manufacturers, and enhanced environmental benefits resulting from the regulations.

The final form of the Euro 7 rules will depend on the outcome of the negotiations between the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the European Commission. It is likely that the Euro 7 rules will have a significant impact on the automotive industry, regardless of their final form. Automakers will need to invest in new technologies to meet the stricter emission limits. This could lead to higher vehicle costs for consumers. However, the Euro 7 rules are also expected to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, which could have long-term environmental benefits.

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Dunzo to undertake fresh round of layoffs; looks at raising $25-30 million from existing investors

In the ever-evolving world of quick commerce, where speed is the currency of success, Dunzo, a player once riding high, now finds itself navigating treacherous waters. The company, known for its swift delivery of anything and everything, is grappling with a formidable challenge: its own financial woes. Recent reports have illuminated a stark reality—the need to embark on yet another round of layoffs, with ambitions to trim its workforce by a substantial 30-40%. But, in a twist of fate, Dunzo is also on the cusp of securing a vital lifeline—a $25-30 million funding round that has investors like Reliance Retail and Google poised on the edge of their seats. Join us as we delve into the heart of Dunzo’s predicament, explore the role of these heavy-hitting investors, and ponder the possible pathways that lie ahead.


Credits: Financial Express

Dunzo’s Layoff Gambit: The High-Stakes Shuffle

With its back against the wall, Dunzo is executing a daring move. Two rounds of layoffs earlier this year already claimed close to 400 employees, and now, a third, more audacious round is on the horizon. The objective? To slice the workforce by a staggering 30-40%. The urgency with which these layoffs are being executed serves as a stark reminder of Dunzo’s financial fragility.

Investor Drama: A Pro-Rata Performance

The glimmer of hope in this dark tale comes in the form of a much-needed funding round, slated to be in the ballpark of $25-30 million. The crux of the matter is the participation of key investors—Reliance Retail, Google, and Lightrock. Their role in this unfolding drama is pivotal, with a catch—each investor’s contribution will be proportional to their existing stake in Dunzo.

Reliance Retail: This heavyweight carries the largest share, a hefty 25.8% stake in Dunzo. Their involvement underscores their commitment to revolutionizing the on-demand delivery sector.

Google India: A close second, Google India commands approximately 19% of Dunzo’s stake. Their continued support hints at the tech giant’s deep interest in India’s dynamic quick commerce landscape.

Lightrock: While not as prominent as the giants, Lightrock’s participation underscores their unwavering faith in Dunzo’s potential and the quick commerce industry.

A Price Tag Uncertain

The valuation of Dunzo in this crucial investment round continues to be the subject of ongoing debate. The result of this tense negotiation will be crucial to Dunzo’s financial comeback. Dunzo might very well require a good valuation to help him navigate these choppy waters.

Respite at Last?

The funds Dunzo seeks could potentially usher in a sigh of relief. The company has faced the dreaded slew of legal notices for non-payment and the grim specter of delayed salaries, including those for June and July. Promisingly, if the funding comes through, Dunzo may finally be in a position to settle these pressing financial obligations promptly.

The Employee Dilemma

For Dunzo’s loyal employees, the situation is undeniably challenging. The looming layoffs present two options: resign and exit immediately, with a full and final settlement promised for January or February, or opt to serve the notice period, securing the due September salary in October, with the full and final settlement still on the horizon for January or February. These options, albeit tough, provide departing employees with a degree of flexibility.

Conclusion: Dunzo’s High-Stakes Gamble

The story of Dunzo develops as a high-stakes wager in the world of rapid business, where the necessity for finance and the fight against time are both unrelenting. The role of powerful investors assumes center stage as the corporation battles financial obstacles, influencing the story of its destiny. The plot is only made more intriguing by the dubious assessment.

In the coming months, all eyes will be trained on Dunzo as it battles to secure its financial foothold and emerge from this turbulent chapter. The choices it makes and the outcomes it achieves will not only redefine its trajectory but also cast light on the broader dynamics of India’s quick commerce industry. Will Dunzo rise to the challenge, or will it become a cautionary tale in the relentless quest for speed and convenience? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain—Dunzo’s journey is a compelling drama worth watching.

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Dream11 parent moves Bombay HC challenging GST evasion notice

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) is prepared to issue show-cause notices to more than 40 skill-gaming companies for alleged tax fraud, which is a significant move for India’s gaming industry. One of these businesses, the well-known Dream11 parent firm, Dream Sports, has taken legal action by contesting the show cause notice by submitting a writ petition to the Bombay High Court. The claims center on GST (goods and services tax) evasion and the failure to pay the required 28 percent GST on the face value of bets. This action follows the Supreme Court’s recent stay of a Karnataka High Court decision that invalidated a GST notice against Gameskraft for what was allegedly astounding tax fraud totaling Rs 21,000 crore.


Credits: Money Control

Dream Sports Challenges Tax Authorities

At the center of the controversy is Dream Sports, the parent business of Dream11, a well-known fantasy sports website. In the Bombay High Court, it has filed a writ case contesting the show cause notice sent by tax authorities. The notification claims that 28 percent GST on the face value of bets placed on their platform was not paid, as well as GST avoidance. The tax demands presented in this show cause notice significantly exceed Gameskraft’s already sizable amount of Rs 21,000 crore. In reality, according to some reports, the claims made against Dream Sports could end up being close to twice as much, or about Rs 40,000 crore. The Economic Times, however, pegs the figure at Rs 25,000 crore. Dream Sports has chosen not to comment.

Dream11’s Financial Snapshot

It’s important to remember that Dream11, a key player in the fantasy sports industry, earned a net profit of Rs 142 crore on operational sales of Rs 3,841 crore in FY22 as this tax evasion case develops. These financial data make the corporation a focal point in the current legal dispute since they demonstrate its significant presence and financial strength.

Supreme Court’s Role

In the upcoming weeks, the Supreme Court is scheduled to consider this case once more. The verdict in this case will have a big impact on India’s overall market for skill-based video games. Executives in the skill-based gaming industry and legal professionals have previously expressed their fears, stressing that a negative decision from the supreme court may potentially mean the end of the sector, which is already struggling with the GST Council’s recently imposed 28 percent GST system.

GST Council’s Decision and Its Impact

The crucial decision to apply the top GST slab of 28 percent to the whole face value of bets, regardless of whether they are regarded as games of skill or chance, was adopted by the GST Council in July 2023. The gaming industry strongly disagreed with this choice. In an effort to prevent double taxation, the council suggested that GST be applied to deposits rather than to each and every wager on August 2 in an effort to provide some relief.

Prior to this modification, platforms for skill gaming were liable to an 18 percent GST rate on their platform fees, or Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR). Sanjay Malhotra, the Revenue Secretary, argued that the GST rate for real-money gaming had always been set at 28 percent on the entire face value.

Implementation of GST Rates

All states were urged by the GST Council, which was chaired by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, to apply the higher tax rates by October 1, 2023. In addition, it promised to revisit this choice six months after it was made. Bills to alter the Central and Integrated GST legislation were introduced by Sitharaman on August 11 during the Monsoon Session, and they were later approved by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. On August 19, President Droupadi Murmu approved these revisions. Following this, numerous states passed comparable changes to their individual state GST statutes, including Haryana, Goa, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Possible Impact on the Gaming Industry

The ongoing legal battle between tax authorities and Dream Sports, along with the wider implications of the GST Council’s decision, have cast a cloud of uncertainty over India’s burgeoning gaming industry. Skill-based gaming companies are facing substantial tax burdens, which could ultimately impact their profitability and operations.

Furthermore, the outcome of the Supreme Court hearing will be pivotal. If the court rules in favor of the tax authorities and upholds the 28 percent GST on the face value of bets, it could set a precedent for other skill gaming companies, potentially leading to a cascading effect of taxation-related challenges and legal battles.

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tesla Launches 2023.32.100 Software Update: A closer look

In the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles, Tesla’s most recent 2023.32.100 software update stands as a testament to their dedication to improving user experience. This upgrade introduces changes that revolutionize visualizations, camera clarity, and introduces service mode features. Here’s the scoop on what Tesla users can now enjoy.


Autopilot Enhancements

With the 2023.32.100 update, Tesla’s Autopilot system has undergone a transformation that significantly elevates its capabilities. This latest iteration integrates advanced features previously reserved exclusively for the FSD Beta program. Notably, real-time dynamic vehicle sizing and open door alerts are now seamlessly integrated into standard Autopilot visualizations. Your Tesla can now accurately gauge the dimensions of surrounding vehicles and represent them with an astonishing level of precision in the 3D model. The addition of highlighted open doors in gray or orange adds an extra layer of safety and awareness, making Autopilot even more indispensable for Tesla owners.


Enhanced Reverse Camera View

The reverse camera view has received a substantial makeover in this update. Tesla’s engineers have implemented clever cropping techniques to eliminate unnecessary elements from the video feed. This design refinement minimizes distractions, such as the trunk and bumper, resulting in a reverse camera view that is notably sharper, smoother, and more focused, enhancing the overall parking and reversing experience for Tesla drivers.


Service Mode Gets More Informative

For users inclined toward technical insights, the revamped Service Mode offers a wealth of valuable information. Historically reserved for service technicians, it now grants Tesla owners access to detailed release notes specific to their vehicle’s update. Navigating through these improvements is user-friendly, with a simple tap on the blue Service Mode section directing users to their area of interest. Additionally, the update introduces a feature that allows users to monitor the status of the vehicle’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU) under Infotainment, offering valuable insights into the functionality of various sensors and vehicle subsystems.


Camera Clarity Soars

Safety and visual clarity have always been paramount for Tesla. The 2023.32.100 update takes this commitment to a new level by enhancing video post-processing. This refinement introduces improved white balance and color accuracy to the vehicle’s camera feeds. Whether utilizing Sentry Mode, the Dashcam, or the on-screen cameras for various purposes, users will appreciate the more natural-looking visuals. The sharpness and clarity, particularly in the reverse and repeater cameras, have seen a significant improvement, providing drivers with an even clearer view of their surroundings.


Attention to Detail

Tesla’s meticulous attention to detail is evident throughout this update. A subtle yet impactful change can be seen in the volume indicator on the instrument cluster of the New S and New X models. Transitioning from a horizontal layout to a vertical one, this change aligns seamlessly with modern design sensibilities, contributing to an overall enhanced user experience.


In summary, Tesla’s 2023.32.100 update is a comprehensive enhancement available for Models S, 3, X, and Y, revolutionizing the way users interact with their vehicles. It transcends the boundaries of a standard software update, embodying Tesla’s vision of merging cutting-edge technology with an unmatched user experience. As automotive technology continues to advance rapidly, Tesla remains at the forefront, ensuring their customers have access to the latest features that not only enhance safety and convenience but also elevate the joy of driving. This update is more than just a software upgrade; it’s a glimpse into the electrified future of automotive innovation

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IRS Monitoring Resales of Taylor Swift Eras Tour Tickets

Two highly anticipated concert tours, Beyonce’s Renaissance World Tour and Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour, have sparked a national conversation regarding the exploitation of devoted fans by online marketplaces and tickets resellers. In response, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is taking action against ticket scalpers who have profited significantly from reselling tickets to major concerts and sporting events this year.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, the IRS has implemented a new law that requires ticket sellers, including prominent platforms like Ticketmaster and StubHub, to provide information if they have made over $600 from reselling tickets in a given year. Previously, ticketing websites were mandated to send 1099-K forms to users who made over $20,000 through 200 or more transactions in a year. The updated law, which is part of the American Rescue Plan Act, significantly lowers this threshold to $600, irrespective of the number of sales. Sellers will now be required to pay taxes only on their profits.

Addressing Ticketing Industry Challenges and Consumer Protection Efforts

This development represents the latest effort by the Biden administration to regulate the ticket sales landscape, often described as the “Wild West,” by increasing transparency and addressing issues such as hidden fees that customers encounter during the checkout process. The White House had previously engaged with ticketing executives over the summer to discuss ways to enhance transparency and protect consumer interests in the ticketing industry.

“Payment apps and online marketplaces are required to file a Form 1099-K if the gross payments to you for goods and services are over $600,” clarified the IRS in an informational release. “The $600 reporting threshold started with tax year 2023. There are no changes to what counts as income or how tax is calculated.”

The IRS Is Going To Know if You Sold Taylor Swift 'Eras' Tickets - WSJ
Credits: The Wall Street Journal

According to The Journal, StubHub, a prominent ticket resale platform, provided data revealing that the average price for tickets to Swift’s The Eras Tour surged to a substantial $1,095. Similarly, average prices for Beyonce’s and Harry Styles’ respective tours reached $380 and $400. However, concerts are not the sole culprits in this trend. Tickets for Inter Miami CF soccer matches skyrocketed from $30 to $250 after Lionel Messi joined Major League Soccer. WSJ also noted StubHub’s observation that this year witnessed an unusually high number of resellers, likely a consequence of the live event industry still recovering from the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.

The Eras Tour shed light on significant issues within the ticket-selling industry. During the presale of the tour last autumn, numerous users encountered difficulties on Ticketmaster’s website while attempting to purchase tickets. Swifties, Taylor Swift’s dedicated fanbase, faced frustrations upon logging in, discovering that tickets were either being resold at exorbitant prices or were already sold out.

Response of Taylor Swift and Advocacy in the Ticket Resale Debate

Expressing her dissatisfaction on Instagram, Swift stated, “I’m not going to make excuses for anyone because we asked them, multiple times if they could handle this kind of demand, and we were assured they could.” In a federal hearing, Ticketmaster later attributed the disastrous presale to bots, and they faced a similar situation during the ticket sales shutdown for The Eras Tour in France.

The IRS’s new rule has several implications and raises important questions about the ticket resale market. It is a response to growing concerns about price gouging and profiteering by scalpers who take advantage of fans’ eagerness to attend popular events. By targeting those who have profited from reselling tickets, the IRS aims to ensure that individuals and businesses in this industry pay their fair share of taxes.

One key aspect of this rule change is the shift from a relatively high threshold of $20,000 in earnings and 200 transactions to a much lower threshold of $600. This change means that more individuals and businesses involved in ticket resale will now be subject to reporting requirements and taxation. While this may increase transparency and revenue for the IRS, it could also pose challenges for smaller sellers and individuals who engage in occasional ticket resale.

Another significant change is the focus on taxing profits rather than gross revenue. This approach acknowledges that not all revenue from ticket sales represents pure profit, as sellers often incur expenses related to acquiring and reselling tickets. By taxing only the profit, the IRS is taking a more nuanced approach to ensure that those who are genuinely profiting from ticket resales are the ones primarily affected by this rule.

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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Tinder’s Bold Move: $500-a-Month Subscription for the Loneliness-Stricken



In a surprising turn of events, Tinder, the popular dating app owned by Match Group, is rolling out an exclusive subscription plan that costs a whopping $500 a month, equating to a staggering $6,000 per year. This exorbitant offer has left many in disbelief, sparking debates about its rationale and implications. In this report, we will delve into the details of this unexpected development, exploring what the subscription entails and why Tinder might be taking such a daring step.


The Shocking Revelation:

The news of Tinder’s $500-a-month subscription plan began as a mere rumor but quickly gained credibility when Bloomberg, the renowned financial news outlet, published an article on the topic. This development, seemingly out of touch with reality, has left many wondering about the motivation behind such a steep pricing strategy.


VIP Search and Exclusivity:

The $500-a-month subscription, dubbed the “VIP” plan, comes with several enticing features designed to lure in Tinder’s most active users. The centerpiece of this plan is the “VIP” search functionality, which promises to revolutionize the way users find potential matches. The details of how this VIP search works remain somewhat vague, but it is expected to offer highly personalized and prioritized matchmaking.


The Invite-Only Club:

Another intriguing aspect of this subscription is its exclusivity. The VIP plan is invitation-only, which adds an element of prestige and scarcity. This approach seems to be borrowed from the luxury goods market, where limited availability often drives demand. By restricting access, Tinder is creating a sense of privilege among its users.


Match Group’s Declining Subscribers:

Tinder’s parent company, Match Group, has been facing a decline in its subscriber base. This subscription plan can be seen as a bold attempt to reverse this trend and boost revenues. However, it remains to be seen whether this high-cost offering will be sufficient to counter the decline in subscribers, or if it might risk alienating a significant portion of its user base.


The Psychology of Loneliness:

One cannot ignore the underlying factor that drives people to consider such an extravagant subscription – loneliness. In today’s fast-paced and digitally connected world, feelings of isolation are on the rise. Studies suggest that the need for social interaction and companionship is a fundamental human desire. Tinder is banking on this inherent human need to forge connections, even if it comes at a steep price.


The Price of Desperation:

Critics argue that Tinder’s $500-a-month subscription is taking advantage of the desperation of those seeking companionship. The affordability of such a plan is questioned, with comparisons being made to alternative methods of finding a partner, both serious and unconventional.



Tinder’s decision to introduce a $500-a-month subscription plan is indeed a bold move that has generated considerable controversy and discussion. While it remains to be seen whether this strategy will help Match Group reverse its declining subscribers, it highlights the growing importance of social interaction and human connection in today’s digital age. Whether people are willing to pay such a high price to combat loneliness or if this move is a step too far for the dating app industry, time will tell. Regardless, Tinder has certainly disrupted the dating app market with this audacious offering.

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How To Evolve Poliwhirl in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet A guide on Evolving Poliwhirl in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Are you playing Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and looking to catch and evolve Poliwag into the powerful Poliwhirl? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of obtaining and evolving Poliwag into Poliwhirl, and then explain how you can further evolve it into either Poliwrath or Politoed. Let’s dive into the world of Pokemon and discover the secrets of the Poliwag line in the Teal Mask DLC!

Credits – Factsnet

How to Get Poliwag

Poliwag is the first step in your journey to obtaining a powerful Water-type Pokemon. To find Poliwag, head to the river south of Reveler’s Road, located to the east of Mossui Town. Poliwag loves to swim in the waters or walk along the riverbank, so it’s a good idea to unlock Koraidon/Miraidon’s Swim Ability to make your search easier.

Depending on your progress in the game, Poliwag’s level may vary. If you’re going straight to Kitakami from the post-game, you’ll encounter Poliwag at around level 60.

When attempting to catch Poliwag, consider using Quick Balls for your first turn. If they fail, you’ll need to gradually reduce Poliwag’s HP. Although Poliwag is weak to Grass-type and Electric-type moves, it’s not advisable to target these weaknesses when trying to catch it. Poliwag is a speedy Pokemon, but its Defense and Special Defense are low, so one lucky strike could result in a one-hit knockout.

For a higher catch rate, you can use Net Balls or Dive Balls, especially if you encounter Poliwag while it’s in the water.

How to Evolve Poliwag into Poliwhirl

Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl when it reaches level 25. If the Poliwag you’ve caught is already beyond this level, you can initiate the evolution by increasing its level once more. You can achieve this by battling with it or using items like Rare Candy/Exp Candy.

How to Get Poliwrath

Poliwhirl can further evolve into the Water/Fighting-type Poliwrath when exposed to a Water Stone. This evolution will also teach Poliwrath the move Dynamic Punch, a powerful Fighting-type move that deals 100 damage. However, keep in mind that Dynamic Punch has only 5PP and an accuracy of 50%. Additionally, it has a chance to confuse the target if it lands successfully.

Water Stones can be found near bodies of water as sparkling objects. If you’ve earned three Gym Badges, you can purchase a Water Stone for 3000 at Delibird Presents in the General section.

One unique aspect of Poliwrath is that it doesn’t learn any moves as it levels up. Therefore, if you want to expand its move set, you’ll need to use the Remember Moves feature on its summary page (accessible by pressing the X-button, selecting Poliwrath, then navigating to the second page and pressing the A-button).

Poliwrath’s new Fighting-type grants it strengths against Normal, Steel, Rock, and Ice-type Pokemon. However, it also introduces vulnerabilities to Flying, Psychic, Fairy-type moves, in addition to Electric and Grass-types. Despite being slower than Poliwhirl and Poliwag, Poliwrath boasts better stats in almost every other aspect, making it a formidable choice for your team.

How to Get Politoed

Obtaining Politoed involves a unique process. You’ll need an item called a King’s Rock and a Nintendo Online Membership for trading. To evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed, you must first give it a King’s Rock and then trade it to another player before trading it back. This process can be done via the Union Circle or PokePortal, but it requires an online subscription. Ensure that you select a Link Trade to generate a Link Code for the exchange.

King’s Rock can be purchased from Delibird Presents for 10,000 once you’ve obtained four Gym Badges. Alternatively, you can earn a King’s Rock by defeating all the Gym Leaders in the post-game and speaking to Geeta.

While Politoed doesn’t evolve via stone, you can enhance its move set through the Remember Moves feature. Take your time to choose the moves that best suit your battle strategy.

For those who prefer not to trade or lack an online membership, there’s another way to obtain Politoed. You can evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed in Pokemon GO using a King’s Rock and 100 Poliwag Candy. Once you have Politoed, you can transfer it to Pokemon HOME by following these steps:

  • Tap the Poke Ball icon on the main screen.
  • Select Settings.
  • Choose Connected Devices and Services.
  • Select Pokemon HOME, then click Send Pokemon and Continue.

Ensure that you have GO Transport Energy to send Politoed. Be aware that a Politoed retrieved from Pokemon GO cannot be nicknamed and will have a different Trainer ID from Scarlet/Violet, which means its Friendship level will reset when traded back to the main game.


Now you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to catch, evolve, and master the Poliwag line in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Teal Mask DLC. Whether you choose to evolve Poliwag into Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, or Politoed, your team is sure to benefit from the power and versatility of these Water-type Pokemon. So, dive into the adventure, explore the rivers, and embark on your journey to become a Pokemon Master in the Kitakami region!

The post How To Evolve Poliwhirl in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Evolving Poliwhirl in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet</span> appeared first on TechStory.

Bluestone set to close Rs 550-crore funding; Nikhil Kamath to infuse Rs 100 crore

The omnichannel jewelry retailer Bluestone has secured a significant fundraising round of 550 crore (about $65 million), which has sent the Indian retail industry into a frenzy. The competitive environment of jewelry retail in India has seen a considerable change as a result of the financial investment spearheaded by Nikhil Kamath, co-founder of Zerodha. Prominent individuals like Deepinder Goyal and Amit Jain, the creators of Zomato, the financial services company IIFL, as well as other illustrious investors, join Kamath. We’ll examine the specifics of this transaction and any potential repercussions for the Indian jewelry retail business in this article.


Credits: Money Control

The Players Involved

Nikhil Kamath and Zerodha

Nikhil Kamath, known for co-founding Zerodha, one of India’s largest retail stockbrokers, is making a bold move into the jewelry retail sector. Zerodha has been a game-changer in the Indian financial industry, and Kamath’s investment in Bluestone underscores the entrepreneur’s ability to spot growth opportunities in diverse sectors.

Deepinder Goyal and Amit Jain of Zomato

Deepinder Goyal and Amit Jain, the brains behind Zomato, a leading online food delivery and restaurant discovery platform, are also participating in this funding round. This investment diversification beyond the food and restaurant sector showcases their confidence in Bluestone’s potential.

IIFL (India Infoline Finance Limited)

IIFL, a prominent financial services firm in India, is another key player in this funding round. Their involvement signifies the attractiveness of the jewelry retail sector as a viable investment avenue within the broader financial landscape.

Ranjan Pai and Info Edge Ventures

Ranjan Pai, the chairman of Manipal Group, and Info Edge Ventures are contributing significant amounts to this funding round, further emphasizing the collective belief in Bluestone’s growth prospects.

Valuation and Growth Potential

The funding round for Bluestone has resulted in an estimated valuation of $3,600 crore (or $440 million). This valuation takes into account the company’s bright future and capacity to entice investment from well-known market titans. It’s important to remember that Bluestone previously received $30 million from Sunil Kant Munjal’s family office, underscoring the company’s steady development pattern.

Competitive Dynamics in Omnichannel Jewelry Retail

The recent $2 billion purchase of rival omnichannel jewelry retailer CaratLane by Tata Group’s Titan Company exemplifies the intense competitiveness and investment activity in India’s omnichannel jewelry retail market. With its recent fundraising round, Bluestone has made it apparent that it intends to increase both its market presence and its capabilities in the face of this fiercer competition.

Bluestone’s Strategic Direction

Bluestone, a vertical e-commerce pioneer with a primary focus on online sales, was established in 2011. However, the business has deliberately changed its focus over the last 18 months by putting more of an emphasis on creating a physical presence. Bluestone has set its eyes on scaling up to 500–600 outlets after opening 175 locations previously. The rising consumer demands for omnichannel shopping experiences are in line with this expansion strategy.

Impact of the Investment:

Strengthening Omnichannel Capabilities

The injection of ₹550 crore in funding will enable Bluestone to further strengthen its omnichannel capabilities. With a growing network of physical stores and continued investments in technology, the company can seamlessly integrate its online and offline operations. This move aligns with the changing dynamics of retail, where consumers often prefer a blend of digital and physical shopping experiences.

Enhanced Market Competitiveness

The competitive landscape of the jewelry retail sector in India is undergoing a transformation, with established players and newcomers vying for market share. Bluestone’s funding round bolsters its position in this fiercely competitive market and enhances its ability to capture a larger share of the market.

Encouraging Investment in Diverse Sectors

The participation of notable investors like Nikhil Kamath, Deepinder Goyal, Amit Jain, IIFL, and others in Bluestone’s funding round demonstrates their willingness to diversify their investment portfolios. This move can inspire other entrepreneurs and investors to explore opportunities beyond their core sectors, contributing to the growth of India’s diverse economy.

Positive Consumer Impact

As Bluestone expands its reach and offerings, consumers are likely to benefit from increased choices and improved shopping experiences. The company’s commitment to technology and omnichannel retail can lead to innovations that enhance the overall jewelry buying process.

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Friday, September 22, 2023

Amazon’s Bold Move: Introducing Commercial Breaks to Prime Video


In an unexpected turn of events, Amazon, the tech giant known for its e-commerce prowess and foray into the entertainment industry through Amazon Prime Video, is planning to introduce commercial breaks into its streaming platform. This strategic shift has the potential to reshape the streaming landscape and generate substantial revenue for Amazon. In this report, we will delve into the reasons behind Amazon’s decision, its implications for both users and advertisers, and the potential challenges it may face.


The Changing Landscape of Streaming Services:

The streaming industry has witnessed significant changes in recent years. With the rise of numerous streaming platforms, the competition for subscribers has become fierce. Platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu have been investing heavily in exclusive content to attract and retain viewers. However, Amazon is taking a different route by exploring the inclusion of commercial breaks, a move that has raised eyebrows within the industry.

Reasons Behind Amazon’s Decision:

1. Revenue Generation:

The most apparent reason for Amazon’s decision is revenue generation. Advertising is a lucrative industry, and streaming platforms like YouTube have proven that well-placed ads can generate substantial income. By introducing commercials, Amazon aims to tap into this revenue stream.

2. Lower Subscription Costs:

Another possible motivation is to offer lower subscription costs to Prime Video users. By subsidizing the service with advertising revenue, Amazon could attract price-sensitive viewers who may have been hesitant to subscribe to the platform at its current price point.


3. Competitive Edge:

Amazon is a company known for its innovative strategies. Introducing commercials might help differentiate Prime Video from its competitors. It could also be a way for Amazon to bundle its advertising services more effectively with its streaming platform, offering advertisers a unique opportunity to reach their target audiences.


Implications for Users:

The introduction of commercials to Prime Video will undoubtedly have an impact on users. Here are some potential implications:

1. Reduced Viewing Experience:

Users accustomed to ad-free streaming may find the inclusion of commercials disruptive to their viewing experience.


2. Lower Subscription Costs:

On the flip side, users may benefit from lower subscription costs or even free access to content supported by ads.


3. Choice and Customization: 

Amazon might provide users with options to customize their ad experience, allowing them to choose the types of ads they prefer or even opt for an ad-free premium tier.

Implications for Advertisers:

Advertisers stand to gain significantly from this move:


1. Access to Amazon’s User Data Amazon has a treasure trove of user data, which can be invaluable for targeted advertising. Advertisers will likely have access to this data to create more personalized ad campaigns.


2. Broad Audience Reach:

Amazon Prime Video boasts a vast user base. Advertisers can reach a diverse and engaged audience, potentially increasing their brand exposure and conversion rates.

3. Innovative Ad Formats:

Amazon could introduce innovative ad formats that provide a more interactive and engaging advertising experience, benefiting both advertisers and users.

Challenges and Concerns:

Despite the potential benefits, Amazon may encounter several challenges:

1. User Resistance:

Users may resist the introduction of commercials, leading to subscription cancellations or negative reviews.

2. Balancing Ads:

Striking the right balance between advertising and content can be tricky. Too many ads could alienate users, while too few may not generate the desired revenue.

3. Competition:

Amazon faces competition from established ad-supported streaming platforms like Hulu and newer entrants like Peacock. It must differentiate itself to attract advertisers and viewers.

The Future of Amazon’s Advertising:

Beyond the immediate implications, the introduction of commercials on Prime Video aligns with Amazon’s broader advertising ambitions. Amazon Advertising, the company’s advertising arm, has been growing steadily, competing with digital advertising giants Google and Facebook. This move into the streaming space provides Amazon with a unique advantage:

1.Synergy with E-commerce:

Amazon’s primary revenue stream is e-commerce, and its advertising business leverages this. With commercials on Prime Video, Amazon can integrate advertising more seamlessly with its e-commerce platform. For example, users might see ads for products directly purchasable on Amazon during a show’s commercial break.

2. Data Monetization:

Amazon’s vast e-commerce data, combined with streaming data, can create a powerful advertising ecosystem. Advertisers can target users not only based on their viewing preferences but also on their shopping habits, creating highly personalized and effective campaigns.


3. Competing with Google and Facebook:

Amazon aims to become a third major player in digital advertising, alongside Google and Facebook. Prime Video’s commercialization is a significant step toward this goal, allowing Amazon to offer advertisers an alternative platform for reaching their audiences.

Adapting to User Preferences:

One challenge for Amazon is ensuring that user experience remains a priority. Amazon is known for its customer-centric approach, and this principle should extend to its streaming platform. To address this, Amazon could consider:

1. User Feedback and Testing:

Regularly soliciting user feedback and conducting A/B testing to understand the impact of commercials on user satisfaction. This data can guide adjustments to the ad experience.

2. Ad Personalization:

Providing users with the ability to personalize their ad experience. This can include opting for ads relevant to their interests or allowing users to skip certain ads.

3. Innovation in Ad Formats: Developing creative and non-intrusive ad formats that engage users rather than disrupt their viewing.

Global Expansion:

As Amazon expands Prime Video internationally, it will need to consider regional preferences and regulations regarding advertising. Different markets may have varying expectations when it comes to ad content and frequency. Adapting to these differences while maintaining a cohesive global strategy will be crucial for success.


In conclusion, Amazon’s decision to introduce commercials to Prime Video is a strategic move with multifaceted implications. While it holds the potential for substantial revenue generation and strengthens Amazon’s position in the advertising industry, it also presents challenges related to user experience and competition. How Amazon navigates these challenges and continues to innovate in the advertising space will shape the future of streaming and digital advertising. As this initiative unfolds, both users and advertisers will be closely watching Amazon’s every move in this evolving landscape.


The post Amazon’s Bold Move: Introducing Commercial Breaks to Prime Video appeared first on TechStory.

How To Beat the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P A guide on Beating the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P

Facing off against formidable bosses is a thrilling part of playing games like Lies of P. These epic showdowns test your skills and knowledge of game mechanics. Among the challenging adversaries in Lies of P, the optional final boss known as the Nameless Puppet stands out as a true test of your abilities. To emerge victorious in this climactic battle, you’ll need to draw upon everything you’ve learned so far. This guide will provide you with the essential information you need to conquer the Nameless Puppet.

Credits – Playstation

Understanding the Nameless Puppet

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s get to know the Nameless Puppet a bit better. This boss shares similarities with other swift and formidable foes in the game, such as the Stalkers and Laxasia the Complete. It’s known for its agility and punishing attacks, making it a formidable adversary.

The Nameless Puppet primarily wields a sword for its attacks, occasionally transforming it into a greatsword for increased damage. It employs a series of rapid slashes as its base combo, so you’ll need to perfect your blocking or maintain a well-timed guard to minimize the damage you take. When it switches to the greatsword, it’ll charge towards you. This presents an opportunity for a well-timed dodge or block, allowing you to retaliate during its brief vulnerable moments. Additionally, its sweeping greatsword attacks are relatively easy to avoid, granting you opportunities to counterattack.

During the battle, it’s advisable to adopt a somewhat defensive approach. Try to circle around the Nameless Puppet as much as possible, only launching your own attacks when it’s vulnerable or staggered due to consistent blocking. Be cautious not to stray too far, as it can use a Pulse Cell to regenerate its health.

Phase 2: An Even Greater Challenge

As the battle progresses into its second phase, the stakes become even higher. With Geppetto no longer in control of the Nameless Puppet, you’ll face an even more relentless opponent.

  1. Increased Speed: In this phase, the Nameless Puppet’s attacks become faster and more relentless. Its slash combos blend rapid strikes with constant movement, making timing crucial for avoiding damage.
  2. Airborne Threats: Be watchful when the boss leaps into the air, as it can perform a swift dive that you should dodge to evade.
  3. Energy Wave: When the Nameless Puppet jumps into the air, it may unleash a wave of energy toward its front. Attempt to block this attack, as there might not be sufficient time to escape its reach.
  4. Extended Combo: When the boss merges its swords together, it unleashes a protracted series of back-and-forth slashes. You’ll need to endure this onslaught or utilize the Aegis for added protection.
  5. Ranged Attacks: At a distance, the Nameless Puppet can employ two attacks. First, it may attempt to grab you, so prepare to dodge at the last possible moment if you see it rear up. Secondly, when it switches to a lance-like weapon, it will fire a beam followed by a thrust.

Once again, the key to success is to choose your moments for offense wisely. Blocking all of the Nameless Puppet’s swift attacks can be challenging, so anticipate taking some damage and heal when necessary. Utilizing the Aegis and the Perfect Guard Grindstone, which triggers a Perfect Guard every few seconds, can prove invaluable. Hopefully, these defensive tactics will stagger the Nameless Puppet, allowing you to execute a Fatal Attack.


With determination and strategic play, you’ll eventually bring down the Nameless Puppet. Your reward for this hard-fought battle will be the Nameless Puppet’s Ergo, which is pivotal in determining the outcome of Lies of P. Your choices and actions in the game will lead to either the good or bad ending.


Conquering the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P is a monumental achievement, and with the right tactics, it’s well within your grasp. Remember to focus on perfecting your defensive skills, choosing your moments for offense carefully, and using your equipment wisely. By following these straightforward strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to face the Nameless Puppet and achieve victory in this challenging boss battle. So, gear up, stay vigilant, and show this formidable foe just who’s in control in Lies of P!

The post How To Beat the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P </br> <span style='color:#6A6A6A;font-size:20px;font-style: italic;font-weight: 400;'>A guide on Beating the Nameless Puppet in Lies of P</span> appeared first on TechStory.

Tech Start-Ups Embrace Innovation with a Casino Twist

In the ever-evolving world of technology start-ups, innovation is the name of the game. These dynamic companies are not only pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital realm but are also exploring unexpected avenues. One such intriguing twist on the tech start-up scene is the integration of casino elements, offering users a unique and thrilling experience. 

A New Era of Skill-Based Gaming

Start-ups have always been at the forefront of technological advancements, competing with traditional industries and pushing the envelope of innovation. Recently, a handful of forward-thinking tech companies have begun incorporating elements of the casino world into their products and services. This fusion of technology and entertainment is creating new, exciting opportunities for both businesses and consumers.

One example of this innovative trend is the emergence of skill-based gaming platforms. These platforms combine the thrill of casino games with elements of strategy and skill, providing users with a more engaging and interactive experience. Start-ups like “StratBet” are leading the charge in this arena, offering games that require players to use their skills and knowledge to win rather than relying solely on luck.

Immersive Virtual Reality Casinos

Another intriguing development is the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies into the casino experience. Companies like “VR Casino World” are using VR headsets to transport players into immersive casino environments where they can interact with other users and even play games like poker or blackjack in a virtual casino setting. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the online gambling industry, offering a more lifelike and social experience for players.

Blockchain’s Influence on Casino Tech

Blockchain technology is also making waves in the casino space, with start-ups like “CryptoCasino” offering transparent and secure gambling platforms based on cryptocurrency. Blockchain ensures fair play and transparency, which has long been a concern for online gamblers. This disruptive technology is gaining traction in the casino industry, promising a future where trust is no longer an issue for players.

Social Gaming Meets Casino Entertainment

As tech start-ups continue to explore these innovative avenues, they are not just limited to the gaming sector. Companies like “CasinoFi” are focusing on creating digital platforms that combine casino entertainment with social networking, enabling users to connect, compete, and chat with others while enjoying their favourite casino games.

A Worthy Reccomendation

In parallel with this tech start-up boom, Outlook India has identified and compiled a comprehensive list of the best casinos for Australian players. With a keen eye on the Australian gambling market, they have carefully reviewed and selected the top casinos that offer a safe, fair, and enjoyable gaming experience for players Down Under. From traditional casinos to online platforms, their recommendations cover a wide spectrum of options, ensuring that Australian players can find the perfect casino to suit their preferences.

Trusted Guidance for Australian Gamblers

For Australian players looking for trusted and reliable casino recommendations, Outlook India’s list is a valuable resource. It not only highlights established casinos but also takes into account the latest innovations and trends in the industry. By consulting their recommendations, players can make informed choices about where to enjoy their favourite casino games with confidence

In Conclusion: A Thrilling Future

In conclusion, the tech start-up scene continues to evolve, and the integration of casino elements into innovative digital products and services is an exciting development. From skill-based gaming platforms to virtual reality casinos, these start-ups are reshaping the way we experience entertainment and gambling online. Meanwhile, Outlook India’s dedication to guiding Australian players towards the best casino experiences underscores the importance of trust and reliability in the evolving world of online gaming. As technology and entertainment converge, these developments promise a thrilling future for both tech enthusiasts and casino aficionados alike.

The post Tech Start-Ups Embrace Innovation with a Casino Twist appeared first on TechStory.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Beyond the Resume: Leveraging Background Checks for Success in New York’s Job Market

Welcome to the Big Apple, where ambition meets opportunity at every corner. New York’s job market is a bustling hub of talent, and if you’re on the hunt for the best and brightest for your company, you’re in the right place. But in this concrete jungle, relying solely on resumes might leave you lost in the crowd. It’s time to go beyond the resume and leverage background checks for success.

Diving Deeper: What Resumes Don’t Reveal

Resumes are the first step in hiring, but they only scratch the surface. In a city known for its diversity, ambition, and fierce competition, digging deeper is essential to ensure you’re making the right hires.

Background checks offer a comprehensive view of a candidate’s history, and they can reveal crucial information that resumes often omit. Let’s take a closer look at what you might uncover:

  1. Criminal History: While most candidates won’t include this on their resume (for obvious reasons), a background check can reveal any past criminal activity. This information is vital, especially if you’re considering candidates for roles involving sensitive information, finances, or customer trust.
  2. Education Verification: Sometimes, candidates exaggerate their educational qualifications on their resumes. A background check can confirm whether they hold the degrees or certifications they claim. In a city where top-tier education institutions abound, this is particularly important.
  3. Employment History: A thorough background check can verify the accuracy of a candidate’s employment history, including job titles, responsibilities, and tenure at previous companies. This can help you ensure they have the relevant experience for the role.
  4. Professional Licensing: Professional licenses are a must in certain industries, such as healthcare or finance. A background check can confirm that your candidates hold the necessary licenses, ensuring they meet regulatory requirements.

These insights are invaluable in the fast-paced world of New York’s job market. They help you make informed decisions, reduce the risk of hiring mistakes, and build a team that can thrive in the city’s competitive landscape.

Compliance Matters: Navigating New York’s Employment Laws

New York has specific background checks regulations, and it’s crucial to navigate them carefully to avoid legal complications. To ensure compliance, consider these key points:

  1. Ban the Box Laws: New York City and New York State have ‘ban the box’ laws in place. These laws restrict when and how you can inquire about a candidate’s criminal history. Make sure your hiring practices align with these regulations to avoid discrimination.
  2. Consent Is King: Before initiating a background check, you must obtain written consent from the candidate. This consent should be clear, separate from other application materials, and specify that a background check will be conducted.
  3. Adverse Action Notices: If you decide not to hire a candidate based on the background check results, you must provide them with a pre-adverse action notice. This allows them to dispute any inaccuracies in their report.
  4. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA): If you’re using a third-party screening company, ensure they comply with the FCRA, which outlines the rights of candidates and the responsibilities of employers when using background checks for employment purposes.

Incorporating ‘Background Check New York’ into your hiring process while adhering to these regulations is essential to ensure fairness and avoid legal troubles in the vibrant job market of New York.

The Tech Talent Frenzy: Why Background Checks Are Crucial

Finding the right talent can be a frenzy in the tech-savvy landscape of New York’s job market. With companies of all sizes vying for tech professionals, the competition is fierce. It’s here that background checks play a crucial role in ensuring that you’re not only hiring top-notch tech talent but also individuals who fit seamlessly into your organization.

In the tech industry, resumes often boast impressive skills and experience. However, the depth of a candidate’s technical knowledge and their compatibility with your company culture can be challenging to discern from a piece of paper. This is where background checks come into play.

When it comes to tech hires, a comprehensive background check can reveal essential information, such as a candidate’s coding abilities, previous tech project contributions, and their adaptability to new technologies. It can also provide insights into their online presence, including open-source contributions and tech-related forums.

By leveraging ‘Background check New York’ in your tech hiring process, you can identify tech wizards who not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. This ensures that your tech team is skilled and aligned with your company’s goals and values.

Diversity Drives Success: Background Checks and Inclusion

New York City is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, and your company’s success in this vibrant metropolis can be amplified by embracing diversity. Background checks play a pivotal role in ensuring that you’re fostering an inclusive work environment that values talent from all walks of life.

When conducting background checks focusing on diversity, it’s essential to approach the process fairly and objectively. Ensure that you’re evaluating candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and experience relevant to the job, rather than making judgments based on unrelated factors.

Consider incorporating diversity and inclusion training into your hiring process to create a culture where all candidates feel valued and have an equal opportunity to succeed regardless of their background.

By embracing diversity through your ‘Background check New York’ approach, you can build a team that reflects the city’s rich tapestry, bringing in unique perspectives and driving innovation in your organization.

Scaling Up: Background Checks for Growing Companies

As your company grows in the bustling New York job market, so does the importance of background checks. Scaling up means bringing in more talent, and ensuring the quality and compatibility of new hires becomes paramount.

In this phase, you may find yourself hiring individuals and entire teams. Background checks can help you assess the dynamics within these teams, ensuring that they can collaborate effectively and drive your company’s growth.

Moreover, as your company expands, so does its risk exposure. Background checks can mitigate these risks by identifying potential red flags in a candidate’s history, such as financial irregularities or ethical concerns.

By incorporating ‘Background check New York’ into your growth strategy, you can navigate the challenges of scaling up confidently, knowing that thorough and informed assessments of your candidates back your hiring decisions.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Hiring Game in the Empire State

In the heart of the Empire State, your company’s success hinges on the caliber of talent you bring. While resumes offer a glimpse into a candidate’s qualifications, background checks dive deeper, uncovering the hidden gems and potential red flags that can make or break your team, you can come over here for more information.

So, as you navigate the bustling job market of New York, remember that ‘Background Check New York’ is your secret weapon for success. It’s the tool that helps you build a team ready to take on the challenges of this vibrant city and lead your company to new heights. Don’t just skim the surface with resumes; go beyond and hire confidently in the Empire State.


The post Beyond the Resume: Leveraging Background Checks for Success in New York’s Job Market appeared first on TechStory.