Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Apple Watch called for help after wearer was knocked off his motorcycle

What you need to know

  • An Apple Watch has helped save another life after calling emergency services following a motorcycle accident.
  • Muhammad Fitri collided with a van and was left unconscious.

The watch called emergency services and notified the rider's girlfriend.

Apple Watch has helped save another life after motorcyclist Muhammad Fitri was knocked off his bike by a van while riding. Once the Apple Watch detected the fall it notified first responders as well as his girlfriend via the fall detection feature — one of the best Apple Watch features people likely don't even know about.

According to local daily reports and Mothership, Fitri was conscious when he hit the ground — but not for long.

Local reports via machine translation:

Fitri's younger sister, Nur Fatyna (23 years old), said that when her brother told her family about the passing, he was driving forward on a motorcycle when the incident happened. A gray truck suddenly drove from his left. The car then collided in the yellow grid, and Fitri fell heavily to the ground.

"When my brother was lying on the ground, he saw the truck driver drive away from the scene with his own eyes, and then he fell into a coma."

The rider's Apple Watch then did exactly what it is designed to do by calling emergency services and providing his location. Next, it contacted his girlfriend and again showed where he was on a map. Thankfully, Fitri woke as the paramedics arrived.

Fitri's smart watch immediately activated the rescue function after detecting the unusual violent vibration. The mobile phone connected to the watch also automatically called an ambulance to the scene. At the same time, it sent text messages and phoned to notify Fitri's emergency contact, namely his Girlfriend.

Given the fact Fitri fell unconscious there is no guarantee he would have received help so quickly if it wasn't for his Apple Watch. The report certainly suggests that help wasn't at hand immediately, with the driver of the van that struck him having left the scene.

Apple Watch has saved lives before, whether it be via its fall detection feature, ECG capability, or heart rate sensor. Who knows how many people wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for their watch.


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