Sunday, April 18, 2021

Monster Hunter Rise for Nintendo Switch: How to slay Great Izuchi

Here are our tips on how to slay the Great Izuchi and its malicious minions in Monster Hunter Rise.

The Great Izuchi is one of the weaker monsters you will fight in Monster Hunter Rise on Nintendo Switch. It doesn't have much health, and its hide is severely weak to all forms of weaponry. However, that doesn't mean you should underestimate the Great Izuchi.

The Great Izuchi's razor-sharp claws and tail, as well as its agility, compensate for its feeble defenses. Not to mention it can summon regular Izuchi to aid it in battle, making you regret thinking this hunt would be a cakewalk. So, let's begin our research and plan how we can take down this Bird Wyvern and its mob of miscreants.

Be sure to check out our various guides for Monster Hunter Rise once you're done. We have guides on what weapon type and armor set to choose, what monsters have been confirmed so far, and a tutorial on how to use the Wirebug.

Don't forget to grab one of the best microSD cards for your Nintendo Switch. Monster Hunter Rise will be a huge game, so make sure your console has enough space to download it.

Rise over the monsters

Monster Hunter Rise

$60 on Amazon $60 at Walmart $60 at Best Buy

Grab your friends and animal companions to hunt vicious monsters in Monster Hunter Rise for the Nintendo Switch. Confront towering beasts with over-the-top weapons, traverse beautiful locales using the Wirebug, and uncover the origins of the cataclysmic event known as 'The Rampage.'

Monster Hunter Rise Tips Guide: How to slay Great Izuchi Preparation

Before you begin looking for the Great Izuchi, grab some Potions and traps at the base camp tent. The Great Izuchi doesn't have any status effect attacks, so all you need is Potions to keep your health in good condition and traps to immobilize the Great Izuchi.

When you are out in the field, keep an eye out for endemic life because they can provide boons in the hunt. For example, Spiribirds can give a permanent boost to your stats for the whole mission, and elemental beetles can inflict a monster with an elemental status effect.

For more details, check out our list of endemic life for Monster Hunter Rise (so far) for Monster Hunter Rise.

Monster Hunter Rise Tips Guide: How to slay Great Izuchi The Hunt

You can find the Great Izuchi roaming around with its pack or, on a scarce occasion, see it grooming the regular Izuchi's fur. If it spots you, the whole Izuchi pack will immediately attack you all at once.

Great Izuchi only has a few attacks in its repertoire:

  • The Great Izuchi's main weapon is its sharp tail shaped like a scythe. It can spin it around or do an overhead slam to try to split you in two. If it performs the overhead slam attack, the tail will be stuck to the ground, providing a brief opening for you to attack.

  • Great Izuchi will sometimes spit in your face if you are far away or on a platform it can't get to. It doesn't do much damage, but it's still not a pleasant thing to experience.

  • It will rush towards you to rip and tear you to pieces with its claws.

  • In High Rank, the Great Izuchi will jump on walls to do an aerial attack.

Izuchi Pack

On its own, the Great Izuchi is not too difficult, but when its smaller brethren back it up, that's when the hunt gets complicated. The Great Izuchi will bark out commands to the regular Izuchi to perform team-up attacks to overwhelm their quarry.

The regular Izuchi themselves are relentless, constantly making small attacks that cause you to trip over. The Great Izuchi will immediately attack while you're trying to get back from the regular Izuchi's onslaught.

It's best to take out the smaller Izuchi first, so you only have the Great Izuchi to deal with. Though keep in mind, the Great Izuchi will call forth more Izuchi to replace any dead ones.


The Great Izuchi will become enraged after taking a sufficient beating. While enraged, the Great Izuchi's attacks will hit harder and faster. It can also escape from traps more quickly.

Great Izuchi will stay enraged until it calms down, is put to sleep, or becomes exhausted.


After becoming enraged enough times or being hit frequently in the head by weapons that deal stun damage, Great Izuchi will become exhausted. You will tell when the Great Izuchi is exhausted when It starts drooling and is out of breath.

The Great Izuchi's attacks will be slower; it will stay in Pitfall Traps longer and will sometimes stop attacking to catch its breath.

The Great Izuchi will stay exhausted until it becomes enraged again or regains its stamina.

Monster Hunter Rise Tips Guide: How to slay Great Izuchi Weaknesses and breakable parts

Great Izuchi has no defensive body parts; therefore, it will take full damage anywhere on its body.

You can break Great Izuchi's tail to reduce the damage it can cause. Its head can also be broken for extra material drops.

Great Izuchi is rigorously weak to fire elemental weapons.

Great Izuchi is susceptible to poison, paralysis, sleep, blastblight, elemental blights, Shock Traps, Pitfall Traps, and Flash Bombs. Great Izuchi can be KO'd using weapons that deal stun damage.

You can mount Great Izuchi after dealing enough damage with Wirebug and aerial attacks or using the Puppet Spider on it.

Monster Hunter Rise Tips Guide: How to slay Great Izuchi Materials

Here is a list of materials you can acquire from the Great Izuchi.

Low Rank

Material How to obtain
Wyvern's Tear An uncommon account item obtained by grabbing a random drop from Great Izuchi.
Great Izuchi Hide A common material obtained by breaking any body part, grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi, and carving its dead body.
Great Izuchi Pelt A common material obtained by breaking any body part, grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi, and carving its dead body.
Great Izuchi Tail A rare material that can only be obtained by breaking Great Izuchi's tail.
Screamer Sac A uncommon material obtained by grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi and carving its dead body.
Monster Bone S A common material that is obtained from slaying small monsters.

You can also carve Izuchi Tails, Sharp Claws, and Izuchi Hides from the regular Izuchi.

High Rank

Material How to obtain
Wyvern's Tear An uncommon account item obtained by grabbing a random drop from Great Izuchi.
Large Wyvern's Tear A rare account item obtained by grabbing a random drop from Great Izuchi.
Great Izuchi Hide+ A common material obtained by breaking any body part, grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi, and carving its dead body.
Great Izuchi Pelt+ A common material obtained by breaking any body part, grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi, and carving its dead body.
Great Izuchi Tail+ A rare material that can only be obtained by breaking Great Izuchi's tail.
Screamer Sac A uncommon material obtained by grabbing random material drops from Great Izuchi and carving its dead body.
Monster Bone+ A common material that is obtained from slaying small monsters in High Rank.
Bird Wyvern Gem A very rare material is obtained from slaying BIrd Wyverns.

Ready to slay the Great Izuchi?

Now you know what to expect, you are ready to take on this pack of scythe-wielding Bird Wyverns. We hope this guide helps you slay the Great Izuchi. Good luck and happy hunting.

Rise over the monsters

Monster Hunter Rise

$60 on Amazon $60 at Walmart $60 at Best Buy

Grab your friends and animal companions to hunt vicious monsters in Monster Hunter Rise for the Nintendo Switch. Confront towering beasts with over-the-top weapons, traverse beautiful locales using the Wirebug, and uncover the origins of the cataclysmic event known as 'The Rampage.'


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