Thursday, February 17, 2022

Obscura 3 gets an all-new look, new camera modes, and more

What you need to know

  • Popular camera app Obscura has been updated to version 3.
  • Obscura 3 includes a whole new interface.
  • A new Apple Watch companion app is included.

There's a new look, new themes, and new Apple Watch app.

Fans of taking photos on an iPhone have a new app update to try after Obscura 3 was released to the App Store earlier today.

An update to the already popular Obscura 2, the new version 3 update brings with it improvements to the existing app as well as whole new features not to mention a companion app for your wrist. This is surely one of the best iPhone camera apps around, and it was already pretty great.

At the top of the new changes is an improved interface including new support for landscape mode when browsing your library. The library itself has changed as well — recent photos are displayed while quick access to important photo albums is also offered. Your library can also now be filtered in various ways including to hide screenshots and more.

The new camera also comes with five distinct modes designed to give people as much or as little control as they need.

  • Photo - simple, fast performance
  • Pro Photo - maximum control
  • Depth - portraits & depth data
  • Live Photo - for.. Live Photos
  • Video - video capture with pro controls

There's a lot more going on as well — new exposure controls, options for adjusting focus, and more are all present and correct and the included Apple Watch companion app allows for remote triggering of the shutter without having to touch the iPhone at all. There is so much that's new in Obscura 3 that I can't get into it all here — check it out for yourself and you'll see what I mean.

All of this and more is now available in the App Store. Obscura 3 is available for download now and is priced at $9.99. There are no in-app purchases and everything is available in that one-time cost.


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