Monday, February 1, 2021

Get some help in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury with your amiibo

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury lets players experience one of the best Wii U games on the Nintendo Switch, complete with a host of new features. One new feature included in the game is the use of amiibo to unlock bonuses in both Super Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury. While it seems like many amiibo offer bonuses in both modes, Cat Mario seems to be the best bet when playing Super Mario 3D World because it offers you the invincible White Cat Mario, while Bowser Jr. is our pick if you're playing Bowser's Fury.

Editor's Note—Some of the amiibo you see in this list are no longer in circulation, and will be both more difficult to track down and more expensive than the standard retail pricing for one of these amiibo figures. You can also use used or imported amiibo. They are not region locked.

Best When Playing Super Mario 3D World: Cat Mario

A full-grown man with a mustache in a cat suit should elicit groans, but Nintendo managed to find a way to make us all go "aww." Cat Meow-rio, or Cat Mario, was introduced in Super Mario 3D World when it first debuted on the Wii U. The Super Bell power-up transforms the portly plumber into a full-blown feline, complete with a claw swipe, dive, and the ability to climb up walls.

All of those abilities make a return in the Switch version, though there are some differences when compared to the Wii U version. Cat Mario is at the top of our list because not only is he adorable but he's also incredibly useful. Tapping the Cat Mario amiibo will provide the player with the rarest power-up in the game — the invincible White Cat Suit.

The White Cat Suit makes the player fully invincible. Pretty sweet, right? With it, enemies are no longer a threat, in fact, nothing is a threat (except if you fall off the stage, of course). The amiibo releases along with the game, so be sure to grab an amiibo along with your copy of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.


  • One of the cutest amiibos available
  • Drops the most useful power-up in the game
  • Can also be used in other Switch titles


  • A mustached man dressed as a cat shouldn't be this cute!

Best when playing Super Mario 3D World

Cat Mario

A paw in these troubled times

Tapping Cat Mario gives players the best power-up in the game, the White Cat Suit.

Best If You Like Power-ups: Cat Peach

Cat Mario isn't the only new amiibo being released. Cat Peach is also joining in on the action. Like Cat Mario, Cat Peach debuted in Super Mario 3D World and reappears in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury just as cute and just pink as before.

Tapping Cat Peach while playing Super Mario 3D World will unlock a random power-up for the player. That's an incredibly useful ability that can help you when you're in a pinch, or if you're trying to prepare for a particularly tough boss.

Having an extra Mushroom, Fire Flower, or Super Bell at your disposal is incredibly helpful, even if you can't control what you get. You can grab a Cat Peach amiibo along with the Cat Mario amiibo on Feb. 12.


  • Drops a random power-up
  • Cute and pink
  • Will work in other Switch titles


  • You have no control over which power-ups drop

Best if you like power-ups

Cat Peach

Pretty in pink

Tapping the Cat Peach amiibo provides players with a random power-up, perfect for preparing for tough enemies.

Best When Playing Bowser's Fury: Bowser Jr.

The Koopa kid himself, Bowser Jr., joins Mario on his adventure in Bowser Fury, a brand new adventure included in this new Switch version. Normally playing the role of the bad guy like his father, in Bowser's Fury he helps Mario out, clearing out enemies and uncovering secrets.

While you can't get rid of Bowser Jr. while you play Bowser's Fury, you can limit how useful he is. If you don't want to help you out, you can mess with the options to have him fade into the background, only appearing when he is needed. You can take that control to the next level if you own a Bowser Jr. amiibo. Tapping the Bowser Jr. amiibo while playing Bowser's Fury unleashes a powerful shockwave that clears nearby enemies and blocks. Talk about crowd control.

There's no new Bowser Jr. amiibo, but Nintendo plans on restocking Bowser Jr.'s Super Smash Bros. amiibo for the new game, so if you didn't pick him up previously, you'll have another shot very soon.


  • Sends a shockwave out that damages enemies and blocks
  • Amiibo looks great
  • Compatible with other Switch titles


  • Might make Bowser's Fury too easy
  • Not new

Best when playing Bowser's Fury

Bowser Jr.

Not just a kid

Bowser Jr. is the most useful amiibo while playing Bowser's Fury, as he can create shockwaves that can easily clear groups of enemies.

Best If You Want a Challenge: Bowser

The main Mario bad guy in Mario's life for the last 35 years is back as, you guessed it, the villain of Bowser's Fury. In Bowser's Fury, players are constantly attacked by Fury Bowser, a demonic kaiju-sized version of the already threatening monster. Throughout Bowser's Fury, Fury Bowser will appear, wreaking havoc across Lake Lapcat, bringing plenty of chaos in his wake.

While seemingly Fury Bowser attacks at random, the Bowser amiibo actually gives the player control over when Bowser attacks. Tapping the Bowser amiibo summons Fury Bowser at will, though why someone would want to do this remains to be seen. At the very least, summoning him will turn any stroll on the beach into a full blown danger zone.

Players can tap the Bowser amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. if they own him. There are other variants of Bowser, like Wedding Bowser, but as of right now, we can't confirm whether other versions of Bowser will work. Our guess is that they will, but we'll be sure to let you know if they don't.


  • You can summon Fury Bowser on command
  • Basically triggers a hard mode whenever you'd like
  • Can use this amiibo in many other Switch titles


  • Unsure if Bowser variants will work the same way
  • Unsure how helpful it'll be in the long run

Best if you want a challenge


Good to be bad

Tapping Bowser into the game will summon Fury Bowser while playing Bowser's Fury.

The power of amiibo at work

Those were the most useful amiibo for Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Amiibo remain incredibly popular, even if they are still difficult to find online. Remember that if you can't find a new amiibo, you can buy them used or buy international versions, as they are not region locked or linked to your Nintendo Switch.

We recommend picking up Cat Mario with your copy of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. If you're playing through Super Mario 3D World and find yourself struggling, the White Cat Suit will help you power through almost any obstacle.

If you're more interested in Bowser's Fury, Bowser Jr.'s amiibo will prove useful, that is until we know how useful summoning Fury Bowser might be. It seems like other amiibo are compatible with the new game, so if you have amiibo from other series, like Animal Crossing or The Legend of Zelda, be sure to check them out. Don't forget to preorder Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury to play it first when it launches on Feb. 12, 2021.


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