Monday, December 6, 2021

Celebrate the 'Year on TikTok 2021' with memes and more memes

What you need to know

  • Video social network TikTok has shared a ton of data about the year that was 2021.
  • Stats on popular content and big winners have been shared in a Newsroom post.

Across the United States, creators inspired others to open a new book, chomp on hot chicken, and treat themselves to a "Bones Day."

2021 saw TikTok become even more popular than it already was and now the video-based social network has shared details on the big winners of the year, including which accounts grew the most.

In a lengthy Newsroom post, TikTok shared details of how its users impacted people across the United States.

This year, our global community discovered new ways to express creativity, championed the teams and the causes they care about, and found new favorites - from recipes to new music trends and genres. Across the United States, creators inspired others to open a new book, chomp on hot chicken, and treat themselves to a "Bones Day."


Join us as we celebrate the trends, moments and movements that made 2021-of-a-kind. Thank you for being part of the #YearOnTikTok !

♬ Year On TikTok 2021 - TikTok

Stats include the most-watched videos from across the United States and around the world, with @totouchanemu - Drone Dancing coming out in the top spot on both lists. Other information included the most-used songs as well as what TikTok calls "breakthrough stars," including none other than Taylor Swift. You might have heard of her.

Taylor Swift, @taylorswift: Taylor joined TikTok in August with videos that aren't just of her cat, and reintroduced us to music we know all too well (Taylor's version).

The full Newsroom post is well worth checking out if you're interested in learning what's done well on TikTok over the last year. How many of those top videos have popped up on your For You page?

TikTok has undoubtedly become one of the world's best iPhone apps for losing time. Now we know exactly what we've been watching while doing it.


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