Thursday, February 11, 2021

Here's where to find every Stamp in Super Mario 3D World

Want to make your photo's pop? You'll need the right Stamps. Here's how to find all of the Stamps in Super Mario 3D World.

One of the Wii U's flagship titles makes its debut on the Nintendo Switch. Super Mario 3D World lands on the Nintendo Switch, but not everything is as it seems. This new version of the game has a few new bells and whistles up its sleeve, including online multiplayer, a photo mode, and a brand-new mode called Bowser's Fury.

The brand new photo mode makes use of the Stamps found throughout Super Mario 3D World. There are 85 Stamps in total hidden across the game's many worlds. If you want to make your photos pop, you'll need to find all the Stamps. Don't worry though, we're here to help. Here are the locations of every Stamp in Super Mario 3D World.

Mushroom Kingdom's finest

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

$60 at Best Buy $60 at Amazon $60 at Walmart

Adventure — both new and old!

Revisit Super Mario 3D World and take on Bowser with friends, or experience the brand new mode, Bowser's Fury.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 1

The first World in Super Mario 3D World has six Stamps to collect.

World 1-1: Super Bell Hill

You'll find the Stamp in the second large area. Look for a pipe tucked between two bell-shaped trees. Go inside and jump into the clear pipe to claim your Stamp. Be careful not to knock the pipe away with a Mega Mushroom.

World 1-2: Koopa Troopa Cave

When you get to the long Question Mark Block outside of the long clear tube, jump on top of it and jump again to reveal an invisible block. Follow the block onto the ledge above and jump through the clear pipe in the wall to find the Stamp.

World 1-3: Mount Beanpole

This Stamp is in the middle of the level — it's pretty hard to miss. Just wall jump up to it or fall down from the ledge above it.

World 1-4: Plessie's Plunging Falls

Stay on the water path and don't take any shortcuts. The Stamp is out in the open.

World 1-5: Switch Scramble Circus

The Stamp is at the end of the level. Use a Cat Suit or a double jump to reach it.

World 1-Boss: Bowser's Highway Showdown

You'll find this Stamp behind the gray blocks underneath the Cat Suit switch. Knock one of the Soccer Bombs into the blocks to clear a path.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 2

The second World in Super Mario 3D World has seven Stamps to collect.

World 2-1: Conkdor Canyon

Another obvious Stamp. This one is hanging out at the end of the level, just before you cross the long, moving bridge to the flagpole.

World 2-2: Puffprod Peaks

At the beginning of the level, head to the wall with the Question Mark Blocks and the platforms underneath. Raise the second platform and drop down to find the level's Stamp.

World 2-3: Shadow-Play Alley

In the area where you can only see your shadow, use the Cat Suit right and destroy the block right before the giant Piranha Plant to get the Stamp.

World 2-4: Really Rolling Hills

Make sure you're playing as Mario, as it's the only way to get this level's Stamp. At the start of the level, look for the pad with the giant M and stomp it as Mario to claim your Stamp.

World 2-5: Double Cherry Pass

Just passed the checkpoint flag, look to the far left to find a few Question Mark Blocks tucked away in a corner. When the Question Mark Block is hit, it will raise a tower of blocks that leads to a Stamp. Use the Double Cherry power-up or another player and ride the block tower to the Stamp.

World 2-Boss: Bowser's Bullet Bill Brigade

You'll come across this Stamp on a cage near the end of the level. Quickly destroy the crates with a Fire Flower or Cannon Box to get this Stamp.

World 2: Stamp House

Don't forget to stop by the Stamp House for a free Stamp!

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 3

The third World in Super Mario 3D World has nine stamps to collect.

World 3-1: Snowball Park

You'll find this Stamp along a pretty narrow stretch of ice. Carefully navigate the path to claim the Stamp.

World 3-2: Chain Link Charge

You'll find this Stamp near a clear tube in the latter half of the level. Use a Cat Suit to grab it.

World 3-3: Shifty Ghost Mansion

Ride the first floating couch to find this level's Stamp.

World 3-4: Pretty Plaza Panic

You'll have to play as Princess Peach to claim this level's Stamp. You'll see a Princess Peach pad left of some rotating platforms. Ground pound the pad for the Stamp.

World 3-5: Pipeline Lagoon

In the second underwater area, look for a gap in the ceiling. Head up the opening and find your Stamp.

World 3-6: Mount Must Dash

During the second half of the level, you'll run under some orange platforms. Jump up there and the platforms will lead you to a Stamp.

World 3-7: Switchboard Falls

The final set of moving pads will lead you to this Stamp. Stick to the leftmost platforms to find it.

World 3-Boss: The Bullet Bill Express

Just before the final pipe, you'll come across two Fire Bros. Kill the enemy below to reveal the Stamp.

World 3: Stamp House

Now that you've collected all of the Stamps in this world, stop by the Stamp House for a freebie.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 4

The fourth World in Super Mario 3D World has seven Stamps to collect.

World 4-1: Ant Trooper Hill

This level's Stamp can be found floating above a square surrounded by ants. You can kill them with your cat powers and clear a path, or use the Star hidden in the blocks just past the square.

World 4-2: Piranha Creeper Creek

Just past the Checkpoint flag, you'll come across a Piranna Plant guarding a small body of water. Use its head as a platform and bounce your way above it to an area with a Stamp.

World 4-3: Beep Block Skyway

Right next to the Checkpoint flag, you'll see a platform with the number "4" on it. You can either use a Double Cherry or grab three other players and use the platform or use a Cat Suit and climb to it.

World 4-4: Big Bounce Byway

On the final, large bounce platform, dodge all of the enemies and grab the Stamp amidst the chaos.

World 4-5: Spike's Lost City

After the first ramp with Spike's spike logs, use the Cat Suit to climb up the wall, and follow it back to the start of the level. You'll find a Stamp at the end.

World 4- Boss: Lava Rock Lair

This Stamp requires a Cat Suit to grab, so come prepared. Just before the final bridge, climb up the left wall to a landing, and then climb higher to find the Stamp.

World 4: Stamp House

Jump down the Warp Pipe in the southernmost area of the map to find the Stamp House.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 5

The fifth World in Super Mario 3D World has nine Stamps to collect.

World 5-1: Sunshine Seaside

You'll find this Stamp during the Plessie section at the end of the level. Just jump out of the water to grab the Stamp.

World 5-2: Tricky Trapeze Theater

After the large disc of Piranha Plants but just before the pipe, turn left and head off-screen to find the Stamp.

World 5-3: Backstreet Bustle

Start this level as Toad. Once you get to the end of the level, pound the pad with his face on it and earn a Stamp.

World 5-4: Sprawling Savanna

On the right side of the level, follow the trails of ants into their holes. Jump into one to enter an area with a giant ant carrying a Stamp.

World 5-5: Bob-ombs Below

Look for the crack in the wall near the Goombas carrying bombs. Send one of the bombs at the crack to reveal a sign pointing right. Head that way to get the Stamp.

World 5-6: Cakewalk Flip

You'll come across a platform that requires two people to activate. You can have a friend join you, or use a Double Cherry.

World 5-7: Searchlight Sneak

After the Checkpoint flag, look about the blocks with a spotlight patrolling the wall to find the stamp.

World 5 Boss: King Ka-Thunk's Castle

After you grab the second Green Star, use the Cat Suit to climb up the wall and look for a tiny alcove where the Stamp is hiding.

World 5: Stamp House

Stop by the Stamp House for a free Stamp before heading over to World 6.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World 6

The sixth World in Super Mario 3D World has nine Stamps to collect.

World 6-1: Clear Pipe Cruise

After the checkpoint, jump on top of the clear pipe instead of going through it. Use a Cat Suit or spin jump to get enough height to follow the pipe when it goes upwards, and then jump to the raised section to claim the Stamp.

World 6-2: Spooky Seasick Wreck

Inside the ship, jump up to the platform that is surrounded by ghosts to get the Stamp. If you're having trouble, waiting for the tide to rise can help.

World 6-3: Hands-On Hall

Grab the Propeller Block from the area with the keys and head into the area where the three Spikes are. Follow the path of their projectiles and use the Propeller Block to jump onto the roof.

World 6-4: Deep Jungle Drift

At the start of the level, head up the chain-link fence and run across the top, making use of the trapeze to hop across, to grab the Stamp.

World 6-5: Ty-Foo Flurries

At the frozen lake with a Goomba, grab the ice skates and skate over the spikes to get the Stamp.

World 6-6: Bullet Bill Base

Pass the giant Bullet Bill after reaching the top, and run up the wall with the Cat Suit. Jump up across the floating blocks and the Stamp won't be too far off.

World 6-7: Fuzzy Time Mine

Near the start of the stage, climb up the mine and look for the first flying Dry Bones. Head into the alcove below him when a block moves out of the way and grab the Stamp.

World 6-Boss: Bowser's Bob Omb Brigade

Immediately after the third Green Star, grab a Bob-Omb from the back of the tank and jump up the gold plated tank ahead. Run past the pipe and throw the bomb at the cracked wall to discover the Stamp.

World 6: Stamp House

Take the clear pipe in the southwest section of the map that will lead you to a Stamp House.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World Castle

World Castle has nine Stamps to collect.

World Castle-1: Fort Fire Bros.

After the first Green Star, there are two fireball bars with question mark blocks between them. At the second question mark, just before the stack of Goombas, ground pound to raise a block stack to bring you to the Stamp.

World Castle-2: Switchback Ruins

In the room with the lava pit, stand on the moving platform and follow it. When it stops, don't go forward. Instead, jump to the right and grab the Stamp.

World Castle-3: Red-Hot Run

After the second Green Star, head right across the grated platforms and then a left at the first boost platform, and jump to the far left side. Run straight up the far left and jump to the Stamp.

World Castle-4: Boiling Blue Bully Bell

Pass the fairy by the binoculars and run along the rising platforms. As you run left, look for the platform with the Stamp and jump to it.

World Castle-5: Trick Trap Tower

On a cloud platform, just behind the first tower at the first Green Star.

World Castle-6: Rammerhead Reef

Right before the ramp leading to the final flag, just avoid the Rammerheads and jump into the little opening to grab the Stamp.

World Castle-7: Simmering Lava Lake

After the Checkpoint, you will find the stamp on a platform that sinks into the lava. Wait for the lava to lower and then quickly run under to get the stamp.

World Castle-Boss: Bowser's Lava Lake Keep

You'll find the Stamp behind the wall with the P switch. Hit the wall with soccer bombs to clear a path, and then wall jump over to get the stamp.

World Castle: Stamp House

Don't forget to visit the Stamp House before heading over to the next level.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World Bowser

World Bowser has ten Stamps to collect.

World Bowser-1: Spiky Spike Bridge

After exiting the second warp box, head left and avoid the spikes.

World Bowser-2: Plessie's Dune Downhill

Head between the two Bowser statues to reveal a hidden path and a Stamp.

World Bowser-3: Cookie Cogworks

In the area with the spikes coming out of a hole in the ground, there is a little area hidden underneath. Jump down to it and into the hidden pipe to find the Stamp.

World Bowser: Train the Bowser Express

Right before the second Green Star, jump on the second question mark block and ground pound it. It will take you to the top.

World Bowser-4: Footlight Lane

After the first set of cat bombs, look for the ledge that is flashing. To the right of that is an invisible blue platform and a Stamp. Jump over and claim your prize.

World Bowser-5: Deepwater Dungeon

When you reach the first set of spikes, swim up to the top left of the room to find the Stamp.

World Bowser-6: A Beam in the Dark

Choose Luigi at the start to earn this Stamp. Once you pass the first POW block, you'll see a Luigi Switch on the left. Just hop on it to claim your Stamp.

World Bowser-7: Grumblump Inferno

After the checkpoint flag, ride the Grumblimp down the slope and you'll spot the Stamp above a Hammer Bro.

World Bowser-Boss: The Great Tower of Bowser Land

At the end of the level on the top of a tree near the goal post.

World Bowser: Stamp House

Even Bowser Land has a Stamp House! Stop by for a free Stamp.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World Star

World Star has ten Stamps to collect.

World Star-1: Rainbow Run

While riding Plessie, stick to the right side of the water path and grab the Stamp between the gold rings.

World Star-2: Super Galaxy

Just past the Checkpoint, scale the platforms and look for three rotating platforms stacked on top of one another. You'll have to use the Cat Suit to climb up.

World Star-3: Rolling Ride Run

You'll need to play as Rosalina to grab this stamp. When the path splits in two, take the lower path. You can't miss the Rosalina switch.

World Star-4: The Great Goal Pole

After the first Green Star, you'll come across a Spiky Wallop defending the Stamp. Run around it and grab the Stamp.

World Star-5: Super Block Land

At the start of the stage, just before the warp box, head south toward the large Brick Blocks and use your ground pound move to reveal the Stamp.

World Star-6: Honeycomb Starway

Immediately after you grab the third Green Star, you'll see a Stamp floating on the right-hand side. Use the boomerang to reach it.

World Star-7: Gargantuan Grotto

Grab the Mega Mushroom from the first Question Mark Block at the start of the level. Once you're huge, head forward until you reach the sign pointing down. Before you destroy the blocks beneath your feet, jump up to the gray blocks above the sign and grab the Stamp.

World Star-8: Peepa's Fog Bog

Just before the Warp Box at the end of the level, make a right and jump across the bridge to find this level's Stamp.

World Star-9: Cosmic Cannon Cluster

At the end of the level on the top of a tree near the goal post.

World Star: Stamp House

There's a Stamp House in space as well! Visit it for a free Stamp.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: World Crown

World Crown has four Stamps to collect.

World Crown: Crown Champion Road

The Stamp is on the block leading to the Flagpole. You can't miss it.

World Crown-Toad: Captain Toad's Fiery Finale

Grab the Stamp floating on the cloud high above the level. Use one of the fans to boost Captain Toad up to the level.

World Crown: Stamp House

There's a Stamp house here, too. Drop by and grab a free Stamp.

World Crown: Mystery House Marathon

The Stamp is at the end of this 30 Green Star gauntlet.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World Stamps: The Final Five

Now that you've collected every Stamp, you might notice that there are still a few blanks in your collection. In order to get those final Stamps, you have to complete every level in the game as all five playable characters. That's right, 5 whole playthroughs as Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and Rosalina. Upon completion of each run, you'll unlock that character's Stamp.

While there's no easy way to get this done, you can limit your playthroughs by having friends play through the game with you. If four players play through every level from the beginning of the game, you can shave five potential playthroughs down to two. As I said, there's no easy way to get these last five, so remember everything you've learned up until this point and go for it.

All Stamps in Super Mario 3D World

That's how you find all 85 Stamps in Super Mario 3D World. It's quite a process, but it's worth the trouble if you want to show off your awesome screenshots to your friends. If you're having trouble beating some of the tougher levels in the game, don't forget to try tapping into the power of amiibo for extra bonuses.

Super Mario 3D World was an excellent game when it originally released and is sure to be one of the best games on the Switch when it launches. Featuring the multiplayer Mario chaos, a host of quality of life changes, and the brand new mode, Bowser's Fury, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is sure to impress new and old fans alike.


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