Saturday, September 11, 2021

Fortnite fans furious as Epic Games vows to fight on against Apple

"Absolutely disgusting how you used the Fortnite Mobile platform as leverage in your war against App Stores."

What you need to know

  • A court has ruled that Apple should change how it treats developers, letting them direct their customers to other ways to pay for in-app purchases.
  • Epic Games says it will appeal the legal rulings against it and has vowed to fight on.
  • Some fans were more than happy to let Tim Sweeney know how they felt about the situation.

Some fans of Fortnite are furious at Epic Games' plans to fight on against Apple in its App Store legal battle, and the revelation that Fortnite isn't coming back to the App Store anytime soon.

Yesterday a court ruled that Apple would no longer be allowed to stop developers from directing customers to other forms of payment outside of their apps. Whilst some developers have hailed the move as a massive win, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney certainly didn't see it that way. Epic Games has confirmed it plans to appeal the court's ruling, which favored Apple on 9 of the lawsuits 10 counts, and Tim Sweeney says the company will fight on.

Some Fortnite fans, however, are not happy with Sweeney and Epic's decision, or with his indication that Fortnite would only come back to the App Store "when and where Epic can offer in-app payment in fair competition with Apple in-app payment, passing along the savings to consumers", an argument Judge Gonzalez Roger dismissed as "deficient."

In response to Sweeney's comments, some fans (including verified creators) expressed their displeasure:

Another chimed in stating "Ratiod by the Fortnite Mobile community you left behind," and another stated, "please stop, we want Fortnite on iOS."

Not everyone was displeased though, one reply stating "Ignore the people saying they don't care and they want fortnite back on IOS! You guys at epic games are making a stand for smaller developers, and that's the only thing that matters!" Another encouraged Sweeney saying "The effort you put in this lawsuit is utterly amazing. One day Epic will achieve what they are fighting for."

It seems clear given the outcome of the lawsuit that Fortnite will not be coming back to devices like the iPhone 12 anytime soon, although this is as much because of Epic's resolve not to cave to Apple's policies as it is because Apple is preventing its return. Prior to the lawsuit verdict Friday, Apple stated that it would be happy to allow Fortnite back on the App Store provided Epic Games play by the same rules as everyone else. General Counsel for Apple Kate Adams said the company was "very pleased" with the court's ruling and said, "we consider this a huge win for Apple."


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