Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How to take on Mega Ampharos in Pokémon Go

Mega Ampharos has found its way into Pokémon Go!

Mega Evolution has come to Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids. Mega Ampharos is coming back to Mega Raids soon, and we here at iMore know everything you need to know to beat this Mega Raid and get your own Mega Ampharos. Also be sure to check out our Best Pokémon Go Accessories, so you can be fully equipped for your Pokémon Journey!

Who is Mega Ampharos in Pokémon Go?

Originally discovered in the Johto region of Gen II, Ampharos is an Electric type that doesn't much resemble the sheep-like Mareep and Flaaffy it evolves from. However, when it Mega Evolves, Mega Ampharos regains some of its fluff. In addition to a fluffy mane and tail, Mega Ampharos also gains a Dragon typing, making it one of only three Pokémon with Electric and Dragon typing.

In terms of Pokémon Go, Mega Ampharos is somewhat of a letdown so far. It has a single Dragon type Legacy move, putting its performance well behind that of Mega Charizard X. As for its Electric typing, Mega Manectric outperforms it in many cases. Still, there is always the potential for new moves, so I wouldn't count Mega Ampharos out just yet.

What are the best counters for Mega Ampharos in Pokémon Go?

As an Electric and Dragon type, Mega Ampharos is weak to Ground, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type attacks, and resists Flying, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, and Electric type attacks. It is capable of dealing Electric, Rock, and Fighting type damage. As it lacks any Dragon type moves, your best bet is to focus on Dragon type counters.


The best non-Shadow counter for Mega Ampharos is Garchomp, a Dragon and Ground type pseudo-Legendary from Gen IV. Its first stage, Gible has been featured in eggs, and raids, not to mention a Community Day, so most active players have at least one or two already powered up. As a Dragon and Ground type, Garchomp resists Mega Ampharos' Electric and Rock type attacks, and brings no relevant weaknesses to this fight. Dragon Tail and Outrage is the moveset you'll want your Garchomp to know, but if your Garchomp knows Earth Power don't TM this move away! This Legacy move also works well here and will require an Elite TM to get back.


No list of Dragon type counters would be complete without the king of Dragons itself, Rayquaza. A Flying and Dragon type, Rayquaza resists Mega Ampharos' Fighting type attacks, but takes super effective damage from its Rock type attack. Having been featured in a number of events and Raids, most players have at least one or two already powered up for this fight. If you're bringing Rayquaza to this Mega Raid, you'll want Dragon Tail for its fast move and Outrage for its charged attack.


Originally discovered in the Unova Region of Gen V, Haxorus is the final evolution of Axew. Axew is quite uncommon in Pokémon Go and so many players still don't have a good Haxorus already powered up. As a pure Dragon type, Haxorus resists Mega Ampharos' Electric type attacks and brings no relevant weaknesses to this Raid. Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw is the moveset you'll want your Haxorus to know for this Mega Raid.


The Legendary mascot of Pokémon White, Zekrom performs very well in this Raid. As the only other Dragon and Electric type in Pokémon Go, Zekrom takes quarter damage from Electric type attacks and brings no relevant weaknesses to this fight. Zekrom's only had two runs in raids, so you may not have the necessary Candy to power it up. Still, if you have it, you'll want your Zekrom to know Dragon Breath and Outrage for this Mega Raid.


The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Shining Pearl, Palkia performs quite well in this Raid. As a Water and Dragon type, it has no relevant weaknesses or resistances for this Mega Raid, and with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor, it can deal super effective damage against Mega Ampharos. It's only had a couple runs in raids, but if you have one powered up, it will serve you well in this fight.


Another pseudo-Legendary Dragon, Salamence is the final evolution of Gen III's Bagon. As Bagon has been featured in eggs, raids, several events, including a Community Day, and even as a Shadow Pokémon, most players have at least a couple Salamence already powered up. As a Dragon and Flying type, Salamence takes half damage from Fighting and double damage from Rock. Dragon Tail and Outrage are the moves you'll want your Salamence to know for this Mega Raid.


The Gen I pseudo-Legendary, Dragonite is a great choice for this Mega Raid. Having been around since the beginning of Pokémon Go, featured in a number of events, including a Community Day, in Special Research, and even as a Shadow Pokémon, there is just no good reason not to have an entire team of Dragonite already powered up. As a Dragon and Flying type, it resists Fighting, while taking double damage from Rock. Dragon Tail and Outrage are the ideal moveset for this Raid, but Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, or Draco Meteor could all work well if you don't have the TMs to spare.


The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Ruby, Groudon performs well in this raid. As a pure Ground type, it resists Electric and Rock type damage, while having no weaknesses Mega Ampharos can exploit. It's also been available so many times, in so many ways, that most active players have at least one already powered up. If you are bringing Groudon to this raid, you'll want Dragon Tail and Earthquake for its moveset.


Another Legendary on the list, Latios was originally discovered in the Hoenn region of Gen III. This Legendary Pokémon has been available several times over, so most Trainers have plenty of Candy to power it up. As a Dragon and Psychic type, Latios resists both Fighting and Electric type attacks and has no weaknesses Mega Ampharos can exploit. Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw are the ideal moveset for this fight.

Mega Charizard X

The only Mega Evolved Pokémon to make the top counters is Mega Charizard X. This Mega Pokémon isn't necessary by any means to do well in this raid, but it will provide a Mega Boost to other Dragon types on the field. Fortunately, most of the recommended counters are Dragon types, so you won't need to worry about coordinating with the rest of your raid party. It's a Fire and Dragon type, so it resists Electric type damage, but takes increased damage from Rock type moves. Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw are the moves you'll want your Mega Charizard X to know for this fight.


Another excellent counter for Mega Ampharos is the Sinnoh Stone evolution of Gen II's Swinub, Mamoswine. This Ground and Ice type resists Electric type damage, but takes increased damage from Fighting type moves. Mamoswine has been featured in a number of events, including Community Day, so most active players have had the chance to add it to their roster. Mud-Slap is the fast move you'll want and Avalanche is the charged move.

Landorus (Therian forme)

One of the Forces of Nature of Gen V, Landorus is a great counter for Mega Ampharos, but specifically the Therian forme Landorus. Landorus is a Ground and Flying type, so it resists both Electric and Fighting type damage. Its Therian forme hasn't been available as often as the Incarnate forme, but they use the same Candy. If you're bringing Landorus to this fight, you'll want it to know Mud Shot and Earthquake.


The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Black, Reshiram is our last top counter to Mega Ampharos. Reshiram has only had one run in Raids and that was during a global pandemic, so many players don't even have one, much less the Candy to power it up. Still, if you have Reshiram, this Dragon and Fire type resists Electric type attacks, but takes double damage from Rock. Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor are the moves you'll want your Reshiram to know for this fight.

Back ups?

Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:

  • Landorus (Incarnate forme) with Mud Shot and Earth Power
  • Rhyperior with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
  • Excadrill with Mud-Slap and Drill Run
  • Dialga with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
  • Zacian (Hero of Many Battles forme) with Quick Attack and Play Rough
  • Giratina (Origin forme) with Dragon Tail and Dragon Pulse
  • Kyurem with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
  • Latias with Dragon Breath and Outrage
  • Golurk with Mud-Slap and Earth Power
  • Mega Gyarados with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang and Avalanche
  • Alolan Exeggutor with Dragon Tail and Dragon Pulse
  • Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Ice Beam
  • Goodra with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
  • Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Dazzling Gleam
  • Hydreigon with Dragon Breath and Dragon Pulse
  • Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Dragon Pulse
  • Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Flygon with Dragon Tail and Earth Power
  • Donphan with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
  • Glaceon with Frost Breath and Avalanche

Shadow Pokémon?

The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:

  • Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Shadow Mamoswine with Mud-Slap and Avalanche
  • Shadow Mewtwo with Confusion and Ice Beam
  • Shadow Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Shadow Flygon with Dragon Tail and Earth Power
  • Shadow Granbull with Charm and Play Rough
  • Shadow Swampert with Mud Shot and Earthquake

Note: Shadow Dragonite, Shadow Salamence, and Shadow Mamoswine outperform every other Pokémon in the best counters list. Although Mega Evolved Pokémon aren't especially important in this fight, if you happen to have a Mega Charizard X on the field, it will boost other Dragon types, making them perform even better.

How many players does it take to beat Mega Ampharos in Pokémon Go?

While two top level players with the best counters can technically beat Mega Ampharos, it is an extremely difficult Raid to duo. Additionally, the faster you can complete the battle, the more Mega Energy you will be rewarded with, so I recommend tackling any Mega Raid with as many players as you can safely gather. However, if you cannot safely coordinate with other players, you should be able to win with four Trainers.

Weather conditions that can impact this Raid include:

  • Rain will boost Mega Ampharos's Electric type attacks.
  • Cloudy Weather will boost its Fighting type attacks and your Fairy type counters.
  • Partly Cloudy Weather will boost its Rock type attacks.
  • Wind will boost your Dragon type counters.
  • Snow will boost your Ice type counters.
  • Sunny/Clear Weather will boost your Ground type counters.

Questions about taking on Mega Ampharos in Pokémon Go?

Do you have any questions about taking on this Mega Raid? Got any tips for your fellow Trainers? Drop them in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, so you can be the very best like no one every was!


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