Monday, September 27, 2021

Jony Ive's LoveFrom signs a multi-year deal with Italian carmaker Ferrari

What you need to know

  • Exor, Ferrari, and LoveFrom have announced a new creative partnership.
  • Jony Ive co-founded LoveFrom when he left Apple in 2019.
  • The new deal is reported as a "long term, multi-year" one.

There's no telling what Ive will be working on, though.

Former Apple design chief Jony Ive will be working with Ferrari after the Italian carmaker, its parent company, and Ive's LoveFrom announced a new "creative partnership."

Announced via press release, the deal will be a "long term, multi-year collaboration with Sir Jony Ive and Marc Newson," Ferarri says.

As for what Ive and the team will work on, it isn't really clear. This is what the press release has to say — there's every chance you'll know less after reading it than you did before.

The first expression of this new partnership will bring together Ferrari's legendary performance and excellence with LoveFrom's unrivalled experience and creativity that has defined extraordinary world changing products. Beyond the collaboration with Ferrari, LoveFrom will explore a range of creative projects with Exor in the business of luxury.

LoveFrom was founded by Ive and Marc Newsom when the former left Apple in 2019 and despite claims at the time, it doesn't appear Ive and Apple have worked together since. As you'd expect, Ive and Newsom say they're "fans and admirers" of John Elkann, Chairman and Chief Executive of Exor and Chairman of Ferrari.

We have been friends with John for many years and are great admirers of his insight and vision. We are thrilled to be embarking on such an important, long term collaboration with Ferrari and more broadly Exor. As Ferrari owners and collectors, we could not be more excited about collaborating with this extraordinary company and in particular with the design team expertly led by Flavio Manzoni. We see some uniquely exciting opportunities working together which we believe will yield important and valuable work.

Who's looking forward to some funky new Ferrari iPhone 13 cases? You can bet your bottom Great British Pound — or Euro — that they'd be the best iPhone 13 cases ever made! And costly, I'd imagine.


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