Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Don't buy this Apple product this year

Someone at Apple dropped the ball and didn't know the time.

By my count, I've been covering Apple events for 12 years across various websites. At least five years ago, I came up with a rule that has never left me down:

After August 15, believe the Apple rumors.

For months, we hear various rumors about Apple's next-generation devices. Early each year, no matter the product, the rumors are all over the place. I believe the uncertainty is because leakers get confused between what's happening with this year's products and those planned for the following year and beyond. Regardless, by the time the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) finishes in June, the product rumors begin to merge — although not completely until August rolls around.

In recent weeks, and especially in the last few days, leaks about the "Apple Watch Series 7" have started lining up and sounding the same. But, unfortunately, for anyone planning on purchasing a new wearable device this year, the news isn't all that promising.

Yes, we're still getting an Apple Watch Series 7 this year, and the model will almost certainly feature a brand new design. And yet, the rumor mill says this year's Apple Watch isn't even in mass production yet because of manufacturing glitches caused by the new design. To add to the frustration, whatever new features Cupertino has planned for Apple Watch are more than likely not coming now until next year's Watch.

What's going on here?

I have no first-hand knowledge of what's happening within the Apple Watch team. However, if production issues have delayed the Apple Watch Series 7, heads are probably rolling somewhere between One Apple Park Way and China.

Does this mean the Apple Watch Series 7 announcement won't be made alongside the iPhone 13 debut it has traditionally? That's highly unlikely. However, don't be surprised if the Watch doesn't go on sale until mid-October or later, with inventory bottlenecks lasting through the holiday season.

About the new features

Then there's the issue of new Apple features. Originally, this looked to be the year Apple would finally add a blood glucose monitor to the wearable device. This game-changing tool, which has been rumored for years, would have changed how millions of diabetics, including myself, tested their blood sugar levels. Regretfully, that rumored died months ago, with many now expecting the monitor not to arrive until the 2022 Apple Watch.

And then today, The Wall Street Journal reported two new health-based features are also being worked on for Apple Watch. Both a blood pressure monitor and thermometer to help with fertility planning are apparently on the docket. Unfortunately, these two features are also not expected until next year's Apple Watch, along with improvements to the device's irregular heartbeat monitoring. In addition, future Apple Watches could also include a test for sleep apnea and provide medical guidance when it senses low blood oxygen levels. Again, not this year, but maybe next year.

Time to wait

I know you think these are only rumors. I get that, but I'm sticking with my rule that we need to believe the rumors once we get to mid-August. It's now September 1, meaning these rumors are almost certainly even more accurate.

Apple could surprise and announce a new Apple Watch in a few weeks that arrives later in the month. With its awesome new design, that wearable device might also ship with at least one new health-related feature. Though I'd like this to happen, it's more likely the this year's Watch's biggest (and only?) new feature will be its fresh look, which I'm sure will be terrific.

However, if that's the case, it might be wise for current Apple Watch owners to skip this year's model, especially those with an Apple Series 5 or Apple Series 6. Otherwise, you'll be getting more of the same and will have to make another purchase next year.

My advice: No doubt whenever it's released, the Apple Watch Series 7 will be the best Apple Watch ever created. And yet, you should either save your money for next year or put it towards this year's 12.9-inch iPad Pro, an absolutely sizzling product that's packed with new features like an M1 SoC and mini LED display.


Are you planning on purchasing an Apple Watch Series 7 regardless this year? Do you think they'll even be one? Let us know in the comments below or check out our Facebook account where we're asking these questions.


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